Part 2

Coffee Shop

A/N: I made a deal with a follower that really wanted another part to this story, so as I agreed to, here is part 2 of Coffee Shop. I listened to the same song while writing this as I did the first, so I hope the feel is the same. You can pull it up again here

Let me know what you guys think of this sequel :)


I walked back into the coffee shop. It had been nearly 4 months since I had last been here. Because of the time of day, it was empty except for the owner. I went up to the counter and ordered my usual. She smiled at me.

“Welcome home, Seungho-ssi.” Home. This place was definitely home. More of a home than anything else was. Because home is wherever you are.

“This is for you.” I turned to her expecting my drink, but instead, she handed me a napkin with writing on it. I looked down at it. I would recognize your handwriting anywhere.

“Oppa, I know it will be awhile before you get this, but I needed to write it while I had the courage. You should stop doing this now and move on with your life. It only hurts both of us to be like this.”

My heart broke. I couldn’t stop. Maybe to some people it was simply paying for your coffee, but to me, it was the last thread still connecting me to you. I couldn’t lose that. I pulled a pen out of my pocket and wrote a simple note back to you and handed it to the owner. She gave it a small smile and shook her head.

“You two will never learn, will you? Both still in love, yet unable to let go of the past.” I wasn’t sure what she meant, but she agreed to give it back to you. That was enough for me. 


When I was able to return two weeks later, she gave me a note back. I smiled a little your response. You hadn’t changed and that made me smile. Even if they were just little notes like this, talking to you again made my heart feel lighter than it had in over a year. I finally had a chance to see you again.


As I sat at our table waiting for you, I recalled more of our memories. I remembered once when we had gone to the zoo and you were terrified of the snakes. I remembered when we went on a picnic and it started to rain so we finished it inside your apartment. I could see all the happy moments of our relationship shining brightly. I had missed us more than I could say.

But I still feared slipping back into old patterns. Memories of your face when I turned your down for dates forced their way in. The emptiness that would fill your eyes was heart wrenching. I pulled out my necklace again and ran my fingers over our rings while staring at them. Out of curiosity, I slide mine onto my finger. It was still a perfect fit. I wondered if yours was the same. I promised myself that if you gave me a second chance, that I would do things differently this time.

When you asked me to go out and do things with you, I would do them. But more than that, I would ask you to go out and do things with me. Because now I know what its like to be without you. I would make time for you, even if I were tired. I wouldn’t let work get in the way of us. I would make sure you knew you were my number one, because you have been, even while we were apart. I would buy us a new set of couple rings, because while I love these ones, you deserve a nicer set that comes with a renewed promise of love.

I slide the ring off but continued to play with them, until I heard the chime of the door opening. My back was to it, but as the footsteps got closer to me, I could smell your perfume. You still wore the same one and the familiar scent flooded my mind. You sat down in front of me. You were wearing the same dress you had worn on our first date. Did you know? Did you plan it? You gave me a shy smile, your guard was up. But you were just as beautiful as you had been on our first date.

“Hello, Oppa.”

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 3: Then so a sequel from her perspective. AND INCLUDE WHY HE STOPPED PAYING THIS TIME!
Chapter 3: I love it....
its daebak...
Chapter 3: My heart aches T.T but it's a really good story
SeungHodaebak #4
Chapter 3: nicely written.
I didn't leave comment on the first chapter nor subscribe.
I love the ending.
Just leave it like that :))
RyanHiga #5
Chapter 2: I got teary eyed, you're an excellent writer! Really enjoyed reading this :)