Chapter 49: Final Task

A Beautiful Curse

Final Task


The King stood before the palace, his home. He examined the huge structure and noticed there wasn’t any change. It was still the same as how it was like living inside; magnificent and ancient. Years, decades have passed since he stepped on the palace grounds, yet it felt just as right. No tinge of awkwardness at all. It was as though the palace was and will be his rightful place and home. In front of him were his two most trustworthy warriors, Jaejoong and Yoochun who have done well in bringing him back to the palace he thought he could never see anymore.

The palace guards and servants lined up in a row as they welcomed the King with bright smiles. He recognised most of them and they were looking glad to have him back. They bowed and showed their respect over the King, who has definitely aged a lot since the last time they saw him. The King was slowly, taking careful steps towards the grand door. His eyes then shifted to see what was ahead of him. There stood his Princes.

No matter what happened in the past, they were still his Princes.

Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Junhong bowed and greeted in unison. “Welcome back, my King.”

Dressed in splendid suits and ties with neat hairstyle, the Princes were quite a catch even in the eyes of the King. He clearly remembered their faces because unlike him, nothing has changed for them. They remained as youthful, strong and powerful. Yes, powerful. Of course, he felt a little intimidated seeing how much they’ve gained since his departure from the palace. But he still held the highest authority among the vampire kind. And would forever be the highest. No doubt about it.

“Hello my handsome Princes, it’s been a while.”  The King flashed a crooked smile. His face has wrinkled and his skin has dried significantly. He wasn’t how he used to look like to the Princes. And it was all thanks to the diet he was still keeping up. It won’t be long till he succumbed but obviously, he was going to hold up until his goal is reached.

Himchan stepped forward and spoke. “Glad to have you back, my King...”

Yongguk made eye contact with the King before bowing respectfully. “Prince Yongguk pays his respect to the King.”

“Ah Prince Yongguk, is everything well for you?” The King specifically directed the question to Yongguk knowing that being the eldest Prince; he has acted on behalf throughout the King’s dismissal. Being the eldest, he was also the next in line to the throne. Hence, the King was wary towards Yongguk the most.

Yongguk stook up gracefully and then nodded lightly. “Yes, the palace is doing fine as promised.”

The King let out a hearty yet cynical laugh. “Haha! Of course, you’ve promised to protect the palace after I left. I’m sure the palace and everyone here is doing well under your guidance and orders.”

The atmosphere slightly tensed. Thankfully, Yoochun interrupted to ease the tension a little. “I miss the Palace. It seems like nothing much has changed. How about we get inside my King?”

With the returning of the King, the palace became noisier and hectic. The number of guards and servants has increased since the King has brought his own along. Soon, they managed to get used to the duties they were entitled to. They had to since this was going to become their home too. This wasn’t just a visit. The King has finally returned and it was all because Yongguk allowed him to come back. It was definitely an occasion the King has been waiting for decades, to come back home and reign the throne once more. However, he would never forget the struggle he had to face all this while. Not even an invitation back home would let him forget the things they’ve done to him, to make him powerless. Although the Princes seemed to be welcoming his return, these were the faces he must be cautious too, especially Yongguk.

The Princes gathered in Yongguk’s room while the King stayed in his. The day has turned night and the outside world has become dark. Daehyun looked out of the window, to see the distant view of the endless trees. Junhong sat on the table with his arms folded and a frown plastered across his face. Youngjae and Jongup stood with their backs against the wall, also with cold expression. Himchan and Yongguk, both sat on the grand sofa chairs with their legs crossed.

Youngjae was the first to break the silence. “Hyung, what’s going on?”

“You told us the King is coming back only last night. What’s with the sudden change of heart? Have you accepted him back?” Junhong continued.

Yongguk looked ahead blankly. He didn’t tell the Princes on the arrival of the King only until it was only the night before. They were absolutely stunned and shocked but mostly they were puzzled by his actions. They knew that having the King back would only mean more trouble. The Princes were definitely not ready to accept the King after all the years he has been away on exile.

Yongguk cleared his throat before speaking. “I know what I’m doing. If you want to end this quickly, then this is the best way.”

“What do you mean?” Jongup asked and looked at him with a clueless expression just like the rest of them. They were still unsure what made Yongguk changed his mind in accepting the King.

Yongguk shifted his seat slightly before revealing his plans to the Princes. “This is a tough decision I’ve come up with after careful deliberation. I hope all of you will help to end this process as easily as possible. You have seen how the King condition is. He is still dependant strongly on human blood and he is barely holding on. As days passed, his urge to kill –“ He paused briefly. “Lana will only increase rapidly. He will never rest until he gets her and seeing how he is using Yoochun and Jaejoong, it won’t be an easy battle.”

“Jaejoong and Yoochun are indeed strong warriors.” Daehyun admitted after getting a taste of Yoochun’s mighty power the other night.

“Yes and the King, has plenty more warriors. Hence, we need to get these warriors on our side first. And by doing so, I’m making a deal with them.” Yongguk stated.

“What deal?” Himchan eyed the eldest carefully.

“I’ll let them exist luxuriously as they want when I’ve become –“ Yongguk lifted his chin higher and spoke confidently. “The King...”

“What?” The rest of the Princes stared at Yongguk.

