Swimming [SooRi]

Wooper's Pond of Nonsensical Drabbles & Short Stories

In the evening, when the the moon takes the sun's place in the sky and the stars are twinkling and shining, Yuri is swimming in the hotel's pool waiting for Sooyoung to come. She is floating on her back and enjoys the feeling of the water glide her across the pool. Luckily, Yuri is the only one in the large pool and enjoys having the pool to herself and Sooyoung. She hears the door open and Sooyoung makes her entrance.

"Sorry I took so long, Yuri!" Sooyoung calls her friend as she steps towards the pool.

Yuri blinks when she sees what kind of swimsuit the taller woman is wearing. While Yuri is wearing a black one-piece bathing suit, Sooyoung is clad in a sky-blue bikini. The tanned woman couldn't help but find her friend attractive in the bikini as she scans Sooyoung up and down.

Noticing Yuri's stare, Sooyoung feels embarrased. She automatically covers her chest with her arms. "Uh, why are you staring at me like that?"

"You're looking quite y in that bikini," Yuri winks and wolfishly grins. "I thought girls only wear bikinis when they go to the beach or go hot tubbing."

Sooyoung huffs. "You can wear a bikini for any water occasion. And what about you? I thought girls only wear one-pieces when they're doing athletic swimming or if they lack s."

"Well unlike you, I can actually swim, the back- being my favorite. And obviously." Yuri rests her hands on her s. "I'm more developed than you in the chest area."

Sooyoung scoffs, but joins her friend into the pool and stays on the shallow end.

They both decide to swim iin the pool till the hotel staff come to close the pool, leaving the two friends a whole hour till it happens. Leaning against one of the walls on the shallow side, Sooyoung quietly watches Yuri swim back and forth across the pool in awe, admiring how beautiful and graceful her friend looks when she swims. Yuri catches Sooyoung's gaze and swims over to her.

"Are you just going to stand in the water the whole time?" Yuri asks.

"You know I can't swim, Yuri."

"It's amusing how your name means 'swimming' when you can't even swim at all."

"Blame my parents for naming me 'Sooyoung' then."

Yuri giggles and tugs on Sooyoung's arm. "How about I get you started on learning how to swim? Do you know how to float?" Sooyoung shakes her head. "Okay then! I'll teach you that first."

Sooyoung is reluctant at first but agrees. Yuri demonstrates the best position to float in and then instructs Sooyoung to imitate her.

"That's right. Just spread your arms out like that. Don't tense your body. Relax. You'll be fine. We're made to float, but you got to relax."

Before Sooyoung knows it, she's floating on the water, staring upwards at the sky. "W-Whoa... I'm doing it."

"Great view, huh?"

Sooyoung turns her head to the left and sees Yuri floating right next to her. She returns her attention  back to the sky and says, "Yeah. It's definitely breathtaking."

For several minutes, they both let the water guide them across the pool, floating together side by side. Suddenly Sooyoung's leg gets an itch and she straightens herself. But when her foot doesn't touch the bottom, Sooyoung begins to panic, she accidentally floated into the deep section of the pool. Sooyoung begins to sink, causing to her panic and splash around frantically.

Yuri takes action immediately and swims over to her friend. "Sooyoung! Hold on to me!"

Without hesitation, Sooyoung wraps her arms around Yuri's neck, and Yuri swims them both back to the shallow side.

Sooyough coughs out the water she is choking on. "T-Thanks. Sorry that you had to save me."

"It's no problem at all. Besides, I have to admit I enjoy our current position quite a lot."

Sooyoung looks questioningly at Yuri's smiling face when she realizes she still has her arms around Yuri's neck and their wet bodies are pressed against each other. Their faces are also close to each other. A blush rises to the Shikshin's face and she looks away. "ByunYul..." she mutters under her breath.

Hearing that, Yuri snakes her arms behind Sooyoung's back and swiftly unties Sooyoung's bikini top. Sooyoung shrieks as Yuri pulls off her bikini top and gets out of the pool, cackling evilly. Yuri nonchalantly walks away from the pool and lets the top dangle from her index finger. Sooyoung grabs onto the ledge of the pool and glares at Yuri, careful her exposed self stays submerged in water.

"KWON YURI, GIVE ME BACK MY BIKINI TOP!" Sooyoung yells angrily.

"You mean this?" Yuri teases, dangling the garmet in Sooyoung's face yet far from her reach.

"Obviously!" Sooyoung growls. "Don't make me get out of this pool and chase you!"

"By all means, I encourage you. I'm sure it'd be a sight to behold," Yuri smirks deviously.

Sooyoung's face turns hot and red when she realizes the meaning behind the Black Pearl's words.


Yuri laughs to herself, actually hoping Sooyoung would get out of the pool and reveal herself


A/N: Yay, I finally wrote one for SooRi. This one was long overdue. It was inspired from SNSD's guest appearance on The Beatles' Code where Sooyoung comments that Yuri looks the prettiest when she swims.

And wow I cannot believe so many of you have suscribed to this pond. I think the number doubled last time I checked here.

I shall call every subscriber to this pond my army of tadpoles!




Anyway, I think I shall do SooFany next time (: Hope you guys continue to enjoy my nonsensical pond!

-Writer Wooper


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Chapter 4: In my head Sooyoung already left the pool. *le nose bleeds...* Hahaha!
ashmizuichi99 #2
Chapter 6: i didnt get enough author nim. keke. i love the chappie but i crave for more. anyway, glad u r back :D
Sootuff #3
Chapter 6: Sookrys...I thought Sooyoung is gone forever...
Chapter 6: update soon please
Chapter 6: we're glad you are back! yay, sookrys^^
lynnicsy #6
Chapter 6: More sookrys~
Depression2412 #7
Chapter 6: Sookrysss <3333 Happy ending yayyy T___T I was so worried for Sppl...
SooHyo-Chan #8
Chapter 6: huhuhu. . . finally you comeback w my 2nd OTP. SooKrys. i think Syoung die, hikz. . . thanks make it happy end kkkk~
SooHyo-Chan #9
Chapter 5: poor Syoung, I was like Syoung too. . . and I pay what she buy -_-