chapter 13



After learning the cause of death, Baekhyun had an epiphany about what happened to Kai. It was like he could actually see the events that culminated in Kai’s death the night before.

Still, he needed to verify a few things. He’d sent Chanyeol out on a couple of jobs, while he himself retrieved Chen’s experiment equipment. He got the Professor to show him exactly how it was set up the night before, then asked Chen to leave so he could conduct a few experiments of his own.

By the time Baekhyun had finished everyone was getting ready for dinner. Surprisingly, none of the guests seemed uneasy about eating in the same room where they thought a murder had been committed.

Kyungsoo had just finished bringing around martinis for everyone when Baekhyun and Chanyeol entered The Dining Room.

“Can you go get Xiumin?” Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo, “Everyone should be here.”

Kyungsoo nodded and disappeared back in The Kitchen. Meanwhile, Kris had half risen out of his chair, “Have you figured it out?”

“Of course.” Baekhyun motioned for Kris to sit back down, then went over and tapped Lay on the shoulder, “Mind taking Kai’s old seat? I feel like I should be at the head of the table for this.”

Lay blinked up at Baekhyun a moment, then slowly moved chairs. Baekhyun settled in, ignoring Kris’s scowl at the other end of the table.

After a moment of awkward silence, Suho said to Baekhyun, “Someone should go get your friend a chair.” 

“What? Oh, Chanyeol. Nah, he’s fine just standing there. See? He’s still smiling.”

“Would you like my chair?” Tao offered.

Chanyeol started to answer but Baekhyun cut him off, “No need to do that. He likes standing. Don’t you, Chanyeol?”

For a second Chanyeol looked like he actually might stop smiling as he stared at Baekhyun. Instead, he refocused on Tao and nodded happily.

Kyungsoo came back with Xiumin then, along with two extra drinks for Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“Thank you.” Baekhyun said to Kyungsoo as he laid the drinks down. Clapping his hands together, Baekhyun addressed the whole table, “Now that everyone’s here, why don’t we get started?”

“So did you figure out who killed Kai?” Kris demanded.

Baekhyun waved a finger at him, “All in good time. For now- colonel- just sit back, enjoy your drink, and listen up.”

The weekend was going pretty well for Prince Kai. He was enjoying the food, enjoying the drinks, enjoying the company, and enjoying the company.

Right now, he was enjoying The Ballroom. Sure, it was pretty freaky with all those unicorns and stuff, but when he closed his eyes it didn’t really matter. With so much space, he could just focus on the music and dance where he liked.

At least, he thought he could. Even with all that space, there was a collision. When Lay bumped into him, Kai fell forward.

Right onto a unicorn horn.

Kai stared down at the horn of the unicorn bust sticking in his stomach. Overcome with shock, he staggered through the nearby door, hoping to find help (Lay was still zoned out and had already danced halfway across the noisy Ballroom). Instead of help, Kai found himself in a room full of dead plants.

Slumping against a table of plants, Kai clutched his stomach. Blood squelched between his fingers and dripped on the floor. Looking at it made him dizzy, and he spaced out for a few moments.

The next thing he knew there were people in the room, talking. Kai got up and staggered towards them, where they were standing by the window. Just as he was about to reach them, Suho opened the window, which blew open and smacked right into Kai. The force of the impact shattered the glass, leaving Kai scratched up and now soaked from the rain pouring into the room. Fighting through the sudden storm in The Conservatory, Kai reached another door. This one led to The Billiard Room.

It was dimly lit in there, and Kai was so out of it he didn’t notice Tao and Kris playing pool. Slumping in the corner, Kai cradled his wounds.

He regained consciousness sometime later and tried to make his way to the figures at the pool table. Just as he came up behind Tao, who was taking aim with the wushu stick, Kris called out from next door. Startled, Tao’s shot went wide, and the stick jerked back, nailing Kai in the gut.

Kai grunted as he fell to his knees, his voice drowned out by more of Kris’s calling. That’s when Tao decided to make another shot. This time the stick ricocheted back and got Kai in the head.

After blacking out for a moment, Kai dragged himself to his feet and stumbled through the next door, into The Library.

The first thing he saw was white, puffy and soft looking. Desperate, Kai grabbed it and pressed it to his stomach wound. It helped stop the bleeding a little, but he was still scratched up, bruised, dizzy from blood loss and a hit to the head, and soaked.

Kai’s surroundings were becoming fuzzy, so he didn’t notice the people around him and stumbled forward in search of help. He ended up stubbing his toe.

The next place he wound up was The Study. He rested again for awhile, in a corner, still pressing the white fluffy thing to his injury. He only woke up when he heard talking- well, not exactly talking. There were some grunts, groans, sighs-

Kai tried to reach the voices, which were coming from near the desk (thanks to that wushu stick to the head, he couldn’t see clearly). Just as Kai started to make out two entwined figures, one of the figures pushed the bizarre equipment that had been set up on the desk out of the way, right into Kai.

Whatever that experiment had been, it involved electricity, and Kai was soaked.

When Kai finally woke up after the shock it took him awhile to move again. Grabbing the now bloody and singed white thing, Kai basically had to crawl out of the room.

