My True Bestfriend or My True Love ??

Ira's POV

--Zzzzz  ZZzzzz  ZZZzzzz  ZZZZzzzz zzzzzz-- My phone vibrate

          Aishh, who send me a message at this time ? I grab my phone which is on the table beside my bed.


From : Prince Kyu-ppa

Still sleeping  huhh ? I’m sorry, I can’t go to school with you. I’ve to do something important and I can’t tell you.

See yaa : b


          So I will go to school alone, aishhh. Then I go back to sleep and … Wait ! Something important ? And he didn’t tell me ? Aishh, he always like that. I don’t remember that the teacher give us homework. I have to check it. I stand up and open the window. I take a deep breath. Wow, the air is so fresh. His room is accross my room. Yeah, he is my neighbor. I look at his window. Still close. So, what is he doing at this time huhh ? Sleeping ? CHO KYUHYUN ... Are you happy if I go to school alone ? Aisshh ...

          I think he has a little closed personality. I didn’t mean that he careless, not kind, or never interact with other people. He is kind and care but he never tell anyone what he feel. He is kind. Although I am his bestfriend since emm ... 8 ... no ... mmm ..., aishh I don’t remember, he never once tell me what he feel actually. If I ask him ‘what’s wrong ?’ or ‘are you okay ?’, he will say ‘I am fine’. He is my childhood. He loves me as a bestfriend. But I love him not as my bestfriend but like a girl loves a boy. I don’t know since when I love him. Maybe since the first time I saw him ? NO !!Ehmm YES ?? NO !! YES !! Aishh, whatever. I don’t believe about ‘love at the first sight’.

          He never knows my feeling to him. I just secretly love him and never confess to him. Why ? Oh, there are so many reasons :

1.      I am a girl, so impossible to say ‘I LOVE YOU’ or ‘WOULD YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND ?’ to a boy

2.      I am not an aggressive person

3.      He ever said that he lovesme as a bestfriend and NEVER CHANGE



___ 7 years ago ­­___


          Where are my candies ? I’m sure that I’ve put them in my bag. Oh no no no, my lovely CHOCOLATE candies .. Where are you ? I love you so much. Oh my God, I can’t enjoy this picnic without my candies. Those are gift from Umma. Oh no, I lose my lovely candies. I’ll Umma to buy me again. No, she ABSOLUTELY wont. She doesn’t like if someone lose her gift. What if Umma will never buy me chocolate candies again ? What if she will kill me if she knows that ? Aishh, okay, relax .. Just try it. Then, I run to Umma.

          “Umma, do you know my chocolate candies that you gave to me yesterday ?”, I asked her.

          “Chocolate cand … Ahh, of course. Why ? You want me buy for you again now ? I’m sorry dear, I can’t. Maybe nextmonth I’ll buy you some. NOT NOW because you always eat chocolate since last week”, she said.

          WHAT ? NEXT MONTH ?? And how she knows that I want her buy me again ? No Ira, never give up ! “But Umma, you know that I like it very much. I haven’t taste it yet today. I lose it”, I said the word lose in low tone.Then I give her my puppy dog eyes. I know that it will never work on her. But, I have to try right ?

          Her eyebrow raised, “You lose it ? Don’t lie to me dear. I know you gave it to Kyuhyun. Do you LIKE  him ? He said that you want to give him all of it in your bag so I gave it to him”.

          Aishh, Umma make me blushing.“Aniyo Umma, he is just my bestfriend”, I denied it.

          “Aigooo.. Don’t lie to me. You’re not good in lying. I know you have a crush to him, right ? But dear, you can’t have boyfriend till you 17 years old, arasso ?”, she smiled and poked my cheek.

          Oh my God !! Umma makes me blushing more and more. “Of course I know Umma … And I DON’T LIKE HIM”, I denied again.

          Wait ! Did she said that Kyuhyun stole my candies ?! Aishhh.. Where is he ?. “Umma, I’ve ... emmm .... to go to somewhere, can’t I ?”, I asked.

          “Go to somewhere ? Oh dear, just say that you want to play with Kyuhyun. There he is”, my Umma said then poke my cheek AGAIN !

