part 1

Player Girlfriend

Her heart was very restless, more than other people who have purchased a few numbers to get a win of the horse race and some money from it.

She tried to raise his height in a sitting position to observe preparations on riding court, 'Why not immediately begin?' she said in a weak. She lowered her back then, "Please let me go later with victory " in a low voice she prayed to be spared from further misfortune on that day.

Fuuhh .. She threw her disappointment from the bench, "Seems it still much longer will be started  .." She muttered as getting bitter reality.


It's been almost a dozen times Minhyun walking back and forth at the same place with his face bowed sluggish while holding a piece of paper in his hands. He chided his brain ignorance, should he not too overjoyed to forget important questions regarding flight schedules of his close friend who will return to Seoul.

Haiisssshhh ...-Pabo! Pabo! - Minhyun knocked his head with one of his free hand.

He tilted his head, trying to find a moment to think of freshness. Should he go back to the office to finish the job, because it may be his best friend was actually going back tomorrow? And he could prepare himself better for the coming of his best friend on tomorrow.

Minhyun has finally decided, he drew little bit of his suits with both hands then walked away from where he had to wait for several hours.


A namja stopped dragging his suitcase. He looked down then took a piece of paper was trampled by his shoes.

He was a little fix crumpled paper that had a mark of his shoes on paper in his hand.

He was very upset at not finding his friend and instead found a paper owned by his friend that should be used to pick him when he first came out of migration place.

"What he had to pick my twin and take it home? "He squeezed  the paper belongs to someone who has made him dizzy when he firstly stepped back in Korea.

He returned to walk by dragging his suitcase while contacting someone.

"Hey-did you become forgetful now!" Said namja with black sunglasses.

"Are you already?" Minhyun shocked and immediately stopped his steps to approach his car in the parking area.

"I've been there and waited for several hours. I thought you were going to come tomorrow. Because I forgot to ask about your flight. "Minhyun tried to defend himself.

He sighed hardly at his friend reply. He pulled his suitcase to place in his right side, he has stopped his walk to answer his chingu with exasperation, "Why I told you yesterday if I would back on tomorrow? "

"Haa-haa-.., maybe you want me to prepare for your coming."  Minhyun tried to answere in his best although he wasn't sure for that. He even felt strange when he said so that he scratched  his back head wasn't itchy.

"Then why you come here if you think I'm not back today?"

"Ah ~ you're right ~ ~" Minhyun said weakly as he agreed with his best friend.

"You wait for me there! I'll soon come " Minhyun turned off his phone later and immediately ran into the airport entrance.


Minhyun paused in front of his friend, he came over while giving his sweet smile.

Yunho gave his suitcase on Minhyun then left him.

Minhyun had widened his eyes for a moment when Yunho just left his suitcase.  But he did not want to complain to his close friend who had just returned. He dragged Yunho's big suitcase then align his steps with Yunho.

"I'm going back to my home."

Minhyun interrupted conversation, he looked at Yunho seriously as he asked what Yunho meant before, "Why you not go to Siwon hyung home?"

Yunho has been accelerating pace and did not answer anything for Minhyun.


Minhyun must trot so he could to chase Yunho. However they will only go up with same car to leave the airport where they are .

"Yunho, do not you tell him you come?" Asked Minhyun to stop Yunho would to open his car door handle.

Both of them looked at each other. Yunho sighted his friend's eyes, "For a year I used to live alone. I think that way would be more comfortable for me. "

Minhyun did small nods to hear.

"Give me your keys." asked Yunho.

Minhyun threw it. Yunho caught then opened the car door for himself.

Minhyun was again bothering Yunho. His hand wasn't stop to knock his car's winshiled for several times until Yunho had rolled down to see him without opening Minhyun's car door.

"What else? " Yunho only checked his friend would he wanted by leaning from his seat.

"Open the door. I also had to sit inside " reminded Minhyun.

"Who said if you're going home with me. Take my suitcase with you to my home. " commanded Yunho.


Yunho pulled himself back and made Minhyung being disregarded.

"YA! ! YOU! - I'm not bring anything to pick you up as I was in hurry remembered you will come today. " Minhyun insisted on opening the car door that caution uproar, " Quick Open the door! "

Yunho was a deaf at that time. He made comfortable for himself on seat then kicked the gas pedal to leave.

CHAhh! ! - Minhyun put his hands on hips as he grunt to see Yunho rushed his car away from the airport.

"! - He is much more annoying than a year ago. "



Sry, I know these was too short. But hopefully 'chingu-deul will stay pattienly to wait for updating.

I will never getting bored to ask you all to leave any comment. Thank for reading ^ ^

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Noonanomuyeopo #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^