He managed to get to his feet in The Hall, which turned out not to be so great. Someone had trekked mud through The Hall recently, and Kai ended up slipping. He banged his head right off the wooden floor.

Kai barely made it to the next room, and when he did he didn’t even realize it was The Lounge. Just that there was a ridiculous amount of candles and it was really bright. He did, however, zero in on the bar. Even as beat up as he was, part of his mind registered he really, really needed a drink.

He grabbed the first wine glass, but whatever was in it tasted horrible- definitely not alcohol. The second one tasted even worse. He dropped it and pushed away from the bar, towards the last door.

Reaching The Dining Room, Kai stumbled towards The Kitchen door. The housekeeper Kyungsoo would be there, and he’d be able to call for help and patch him up. He was almost there.

That’s when Kai noticed the martini left on The Dining Room table. Seeing as he was so close to The Kitchen, he might as well just have a sip. He deserved that much, and he definitely needed it...

“And there you have it.” Baekhyun finished, “You all killed Kai! Questions?”

For a moment they just stared at him, stunned. Then everyone was talking at once, claiming it wasn’t their fault, it had been an accident, Baekhyun’s theory was crazy...

Uh, hold up. No. “My theory is not crazy; it’s right.”

Everyone stared at him.

“Look, guys, accidental or not you all delivered a potential death wound. Lay impaled him on a unicorn horn, Suho got him soaked which would lead to Chen electrocuting him, Tao gave him a concussion and some bruised ribs, Xiumin brought in the mud that Kai slipped on, causing him to knock his head, and Sehun and Luhan both poisoned him.”

“You were the one that made The Hall muddy?!” Kyungsoo hissed at Xiumin, “Do you know how long that took me to clean?!”

Xiumin shrugged, “Occupational hazard.”

“What about Ace?!” Kris demanded, then trying to appear collected when everyone gave him puzzled looks, “I mean, uh, what about me? It doesn’t sound like I was involved in any way.”

“You dropped the book that caused Kai to stub his toe. If anything, I think that’s the worst out of everyone. Kai had all this happen to him, so on top of that do you really think he needed to stub his toe?”

Kris glared at Baekhyun, “Did you find A- the fluffy white thing Kai was carrying?”

Baekhyun snapped his fingers at Chanyeol, who whipped out the bloody, blackened stuffed alpaca. Kris made a really weird distressed growling sound as Chanyeol tossed him the abused plushie.

“How could Sehunnie and I have poisoned Kai?” Luhan asked.

“Come on, Luhan, is it really necessary to ask that? You know you poisoned Sehun’s bubble tea just like he poisoned yours. You both found out you were each having an affair with Kai, and decided to off each other. You guys just didn’t know you would attempt it at the exact same time, and Kai would be there to ruin everything.”

Luhan was very pale by now. Even Sehun looked like his face was almost making an expression.

Xiumin had been quiet the whole time, observing everyone’s reactions. Now he focussed on Baekhyun and said, “That’s nice and all, but which one of us actuallykilled Kai?”

He’d hoped no one would ask that.

“You really want to know?”

Xiumin gave him that one raised eyebrow judging look. Baekhyun really didn’t like that look.

“Fine. That martini, the one that Kai decided to drink? Yeah, that was the one Kris left behind earlier, especially made for him by Kyungsoo. There were extra olives in it. Kai choked on one.”

Xiumin’s other eyebrow rose. Everyone else was staring at Baekhyun.

“Is this supposed to be a joke?” Kris demanded.

I wish. “No. That’s how Kai died; choking. He could have died by everything else you guys did to him, but he choked first. It was Kai, in The Dining Room, with his Idiocy. Case ing closed.”

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Chapter 14: Pshhhhh I died so many times
Kai has like so many lives but in the end this happens hands down this is my favorite crack fix now
choiandlee #2
Chapter 14: The plot twist in the end tho. Lmao thanks i laughed so hard. I really love baekhyun here. He really got no time for bullshiy. And dumb chanyeol is so entertaining. Afterall they are all kind of silly. I dont feel sorry at all when kai was killed lol
950417 #3
Chapter 14: This story was absolutely fantastic it honestly deserves to be featured like... Seriously i laughed so damn hard. Thanks so much!
950417 #4
Chapter 1: Omg im so excited for this! I LOVE clue I've seen the movie like 5 times l m a o and it's my favorite game as well! this is gonna be a blast!! Thanks for writing this story!!
kaifan_88 #5
Chapter 14: Hahahaha. Wwwwwoooowwwww!!!!!
Chapter 14: I've read this once and I'm reading it again and I freaking forgot how it ended omfg xD
this is the third time i read this. needless to say, THIS FIC DESERVES A FREAKING FEATURE. THIS CONTAINS nONE BUT PURE AWESOMENESS.
Chapter 14: so prince kai was accidently killed.. i knew it *snaps finger*
that was unexpected and amazing!
"happy murdering and good day." hahaha.. XD
what kind of detective he was? a good detective shouldn't have said that lol
Chapter 14: This was so cool and hilarious and awesome that I can't even XD I love this story!