          “Umma … Don’t do that. That so hurt Umma”, I said while hold my cheeks and run to a large bench where he sit and eat something. Hey ! Is it my candies ? Aishh !!

          “Hmmmm, sweet candies, do you like it ?”, I sat beside him.


          I turned to him. Woww, he ate my TWO BIG WRAP CHOCOLATE CANDIES ! “Why did you said to my Umma that I gave it to you ? You said that you doesn’t like chocolate. Why are you eating my chocolate candies NOW ?”


          “KYUHYUN !!”,  I’m staring at him, no, I’m GLARING at him.

          “………………”, he turned to me, looked away, then smirked.

         Is he just can SMIRK ? NOT SPEAK?? HELLOOO,I AM HERE ! YOUR BESTFRIEND !! “Yahh ! Answer me !”



          “Yahhh ! Don’t yell at me. I don’t like it...”, he said in low tone.

          “I’m sorry kyuhyun, don’t be mad at me”. WHAT JUST I SAID ? NO NO NO !! “But, that is because you didn’t answer me”.

          He smirked at me, “Call me oppa !!”

          “WHAT ?”, I glared at him.

          “It is very easy, KYU-HYUN-OP-PA”, he taught me.

          “No ! You just 4 months 17 days older than me !!”

          “Okay, then, you must call me PRINCE-KYUHYUN”, he emphasized the last word. Aishhh ...

          “No ! Emmm .. mmmm … Kyu … Kyuhyun Op-pa”, I gave up because I have no choice. *sigh. But you can’t give up Ira. “Then, you must buy me chocolate ice cream now !”, I said.

          “Bb-but Why ? You can ask your mom to buy it !!”. I give him my puppy dog eyes for a looonnnnngggg time, then …… “Okay, stay here !! I will buy you chocolate ice cream. Happy ?!” I know it will work on him, kyaaaa !

          “Of course I am happy, oppa. Come back quickly. I hate being alone, you know ...”, I smiled at him. He smile back to me then left me alone.

          I sit on the bench. I am very bored. Aishhh, where is he ? He hasn’t comeback yet since 15 minutes ago. But I can't left him, because I promised to wait him.

          “Ira-ah … Umma must go now. Can you back at home with Kyuhyun ?”, my Umma said as she walked to me.

          “Yes, umma. Come back home safely and don’t be late”, I kissed her cheek.

          “Okay dear, bye …”, my umma rubbed my hair then whispered to me, “Are you happy go home with Kyuhyun ?”. Aishh, my mom. She make me blushing. How can she said that to 10 years old girl ?? Aishhh … However, I love her so much.

          “Can I sit here ?”, a boy tapped my shoulder and smiled to me. He is so cute and handsome. He seems very kind. “Can I sit here ?”, he asked me again.

          “Hmm, of  course. What are you doing here ?”

          “I just want to play with my friends”

          “Ohhhh …”

          “Do you want some ?”, he gave me some chocolate candies.

          “Hmmm … Thank you”, I smiled at him. “I like chocolate so much”, I blurted out.

          “Really ?? I like chocolate and vanilla”, he smiled at me.

          “Chocolate always makes me happy. I don’t know why …”, I said. He just smile at me. His warm smile makes me happy.

         “What are you doing here ?”, he asked me.

         “I am waiting him. He buy me chocolate ice cream …”, I turned to him.

         “Him ?”, he looked at me. His eyebrows raise.

         “Hmmm, my bestfriend”, I said happily.

         “Do you like him ? I can see it. You seems very happy when you talk about him and … chocolate”, he asked me.Omo ! What should I say ? Maybe I should tell him. What if he tell Kyuhyun ? But, I think he don’t know Kyuhyun. Otokkeh ?! “Trust me, I will not tell anyone”, he smiled.

          “Uhm, yeah, I like him. But, he never know”, I said.

          He look at me then said, “One day, you must tell him about your feeling. You can’t hide it from him forever”. Huhh ? Then he look away with blank expression. He take something in his pocket. “I want to give this to my bestfriend. But, she hates me now”. He look down at the blue couple handkerchief on his hand.

