Just D.O It Part 6

Just D.O It! Intro!

“This is unavoidable love.” Baekhyun said in his mind as he lay on their bed wide awake. The sun was barely shining through the window. It was early, too early. Baek's mind was flashing with thoughts, he couldn't get his mind off Kyungsoo. He didn't want to worry about Chanyeol. “I want to be honest with Chanyeol.” He thought, closing his eyes and taking in the bedroom air. The smell of air freshener and breakfast. He looked to his side, D.O wasn't there. He smiled, knowing that his D.O was cooking. “The best cook in Seoul.” Baek thought, laughing in his head. He lay there, staring at the ceiling as if the ceiling was a ocean of stars.


There was a knock and then the door burst open. “Have you seen Chanyeol?” Sehun asked, with Suho and Kai behind him. Baekhyun blinked several times as he stared at them with a blank face. “Um..nuh...nuh no.” Baek stuttered. He got up with a look of confusion. “What happened?” Baek asked looking at them, noticing the look of worry on all their faces. “He wasn't in his room or anywhere in the dorm. He just got up and left.” Sehun said. “Did you check the park?” Baek asked, grabbing some clothes to go outside. The members looked at each other and started to head out, leaving Baek to change.


The chilling air shook the members as they walked outside onto the sidewalk. They all had jackets on, all different colors, like walking rainbows. “Why does it have to be so cold.” Sehun Pouted. The park wasn't too far away, but far enough to make the walk feel like forever. The sun was covered by clouds and mist. The pavement was wet from a earlier rain. Each of the member's breath floated through the air and faded into nothingness. “good thing there aren't any fangirls around the corner.” Kai joked. It was too cold to laugh as their bodies struggled to stay warm. The park was finally in sight.


They entered the park, no one was in sight, no surprise to any of the members. At the far side of the park there was a bench, sitting on the bench was a figure that was too far away to identify. Baek began to run towards the bench, surprising the other members as they just stopped and watched him fly through the chilling air. Baekhyun gasped for air as he ran, the air freezing his throat. He stumbled, almost falling. “Chanyeol!” Baek yelled, breathless. The figure's head lifted showing that it was in fact Chanyeol. His face was red with frozen tears under his eyes. Once Baek reached Chanyeol, he took off his jacket, throwing it onto Chanyeol, breathing heavy and causing a cloud of steam. Baek sat by him and collected his thoughts, as well as his breath.


The other members stayed where they were, not wanting to worsen the situation, but D.O slowly walked towards the bench. “D.O, you should stay here.” Suho suggested, as their eyes locked with worry. D.O turned and started walking again, ignoring the suggestion.


Baek sat by Chanyeol in silence, shivering and staying close to him to feel at least a little amount of warmth. Chanyeol's breaths were heavy as if he was trying to cry, but couldn't. Baek let out a sigh. “Chanyeol let's get you home before you die.” Baek stuttered. Baek stood up and grabbed Chanyeol, struggling to help him up. “We will talk once your out of this burdening cold.” Baek said as they slowly walked with Chanyeol towards the other members.


The members rushed to Baek's aid, all removing their jackets and putting them on top of Chanyeol. D.O went over to the other side of Chanyeol, helping Chanyeol walk. “What were you thinking?” Sehun said, shivering and huddling close to Chanyeol. They tried to create a ball of warmth, knowing it was going to be a long walk and now a even longer one.

Chanyeol's cries began as they walked, cries of apology, cries of a broken heart, cries of a nightmare awakening. The members slowly started to become sad themselves, Suho wiping tears from his face. Baek's eyes were focused, focused on getting Chanyeol home. He held his tears, this was not the time to cry. Thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning as they walked, thoughts he wanted to throw away, thoughts of Chanyeol dieing, dieing over him.


Chanyeol was struggling to stay conscious. “Don't worry, we are almost there.” Suho sniffled. The dorms were a few yards away. Relief was beginning to pass through them all, knowing that the struggle was soon to be over. They slowly crossed the road over to the Dorm. They were just barely off the road when the sound of screeching tires flooded their ears. A van barely missed the members, causing them to collapse onto the sidewalk. They struggled to help each other up. They were soaked, causing them to yell in panic. Baek and D.O struggled to pick Chanyeol up off the sidewalk, he was a dead, soaked weight. “Help!” D.O screamed, noticing his chin was slightly cut. The other members jumped, and helped Chanyeol up and got him into the Dorm.


Three of the members limped into the living room, collapsing onto the floor with exhaustion. Baekhyun and D.O carried Chanyeol to his room. “Are you Okay?” Baek asked D.O. D.O rubbed his chin and frowned. “I think so, this better not leave a scar.” D.O mumbled and headed to their bedroom. Baek sat beside Chanyeol, who was asleep. Baek's face turned red as emotion overwhelmed him, tears and sweat fell onto the bed. His hair soaked by rain, his skin cold. “Why must you hurt yourself like this? Were you trying to kill yourself?” Baek cried, tapping Chanyeol's leg. “I'm not worth your life, you have some much talent, don't waste it.” Baek took deep breaths to try to calm himself. “Why can't we just be friends, aren't we close enough?” Baek took Chanyeol's cold hand and slowly leaned over, kissing Chanyeol on the cheek. Baek stood up and walked towards the door and turned his head to Chanyeol. “Please don't run away like that again.” Baek said softly and walked out of the room.


The members were all in their rooms trying to warm themselves up, but D.O was in the kitchen. “What are you cooking master chef?” Baek joked. D.O turned to Baekhyun as he stirred the contents in the pot. “I'm making a soup for all of us. Can you get me a couple eggs?” D.O asked. Baek nodded and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a couple eggs and handing them one by one as D.O added them to the soup. D.O stirred and then grabbed a bowl, filling it with some soup. He then handed it to Baek slowly. “Give this to Chanyeol, it will make him feel better.” D.O said with a smile. Baek looked at D.O with a smile and Nodded.


The other members were called to the kitchen as Baek gave the soup to sleeping Chanyeol. The members came with new clothes, got their soup and sat by the table. Suho looked at the soup and then at D.O. “Is Chanyeol okay?” Suho asked. D.O eyes widened as he nodded yes. “Is the soup okay?” D.O asked as he poured himself a bowl. All the other members said yes at the same time, causing D.O to jump and then smile.


Baek returned and sat by the table. “So, How is Chanyeol?” Suho asked, taking another spoon full of soup. Baek sighed and looked at all the members and then kept his eyes towards D.O. “He will be okay, he needs to rest, he is coughing pretty bad. We should inform the manager.” Baek said, now staring at his soup. Suho smiled slightly. “I already called him, he will get Chanyeol to a doctor tomorrow. You should eat up, we don't need our lead vocalist sick too.” Suho said, finishing his soup. Baek couldn't get himself to eat, he just stared at it like it would be absorbed through his eyes. “I can't eat, I lost my appetite. Sorry D.O.” Baek said softly. D.O gave Baek a looked of concern as he ate, trying not be a noisy eater as the members sat in silence.


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Chapter 7: Huhuhu..jst make it a or someone else in da band seduce channie away from baeksoo
Chapter 7: errr..chappie 7 is the same as chappie 6..
Chapter 6: aiguu...channie..u r making baekkie n kyunggie feel guilty now..poor thing..hope dat everything will b alright soon
Chapter 4: poor channie...*sighs* i wouldn't mind if it became a ..but eventually channie would b da odd one out btwn baeksoo n he will b hurt even more too..i hope he will b okay..
Chapter 3: new reader...poor channie..but i guess it happens...only prob is..will channie b able to move on n let go?? update soon k