“All Yoochun and Jaejoong need to do is to bring the King to us and we’ll finish the plan on our own. Actually, we don’t really have to do anything.”

“So you’re planning on killing the King?” Youngjae blinked his eyes.

Yongguk shook his head. “Yes, he’ll be finished off but I won’t be the one killing him.” He ended with a smirk.

They took glances at one another, obviously surprised by Yongguk’s words. He has planned this all along with Yoochun and Jaejoong, whom they thought was never on their side. Although they were still apprehensive in having to trust these warriors who have served the King for decades, the idea of dismissing the King was enticing indeed. It definitely made them look like ungrateful sons but if this was the only way to save Lana, then all they had to do is to follow Yongguk’s plan.


“Hyung are you sure we’re doing this tomorrow night?” Chanyeol stared at the alpha male, Kris who seemed to be in deep thoughts on the task they were about to take on. It was a treacherous one.

Kris folded his arms and leaned his back against the sofa. “Why, aren’t you ready for this?”

Chanyeol shook his head instantly and rejected his claim. “The hell I’m ready for this... We’re going to end this once and for all!”

“Yes, we’re going to end this but let me remind that this task is not without its risk.” Joonmyun joined.

The rest of them looked down as they braced themselves for the upcoming battle which may endanger their lives for sure. But the result of it, if successful, was what drives them to keep their heads up and face the enemies they were bound to meet.

“Jongin, did Yongguk say anything to you?” Baekhyun turned to look at the young male who was slightly agitated. It was probably because out of everyone in the room, he was waiting for this opportunity the most. Yes, he viewed this as the only path to Lana’s happiness and freedom. Hence, he was tensed yet determined to end this all.

Jongin stared blankly in space upon hearing Baekhyun’s question as he recalled the recent meet-ups he had with someone who he never thought of working together. As much as he hated to see this as working together or in some sort of partnership, he had to admit that Yongguk made it easier.

Yongguk sat on a fallen trunk overlooking the lake while Jongin was just a few metres behind, sitting on another fallen trunk. There were in the neutral ground where both sides could walk without breaking each other’s necks. With only the moon and stars accompanying the both of them, it was awkwardly quiet.

Yongguk picked up a rock and threw it into the lake, watching the ripples of the water. He closed his eyes before starting. “Is your side ready?”

Jongin let out a soft hiss. He felt rather insulted. However, he kept his cool and answered in a deep raspy voice. “Always ready...”

“Good... The King’s here –“ Yongguk stated and briefly paused. “I trust that he won’t be able to see the morning sunrise in two days’ time. Will you be able to do it?”

“Just hand him over to us and call it as settled.” Jongin replied, again he felt insulted.

Yongguk smiled to himself, sensing the shift in the tone of voice. “Alright, now listen to the plan carefully. I’ll bring the King out to hunt, along with Jaejoong and Yoochun –“

“You mean those two –“ Jongin raised his voice as his fingers curled into a ball. He recognised those names and they definitely left a deep impression on him after what they did to Lana. Knowing that they would be there as well only made him furious. If he could kill them too, he would.

“Relax, you can trust them. They’re on my side.” Yongguk explained. “Just be ready in the forest by midnight... Once the King is inside, I’ll leave him in your hands.”

Jongin noted carefully and listened to the details he filled in for him. Once in a while, he went against the plan which Yongguk has already figured, but most of the time, he nodded and agreed to follow without complaints.

Eventually they settled on the final plan. Jongin pursed his lips and frowned as a question entered his head. “Why can’t you kill the King yourself?”

Yongguk let out a chuckle. “Killing my father and then take the throne? I will be the most hated King of our kind.”

“Not like he’s your real father anyway...” Jongin shrugged. “Besides, weren’t you the one who chased him away?”

Yongguk nodded and answered. “Yes and if I knew the outcome, I would have banished him then.” He thought of Lana and the misery she had to face all this while. “Anyway, if I kill him, it will only do more harm than good. I still have other vampires I need to please, such as the Council. You wouldn’t want to get on their bad side.”

“Then us killing the King, what would that mean?” Jongin asked.

“As long as the Council members do not see how the killing is done, then you’re safe. We’ll just say the King steps into your land and tries to drink a human blood. It’s in the treaty after all. Once any of us step into each other’s land, any forbidden practise carried out, we’re allowed to kill. Even if he is the King, he should be punished for his act. Although the Council will be unhappy to hear the news, they can’t take action against the wolves.” Yongguk stated.

“Is this what you call, a white lie?” Jongin smirked.

“Hidden and sealed with our lives.” Yongguk added before standing up on his two feet. “I guess this is our last meeting before the plan begins.” He turned around to see Jongin. “Lana –“ He said. “She’s going to be fine.” His voice trailed. He didn’t know why but it felt like he was going to lose her after all this. With the enemy gone, all Lana has to do is to live well. And she can definitely live well even without him. Although painful, he must do this.

Jongin managed to catch the tinge of despair in his voice. “We’ll get through this together; me, Lana and you.”

Yongguk managed a smile and said. “Thank you.”


“Jongin?” The rest of them looked at the young male who seemed to be occupied in his own thoughts.

Jongin scanned the faces of EXO and then spoke confidently. “Let’s do this.”


To be continued


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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
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Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
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Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!