Chapter 12: History

A Beautiful Curse



Tall, elegant and absolutely stunning; these were the words to describe the once arch enemy of Lee Byung Hun. She was his most hated person in the entire world; well technically she wasn’t really a person. He didn’t know what has gotten in his head but Kim Tae Hee was definitely the one for him. Never in a million years could such love ever exist.

Byung Hun seemed like an ordinary guy. Young, wilful and wild; common traits for any 17 year old male who was in the phase of entering adulthood but still not quite there yet because his youth stretched for a long while. On the surface, Byung Hun looked rather normal yet to the people who knew him personally, he was anything but normal. Born in a family of the wolf descendents, he possessed rare and gifted abilities no one could imagine. He was a lot stronger, had better reflexes and his senses were superior to humans.

But he still led a normal life, not until he met someone...

Kim Tae Hee came back to visit and eventually stay in one of the places she used to reside many years ago. Decades past and the place have definitely changed. The forest was still there but she could see buildings and roads now. She has travelled to many places around the globe like a nomad searching for a suitable haven to live for the rest of her existence. After many explorations, she chose this nostalgic town surrounded by mainly forest at the outskirt of Seoul as the right place for her. She didn’t know why but she was drawn to the place. Well, probably because the main palace for the vampire clan was located here where all the notable centuries old vampires were living. They needed to be here since it was where the supposedly enemies of her kind was said to live. Thus, it was presumably the war zone.

But to Tae Hee, tensed or not, she loved it here.

School was mundane and quite redundant to Byun Hyun especially when he wasn’t particularly a bright student. Education was the last thing Byun Hyun ever wanted since he knew for sure once he was all grown up, his life was pretty much pre-destined. He wouldn’t need high academic qualification considering his role in life was to protect his kind. He was going to be just like his late father.

Byung Hun slammed the locker close and leaned his back against it. He closed his eyes and tried to filter the noisy hallway which was crowded with students until his ears picked up a soft sound of footsteps coming down the staircase at the end of the hall. A gush of wind blew across and his nose immediately sniffed a lovely sweet scent; a scent way too alluring for him. In a flash, he opened his eyes and turned his neck to catch a glimpse of the person.

It must be a girl, he thought.

He ran across the hall, following the trail of scent. As soon as he reached the end of the hall, he bumped into a girl who was holding a stack of papers. With quick and agile reflexes, he caught the papers which flew. With just a paper left in the air, he grabbed it swiftly but immediately turned surprise when the girl was half a second faster than him.

That was weird, he wondered. No one was supposed to be that fast. The papers were flying all over the air but none of it touched the floor. His movement was rapid but what shocked him, the girl’s movement was just as fast. There were a few sheets of paper in her hand as he looked at her curiously.

“Thanks.” The girl mumbled and took the papers that he was holding and immediately turned around, leaving him speechless for a moment.

“Hey, wait!” He called and chased after the girl. His right hand reached out for her arm but as soon as he touched her, there was an electrifying energy which caused the both of them to stop and shudder. “Whoa, what was that?” He asked and stared at his right hand to see if the force was by him.

The girl halted and turned around to face him. Slowly, she looked in his eyes bravely and at that moment, her world just stopped. His eyes were unbelievably mesmerising. It was so attractive that she felt like she casted under a spell. Her mind turned giddy in euphoria and if she could, she never ever wants to stop looking at his eyes. She continued to stare right in his eyes until she noticed something oddly familiar. His eyes were brown with its pupil turning golden in colour.

“.” She cursed inaudibly.

“Hi, my name’s Lee Byung Hun.” He said with a grin plastered across his face. She was rather taken aback at his calmness as compared to the turmoil she was experiencing in her head at the moment. However, she remained quiet and darted her eyes away from him and to the floor. Slightly disappointed that she was ignoring him, he asked further. “Are you new here? What’s your name?”

Tae Hee nodded but refused to speak a word.

“I see. You’re not going to tell me your name, aren’t you? That’s okay.” He smiled cheekily. “I will know it soon. By the way, your eyes –“ Her jaws tightened suddenly.

What now he just found out that’s she’s a...

“Your eyes are beautiful. It changes colour, from red to hazel and then light brown. It’s lovely.” He commented.

She was restraining herself from pouncing right at him. Was he mocking her? How could he still not know who she is?

“You smell good too.” He came closer and took a sniff which made her flinched. “Oh sorry, if I was impolite but really you smell good. At least tell me your name please?” He probed.

“T-T-Tae Hee. Kim Tae Hee.” Finally, she spoke.

Instantly, he came closer just barely an inch away from her face and said in a deep enticing voice which was sort of y to her in a way. “What are you, Kim Tae Hee?”

Without replying, Tae Hee asked him cautiously in return. “What are you, Lee Byun Hyun?”

“Whatever you want me to be.” He flashed a smirk and immediately turned around and walked with his back facing her. However, he stopped just a few feet away and added. “You smell good for your kind.” And then he left.

Her face contorted, absolutely shocked that he knew who she is after all, yet he was so calm and composed. What shocked her even more is that, he smells really good to her.

