Chapter 47: A Permissible Task

A Beautiful Curse

A Permissible Task


Submerged in the darkness, EXO gathered by the lake after their usual night round. No signs of intrusion as yet but they weren’t going to be complacent. Every night, their level of security has to improve. Night time was especially dangerous since it was when their enemies were mostly active. Other than protecting Lana, they had to ensure that their enemy would never break the treaty by killing humans, at least not within their territory. They were born to be protectors, solely to protect humankind from the hunters. Regardless of whom they were or used to be, their future was pretty much predestined. This was their path of life; wild and dangerous.

Sehun stepped onto one of the rocks and watched the lights illuminating across a distant where the magnificent palace was. Over at the other end of the lake was a territory they could never cross. Although there was once they did manage to find themselves in the palace full of their enemies, it was only because they were forced to follow in order to protect Lana. Other than that, it was an area they never wished to walk on.

The guys were sweating from head to toe although they were topless and the night temperature was low. The heat their bodies released was higher than normal person. Their blood was warmer and their body temperature was always higher. Hence, they never shivered even during the coldest winter nights. Kris took the centre spot as the rest of them gathered in a circle.

“Three months passed without any sightings or encounters from the other kind. Still, we must never let out guard down.” He voiced.

“It seems a little too suspicious. Not that we are expecting encounter, but we have to be ready to strike when we are facing one.” Joonmyun added, the second in line.

The rest of them nodded, acknowledging their duty to protect.

“Are they up to something?” Sehun asked while pointing his finger towards the palace on the other side of the lake. “I mean it’s too quiet.”

They shrugged, unable to give him a reply either. “Whatever it is, we don’t need their help anymore.” Jongin said.

“Jongin’s right.” Kris continued. “We had a deal and that was it. But right now, Lana is with us and she’s under our care. They are still our enemies, regardless.”

“But Uncle Lee told us to work –“ Jongdae interrupted but was instantly cut.

“Do you really want to work with them?” Jongin asked with slight annoyance. “I don’t care if they want to protect Lana too but I think they should keep their kind at bay first before having anything to do with her.” He reasoned.

Luhan threw a rock down the lake and watched it splash. “Let’s head back.” He said and turned his back towards the distant palace. “We’ve been out quite a while.” He took one glance before dashing straight into the dark forest and back home with the rest of EXO.

Next morning, Jongin woke up with a start. He didn’t realise how long he has been sleeping because the Sun was already up above his head. He must be tired from all the late night activity. Other than patrolling the area, he was always up watching Lana asleep. It made him happy knowing she was safe by his side and their relationship has gotten to the point where they were pretty much inseparable. She missed him when he was not around and would stay up to wait for him. And only then, she could go sleep peacefully.

He stretched up his hands and legs, feeling the bones and joints cracking. His body was sore and aching but he viewed it positively. EXO was still considerably young wolves. Hence, their bodies weren’t fully developed. So, an aching body would only mean that he was gaining muscle and better physique. He turned around to see that Lana wasn’t there beside him. He was on her bed but it seemed like it has become his too. He stood up on his feet and then walked towards the balcony. There she was sitting with a book in her hands.

“So, did you get a good sleep?” She looked up and flashed him the sweetest smile which made his heart stopped. She had the ability to make him go weak in his knees right away.

Jongin walked towards her, sat beside and then lovingly cuddled her in his arms. He rested his chin on her shoulder and closed his eyes, inhaling her lovely scent. As compared to his smelly self, she always smelt good to him. “My sleep is peaceful when you’re right next to me.” He said and gave her a gentle peck on her nose. “You’re like my very own dream catcher. I don’t have bad dreams anymore.”

“If only my sleep is as peaceful –“ Lana softly mumbled.

“What?” Jongin heard her.

“Hmm... Nothing...” Lana cheekily smiled.

“Lana, I heard it.” He looked at her.

She laughed and then playfully poked his stomach. “The symphony of snores every night can be quite entertaining.”

“I snore?” Jongin tilted his head, as if he couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“Of course, no one would actually know they snore until someone tells them right?” She smiled.

Jongin sulked. “Looks like we have to sleep separately since I disturb your sleep...”

“Hey, I didn’t say that I mind. I mean –“

“So, you still want to sleep together despite my snores?”

“Yeah!” She exclaimed.

Jongin chuckled suddenly. “Oh look at you... Such a byuntae...”

“Yah! What?!” She lightly slapped his and felt a little embarrassed knowing that she was the one insisted to be together every night.