          Ohhh, I am so sad although I don't know what he feels. “I believe that she never really hate you if she is your bestfriend. You can save that handkerchief till you find your true bestfriend”, I gave him my warm smile.

          He look at his handkerchief on his hand. “Here. Take it”, he handed me one of his handkerchief. “It is yours now. You are my true bestfriend”, he smiled at me.

          “How do you know I’m your true bestfriend ? You even don’t know my name yet.”

          “What is your name ?”

           Why he ask me what my name is all of sudden ?! “Ira. Park Ira …”

          “If you’re my true bestfriend, one day we will meet again.”

          “But if we meet again, is it called destiny ? And are we just be bestfriend ??”

           “Hmmm... No, if we meet again, you’re my true love, and I’m your true love”, he smiled at me. My eyebrow raise. “Do you trust me ?”, he asked me.

          “How can we meet again ?”, I asked.

          “I’ll find you first”, he smiled again. I smile back at him. “So, do you trust me ?”, he asked me.

          “Yes, I trust you. If we meet again you’re my true love and I’m your true love”, I said happily.

           “But, what if you don’t recognize me ?”, He said almost whisper.

           “No, of course I’ll recognize you”, I smiled.

           “Promise ?”

           “Hmmm, I promise”, I smiled at him. Then  we do a pinky promise. He suddenly peck my cheek, “Bye”. He run to a black georgeous car.

          “Hey! What’s your name ?”, I yelled at him. He just wave her hand and smile.


           I put the handkerchief in my bag. I am very happy. I don’t know why I trust him. Although we never meet again, I’ll remember this moment forever. I hope he will meet someone who is his true bestfriend, eventhough he/she isn’t me. Then I realize someone stand in front of me. Oh, Kyuhyun … “Still wait for me ?”, he asked.

          “No, I wait my chocolate ice cream”, I snatch a big cone chocolate ice cream on his hand. Hmmm … Sweet chocolate ice cream. I love it. Chocolate makes me remember him. How can I recognize him if we meet again ?

          “Ira-ah, let’s go home. My parents wait for us there”.

          “…………….”. Who is he ? What is his name ? He never introduce his self yet, but he gave me this handkerchief. I hope we will meet again, one day. Thinking about him make me happy.

          “YAHH ! IRA !! Are you okay ? You said that you hate being alone. But, you just smile all the time like a CRAZY GIRL. LET’S GO HOME !!”, Kyuhyun yelled.

          “I’m sorry oppa. Yahh ! I AM NOT A CRAZY GIRL !! Aisshh, okay, Let’s go home !”. He always tease me, but I like it, kekeke.

          “Come on !”, he grabbed my hand and led me to his car. His parents wait for us.

          On the way home, Kyuhyun just look away to the window. This is the chance to tell him about my feeling. Maybe he has the same feeling as me. We are bestfriend. We always play together. But, what if he will hate me ? No, I can’t tell him. Then the car stop in front of my home.

          “Umma Appa, I will walk Ira to her home”, he got out from the car. I follow him. Then we walk to the door. I press the bell. But no one open the door. Then I remember I have the key in my bag. I take it from my bag then unlock the door. “Ira-ah, I’ll go home. Bye”, he smiled.

          “Wait Oppa ..” I hold her wraist.

          “Hmm ?”

          “Oppa, if you meet a girl you don’t know. She said  that if one day you and her meet again, you’re her true bestfriend or her true love. What will you choose ? Be her true bestfriend or her true love ?”, I asked him.

          He cross his arms on his chest, thinking deeply. “Mmmmm… I don’t know. But if she is you, I’ll choose be true bestfriend. We are bestfriend right ?”, he smiled at me.

          “Uhm..yes, we are bestfriend. Uhmm,will it gonna change ?”, I asked him. I hope we can be more than a bestfriend.

          He laugh, “Hahaha, of course not. We are bestfriend forever and it will never change”. I just give him my fake smile. “Go rest okay, bye”, he rubbed my hair then left.

          I am a little dissappointed …



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I don’t know that is bad or good.

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lalalaFSJ #1
raising karma :DD
lovely_pooh #2
kekeke,,, :))