chapter 9


Sehun sat across from Baekhyun, arms folded and legs crossed. Even sitting like that, in such a slouchy position, he was able to scowl down at Baekhyun. It wasn’t even a regular scowl. It was a scowl of judgment.

Baekhyun didn’t even bother with his notebook this time. “Mr. Oh Sehun. I’ve been looking forward to this interview, quite a bit. See, your name keeps popping up. Not much, at first, but more and more lately. I’m curious, now, about you. I’m so curious.”

Sehun didn’t move a muscle.

“What was your opinion of Prince Kai?”

No reaction.

“I hear he spent a lot of time with Miss Luhan. You didn’t like that much, did you?”


“But I’ve heard from other sources you yourself spent a lot of time with Prince Kai as well. In private.”

Still nothing.

God damn brat. Break already.

“You were with Miss Luhan after dinner last night, correct? In The Lounge?”

Sehun blinked. One, slow, bored blink.

“Miss Luhan said you left at one point, and when you came back there was blood all over your dumb green coat and even dumber green hair.”

Sehun sighed. A bored sigh.

“Miss Luhan also said Kai was better in bed than you.”

Sehun rolled his eyes.

I’m going to kick you in the head you ing brat.

That was when Chanyeol came in.

“Sorry to interrupt.” he said, glancing sheepishly from Sehun to Baekhyun, “But I found something you might want to see.”

“Stay here.” Baekhyun snapped at Sehun, who had no reaction whatsoever.

Chanyeol led Baekhyun down The Hall. They stopped at the room opposite The Study, which Baekhyun had yet to investigate. Chanyeol opened the door. Inside were several settees, a glass coffee table, and a whack of burned out candles.

“The Lounge.” Baekhyun murmured to himself, then sceptically to his partner, “Why were you in here? Was the colonel giving you another tour?”

Chanyeol flushed a little, “No. I got lost trying to find The Ballroom-”

“Are you kidding me, Chanyeol?!”

“-and decided to explore. And before you get really mad, look! I actually found a clue!” 

Chanyeol brought Baekhyun over to a small bar in the corner of the room. On the counter of the bar were two wine glasses. One had purple liquid of some kind in it, as well as little black dots at the bottom of the glass. The other had been knocked over, staining the counter with brown liquid and similar black dots.

“Bubble tea.” Chanyeol said, “And look- they both have dirty spots on the rim where someone drank out of them. Whoever it was must have knocked over this glass.”

Baekhyun frowned at the drinks a moment, then said, “Can you test these for me? The materials you’ll need are in my bags.”

“Yeah, ok. But test them for what?”

“Seriously, Chanyeol? This is a murder investigation. I want you to check them for ing poison. What else.”

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Chapter 14: Pshhhhh I died so many times
Kai has like so many lives but in the end this happens hands down this is my favorite crack fix now
choiandlee #2
Chapter 14: The plot twist in the end tho. Lmao thanks i laughed so hard. I really love baekhyun here. He really got no time for bullshiy. And dumb chanyeol is so entertaining. Afterall they are all kind of silly. I dont feel sorry at all when kai was killed lol
950417 #3
Chapter 14: This story was absolutely fantastic it honestly deserves to be featured like... Seriously i laughed so damn hard. Thanks so much!
950417 #4
Chapter 1: Omg im so excited for this! I LOVE clue I've seen the movie like 5 times l m a o and it's my favorite game as well! this is gonna be a blast!! Thanks for writing this story!!
kaifan_88 #5
Chapter 14: Hahahaha. Wwwwwoooowwwww!!!!!
Chapter 14: I've read this once and I'm reading it again and I freaking forgot how it ended omfg xD
this is the third time i read this. needless to say, THIS FIC DESERVES A FREAKING FEATURE. THIS CONTAINS nONE BUT PURE AWESOMENESS.
Chapter 14: so prince kai was accidently killed.. i knew it *snaps finger*
that was unexpected and amazing!
"happy murdering and good day." hahaha.. XD
what kind of detective he was? a good detective shouldn't have said that lol
Chapter 14: This was so cool and hilarious and awesome that I can't even XD I love this story!