Running Back

EXO Song Requests

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Dear Mrs. Wu,

I am what they call a . I am what women try to avoid. I am someone people immediately paint as wrong, as the scum of the earth. I am what people call a home-wrecker. I am a mistress.

But I am more than a label. I am a human being, just as capable of feeling self-righteous and indignant as the wife next door. I am just as capable of feeling vulnerable, hurt, and wronged as you are.

I am wrong for taking him when he was already someone else’s. But am I wrong to have loved, just as you’ve fallen in love with him? I am, after all, just human.

I am as capable of dreaming, of wanting to be someone’s princess, of wanting to find my prince charming. And I did. I found him. I guess when I was a kid, it just never occurred to me that Prince Charming may be seductive and charming and beautiful, but that didn’t mean he was single, or faithful, or honest.

It is easier to blame it all on me, isn’t it? To point your philandering husband’s faults on me, as if I were the only one who took part in the cheating. Here’s a reality check for you: it’s a two-way street. And he was the first to make a U-turn.

You may not believe me, but he did. And he lied to me as much as he’s lied to you. I know you don’t want to hear the details, much less from me, but I think, after all that we’ve done to you, you deserve to know. He easily passes for a single guy. Maybe it’s an illusion we’d like to harbor, because he’s every girl’s dream, and it’s easier to think he’s single.

I wasn’t sure if a part of me already knew there was something wrong: I was drinking off that love I haven’t experienced in a long time, and it felt so, so good. He treated me so well, making sure to call when I woke up in the morning, making sure to text me good night before I sleep. He’s all that I could have hoped for. It felt like it was too good to be true, and it was.

Look. I’m writing to you, knowing that you’ll hate me, but I had to try to reach out to you. I want to tell you sorry. I’m so very sorry. I want to give you perspective as well.

He’s moved on from me.

And he’s going to move on to the next woman, and the next.

I know it’s not a true consolation to be telling you this, but know that it’s better if he’s cheating on you with multiple women, rather than just one. It means he’s missing someone, and it means somewhere inside of him, he loves you dearly. He needs to find himself. I know I’m in no position to give you advice, but I want to try anyway.

No matter what your decision may be, I hope your wounds will heal someday. You may never forgive me, but I want you to know that I will apologize for the rest of my life for this mistake.

I'm sorry.

Go Junhee


I don't know if this is an appropriate one for the song, but I thought that the mistress needs a voice as well. Often, we look at them as if they're bad people, but I want to depict them as good people who've made bad choices. All of us are bound to be like that, right? It's short, and it's just a letter to the wife of--yes, you've guessed right--Kris. Tell me what y'all think. :)

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Chapter 7: wow...for me?that's cool~
thx.(is this my request again sorry..?
Chapter 5: its okay :-)
ill patiently w8
Chapter 4:
sorry for the very late comment about this.
I've read my part twice..and honestly speaking,I really had no idea of what you're writing in the first place,so I just scrolled trough the whole thing without really reading it..
but this time,I read the whole story,and I was really impressed with your idea of relating the story of a blind girl with the phrases you stated(civilization...contentment..)though I still don't really understand some part(the connection in the storyline i guess..)
anyways,thumbs up for your effort!!i really really like it though..^^
but one thing,why is kyungsoo the main?xDD (although i can picture him talking to the girl with the "O.O" face)
Chapter 5: i'll wait for your return author^^
hunhanisreal_ot12 #5
Chapter 5: awwwww :(( we'll wait for ya!! ^^
hunhanisreal_ot12 #6
Chapter 5: awwwww :(( we'll wait for ya!! ^^
Chapter 5: Omigosh, that's totally me in your chapter pic haha. I will miss you so so much!!
What the... now I made it here! XD
I'm crying here even though the story was sad *sniff sniff* it was a well written one T_T but the story is so sweet oh my gawd! T_T But the story can't be described in only a few words it was so sad. It would have been nice if there was a happy ending but that's how the story ends, atleast they'll be together forever
Chapter 4: Truly one of your most beautiful pieces yet :D Honestly, I agree so much with the beginning paragraphs...human beings are always competing, modernizing, that we've become so cynical and cold. Story of my life, since all my parents want for me is to compete for the best education and job, making true happiness and love seem trivial.../sorry...ranting here XD/ It was so beautifully written, and I'm glad that there still is that aspect of hope and light^^ I LOVED IT SO MUCH~~ Also, going to what your foreword really does sadden me that saesangs have made D.O adopt a "victim-mentality" and make him look differently at fans and ...just urgh....MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH SASAENGS...-.- I honestly can't describe how much it annoys wonder my JYJ fic is going to be centering around my rants about saesangs XD But, yes, thank you for such a eye-opening one-shot <3