Part 3

Coffee Shop

I sat in the shop, staring out the window from our table. Seeing you again had brought up so many memories, so many little things. I looked down at my cup and ran my fingers around the rim of the lid, letting them wash over me.


I recalled the mornings we had spent here. We came here a lot in the winter. You said you needed a warm drink for the trip to work. I liked seeing your cheeks pink from the cold so I agreed to come with you. Seeing you bundled up was the cutest thing. Your brightly colored gloves and scarf stood out from the crowd, but it was like you to be that way.

One Sunday we had gone out while the snow was falling. We played around like kids and every sad or frustrating thing slipped from our minds. You hit me in the back of the head with a snowball, and I chased you around, eventually tackling you into the snow.

You didn’t like the cold, but you liked the snow. You looked like a snow fairy, glistening with the snow in your hair and your pink cheeks. You clung onto my arm, trying to stay warm. It made me feel like your protector. I was sad when the warm weather came and you didn’t do that as much.


The owner brought over a few snacks and smiled at me. She was a sweet old lady. She had always been easy to talk to, and today was no different. It’s funny how she seemed to know more about us than I did. I wonder if it’s that way for you too.


Our first, and only, Valentine’s day together was spent here. I was busy with promotions and I didn’t have enough time to take you out on a really nice date. Instead, we had come here. They had little heart shaped cookies and the shop had been decorated. You said it looked like a postcard.

You were patient with me that day, understanding. You knew I hadn’t slept much the past few weeks and that I was already going to barely be on time to my next schedule so that I could see you. But you made the short time we had together special. The way you smiled at me recharged me. I felt like I could get through anything life threw at me as long as you kept looking at me like that.

When I got home that night, I saw a small bear and a box of chocolates on my bedside table. You told me you didn’t really understand why only girls gave boys chocolate on Valentine’s day, that it should be both ways, as it was in your country. But you still got them for me. That meant more to me than I could ever express to you.


All the memories whirled through my brain and I stood. I walked to the counter to pay. The owner smiled at me.

"I heard you boys have been doing well. Very popular nowadays." I smiled and nodded.

"It’s been a long time since our debut, but it feels good." I looked at her eyes and I wondered how many couples like us she had seen in and out of her shop.

"You deserve it. You deserve to be happy, Seungho-ssi. You’re a very nice young man. How many are you paying for this time?"


My mind went to our most recent memory here. You met me not long ago. You were just as beautiful as you had always been. You were still the same person.

The same girl I had met here for our first date. The same girl that took my breath away after our first kiss. The same girl I fell in love with. The same girl that I had wanted to spend my life with.


"Just the one. It’ll be the last."




A/N: Just as with part 2, people were begging for another chapter to this. I know a lot of people wanted a happy ending, but this felt true to the story. 

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 3: Then so a sequel from her perspective. AND INCLUDE WHY HE STOPPED PAYING THIS TIME!
Chapter 3: I love it....
its daebak...
Chapter 3: My heart aches T.T but it's a really good story
SeungHodaebak #4
Chapter 3: nicely written.
I didn't leave comment on the first chapter nor subscribe.
I love the ending.
Just leave it like that :))
RyanHiga #5
Chapter 2: I got teary eyed, you're an excellent writer! Really enjoyed reading this :)