The lively atmosphere was interrupted when Kyungsoo yelled from the ground floor for Jongin. “Kim Jongin, get your down here right now! Don’t you dare skip your duty just because you have a mate now! You make me want to find one too if that means –“

“Hyung! I’ll be down in a minute!” Jongin yelled in return.

“We have two already who want mates for themselves.” Lana laughed. The other day was Tao, now Kyungsoo.

Jongin sighed but he wasn’t angry at the guys for disrupting his precious moment with Lana. Plus, he understood their slight jealousy over him since having a mate was the most wonderful life changing moment indeed. But of course it came with a huge price. He had to ensure no one cause harm to his one and only and in this case, Lana was the one. She was like a double trouble but even so, he didn’t regret having her as his.

“What duty do you have in the day?” She asked curiously.

He her cheeks and brushed the strands of hair. “Nothing, we’re just increasing the number of rounds. Don’t worry; we’re taking turns so it won’t be as tiring.” Her face fell upon hearing his words. She knew that it was only because of her that they had to step up on security. If she wasn’t around, they wouldn’t have to sacrifice their time and sleep. He noticed her changed expression and pulled her closer. “Hey, don’t make that face. It won’t take a while. I’ll come back once my turn is up.”

“Oh alright...” Reluctantly, she said.

“I got to go.  See you later.” He kissed her hand gently before heading towards the balcony and jumping down to the first floor with ease.

Lana’s mouth gaped open. “Yah! Use the staircase next time, will you?” She shouted. She hated it when he does that all the time. Although she knew he won’t feel anything at all, she was worried how physical these guys could be. The last thing she ever wanted, to have Jongin hurt himself physically.

Jongin formed a smile when he heard her but rushed straight into the forest without stopping. He picked up Kyungsoo’s scent and found out that the male was already heading towards the East. Thus, he turned left and went towards the West, separating himself from his partner so as to gain more grounds. Light in his feet, he ran passed trees and fallen trucks without hiccups. Honestly, running in the forest made him happy, free and wild. It was the best feeling. He loved venturing alone in spaces surrounded by the greenery. It eased his mind and soul. Maybe that was why he was chosen to be a part of EXO. And he never regretted it one bit.

Jongin only stopped when he covered almost 4 miles in radius around the house. If he moved any forward, he would enter the other territory, which was separated by a vast lake. He was at the exact same spot last night and every night for that matter. He took quick breaths and steadied himself. He stretched his hands up high and flexed his muscle, displaying his toned upper body. The weather was just nice and the air was fresh. He closed his eyes, absorbing the tranquillity. Such an irony, considering his enemy ground was just a lake away.

Just when he thought the coast was clear, he spun around in a flash when he sensed a presence approaching him. Without wasting any time, he ran straight for the intruder only to stop abruptly to see that familiar face again.

“What do you want?” Jongin hissed with his eyes piercing terrifyingly.

Yongguk stood before him, alone. “I’ve come to tell you something.”

“What is it?” Surprisingly, Jongin probed further. Initially, he didn’t want anything to do with the enemies, especially Yongguk but he was aware that whatever information he received, must never be taken lightly.

“The King will be coming in 5 days’ time. I want to remind you take extra guard over Lana.” Yongguk revealed.

“What is he doing here?”

Yongguk looked far ahead as if in deep thought. “I invited him over.”

Immediately, Jongin’s body tensed up. “You’re inviting him here after knowing he’s out there in search for Lana. Way to go, brilliant fool.” He mocked.

“I didn’t invite him without a reason.” Yongguk stated.

“Whatever reason you have, I don’t think it’s enough to risk Lana’s life more than anything!” Jongin lashed angrily.

Yongguk could only sigh. He fully understood the risk yet this was the only way to protect what was best for him and her. “Listen to what I have to say first...” He spoke, with his voice almost pleading. “I have a task for you.” Jongin stared questioningly at his words. “I believe it’s a simple task –“

“Just get straight to the point.” Jongin interrupted irritably.

“I want you to kill the King.”

Jongin tilted his head and frowned, as if he didn’t quite catch what Yongguk just said. “What did you say?” He wanted a repeat.

“Kill the King when he’s here. I’m sure it’s an easy feat for a wolf pack like EXO.” Yongguk said.

“You want us to kill the King?” Jongin just had to ask once more. It was too suspicious coming from Yongguk, who one of the King’s sons.

 Yongguk nodded. “You have my permission.”


To be continued

Hmmmmmm.......................... F I S H Y

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!