chapter 11



Baekhyun glanced up in time to see Chanyeol storm into The Kitchen. For once, he didn’t look ridiculously happy. He didn’t look happy at all.

“Oh no. There wasn’t any poison, was there?”

“No, there was- but this has nothing to do with that!” Chanyeol dropped onto the chair next to Baekhyun and put his head on the table, “Kris cheated on me!”

“Wow, ok Chanyeol. Why don’t you start that over with an explanation first- so I actually have some idea of what the hell you’re talking about. Feel free to keep it short and not at all detailed. Or just don’t explain at all. That’s fine too.”

“No, I’ll explain. I need to get it off my chest.”

Well .

“See, I was upstairs testing the bubble tea...”

The test finished and Chanyeol couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear. Poisoned! They were both poisoned! This was great! Baekhyun’s mood always improved considerably when poison was involved in a case!

Chanyeol had been conducting the test upstairs, in the room where Kris had told him to put their bags, on their ‘tour’ earlier. About to head back downstairs to find his partner and share the good news, Chanyeol paused as he neared Kris’s bedroom door. He could hear something. Was Kris in there? Or what if it was the murderer, planting evidence or attacking a sleeping Kris?

Chanyeol threw the door opened, ready to fight off Prince Kai’s killer, only to find that although Kris was in bed, he certainly wasn’t asleep. And the person with him was- currently- committing no murder.

Except to Chanyeol’s heart.

“Who’s that, Kris?” Lay asked, peering curiously at Chanyeol from below the colonel, “The groundskeeper? No, he’s too tall...”

“How could you, Kris!” Chanyeol exclaimed, whirling to exit the room.

“Chanyeol! Wait!” Kris scrambled off the bed. About to go after Chanyeol, he stopped. Covering himself, he nodded to a pile near Chanyeol’s feet, “Could you, uh, pass me my pants?”

“Get it yo own dang self!” Chanyeol snapped, before running into the hallway. He hadn’t gotten far when he smacked right into Kyungsoo. The tray the housekeeper was holding fell, making a mess of food and spilt tea on the floor.

“Sorry.” Chanyeol mumbled.

Kyungsoo stared down at the tray with huge eyes. “Again. Why does this keep happening? Every time I try it just...” Seeming to realize Chanyeol was still there, Kyungsoo glared at him (even doing this his eyes looked gigantic) “You. This is your fault. You ruined it. You ruined everything.”

Seeing how angry Kyungsoo was, Chanyeol quickly apologized again before darting down the stairs.

Once on the first floor he went to The Study, but Baekhyun wasn’t there, so he checked The Library, but-

“Ok, ok.” Baekhyun held up a hand, “You looked around and found me. Is that it?”

“Yes! But Baekhyun, didn’t you hear me?! Kris cheated!”

“Yeah, alright Chanyeol. That really . The guy’s a douche.”

“He broke my heart!”

“I’m sure he did.” Sighing, Baekhyun pushed himself to his feet. Kyungsoo would probably be too busy cleaning up the mess Chanyeol made to cook anything for Baekhyun. “So the bubble tea was poisoned, right?”

“Yes, but my heart-”

“Is broken. Yes. That is officially established. Now why don’t we do something to take your mind off that, like the job we’re getting paid to do?”

“I guess that might work...”

“Good. Now come on. We’ve got a baozi to find.”

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Chapter 14: Pshhhhh I died so many times
Kai has like so many lives but in the end this happens hands down this is my favorite crack fix now
choiandlee #2
Chapter 14: The plot twist in the end tho. Lmao thanks i laughed so hard. I really love baekhyun here. He really got no time for bullshiy. And dumb chanyeol is so entertaining. Afterall they are all kind of silly. I dont feel sorry at all when kai was killed lol
950417 #3
Chapter 14: This story was absolutely fantastic it honestly deserves to be featured like... Seriously i laughed so damn hard. Thanks so much!
950417 #4
Chapter 1: Omg im so excited for this! I LOVE clue I've seen the movie like 5 times l m a o and it's my favorite game as well! this is gonna be a blast!! Thanks for writing this story!!
kaifan_88 #5
Chapter 14: Hahahaha. Wwwwwoooowwwww!!!!!
Chapter 14: I've read this once and I'm reading it again and I freaking forgot how it ended omfg xD
this is the third time i read this. needless to say, THIS FIC DESERVES A FREAKING FEATURE. THIS CONTAINS nONE BUT PURE AWESOMENESS.
Chapter 14: so prince kai was accidently killed.. i knew it *snaps finger*
that was unexpected and amazing!
"happy murdering and good day." hahaha.. XD
what kind of detective he was? a good detective shouldn't have said that lol
Chapter 14: This was so cool and hilarious and awesome that I can't even XD I love this story!