“He was supposed to stink but why is he –“ She mumbled to herself. “Lee Byung Hun, you are an interesting creature.”


He was disgusting to her and she was the most cunning being to him. That was how both Byung Hun and Tae Hee tried to prevent themselves from falling deep. They needed constant indoctrination so that they would view one another as vile creatures. Byung Hun avoided her as much as he could; sitting as far away from her in classes they shared. But to their dismay, they had all classes together.

One day after lesson, Byung Hun approached Tae Hee from behind but obviously she could sense him even miles away. Instantly, she turned around and scowled. “I told you to stay away!”

His eyes turned golden brown, an indication that he was becoming just as tensed as her since her eyes changed to red almost instantly. “I don’t want to be near you either because you –“ He wanted to say that she gave off an awful stink but he couldn’t. No matter how much he sniffed the air just to pick up even the slightest smell from her, there was nothing. Instead, a sweet scent lingered. “Whatever. I came to warn you that the treaty is still on and if you or any of your kind breaks it, we won’t think twice in declaring war.”

“We’re not going to harm your precious humans. We are true to our words.” Tae Hee hissed.

Byun Hyun snickered and continued with another provocation. “Oh really? Say someone who decided to enrol in this school. Don’t you think you’re being too casual that it’s becoming suspicious? Just like a hungry lion walking about freely among many lambs.”

“I’m not that kind.” Tae Hee weighed her words. She was annoyed at the accusations knowing well that she wasn’t like many of her kind who preyed on humans. Controlling her thirst and only feeding on the blood of animals was what she has cultivated since her transformation. Without prolonging the interaction, Tae Hee walked away as soon as she felt that she has done enough explanation.

Byung Hun viewed her back as she walked away. Feeling deflated out of a sudden, he sighed softly. “I believe you.”

Tae Hee stopped and closed her eyes as her lips formed a smile. How stupid of him, she thought. Obviously, Tae Hee could hear him miles away. If she could sense his heart beat, what made him think she didn’t hear him?


Unknowingly, a week past smoothly without any hiccup and Byung Hun was on his bed on a lazy Saturday afternoon. It has been quite an anxious week since her presence in his life. Wait, he meant presence in school. Tsk, she should never be associated in his life in any way. Yet, Byung Hun’s mind never once stopped picturing her face. It was lovely, especially her eyes. It changed colour frequently but mostly when he was around her. Threatened, her eyes would instantly change to red signifying that she was angry or, thirsty. Amidst the sensational feeling, he still wondered why she didn’t stink like the rest of her kind. Instead she was the greatest temptation almost an ecstasy to him. She was different, too different that he couldn’t explain the feelings he has for her.

“Damn, what is wrong with me?” Byung Hun slid his fingers across his hair and cried in frustration. He jolted and stood up, leaving the room and house because he needed a breath of fresh air. He just needed something to get her off his mind, even for a short while.

Dressed in a loose sleeveless shirt and tattered jeans, Byung Hun continued to walk until he reached the pathway leading to the forest. That was his playground. As he geared up to make a dash in, he heard a soft melodious voice. His ears tweaked by the sound of it. Curiously, he went in search for the owner of the lovely voice. He ran into the forest and followed the sound until he was just metres away.

Tae Hee was humming to her favourite tune when suddenly she felt a presence that was too familiar. She stopped and let out an annoying grunt. “I told you to stay away –“

“I...I was...” Byung Hun was surprised to see that same girl he wanted to avoid on one of the thick logs with a book in her hands. “Stop singing, you’re bothering my sleep.” He lied and put on a pout childishly.

Tae Hee giggled a little and asked sarcastically. “Really? Is my voice that bad? Maybe I should sing more often so that you would get the message to stay away from me.”

“What are you doing?” Byung Hun diverted the topic to something more casual as he sat on the other fallen trunk just opposite. Tae Hee lifted up her book and showed him without breathing a word. “Romeo and Juliet? Seriously?” He teased once he saw the title of the little book in her hands. “I didn’t know you’re such an emotional sappy person.”

“We are the romantic kind unlike yours, so undomesticated.” She provoked but it didn’t hurt him at all.

“Yeah whatever. So –“ He stopped trying to figure out his words. “Why are you back here?”

“This was where I grew up.” She replied

“How old are you?” He asked.


Byun Hyun snorted. “I mean your real age.”

Tae Hee paused to think. “Approximately 107 years old I think, plus minus 5. I’m not so sure.” She shrugged.

“Wow you’re…well, ancient I suppose.” He commented.

 “Ancient? I guess that’s a nice word rather than being called old.” Tae Hee burst out laughing. “So I heard you don’t age either?”

“Nah, we do but slowly. I’m 17 years old and in 10 years down the road, I will be 27 technically by age but my body, face and strength will remain as it is. In simple term, I will stay young for a long while.”

“I see.” She understood. And then both of them turned silent for a while. She reverted back to her book while he sat there studying her. His stare was making her uncomfortable, not because he’s the supposed enemy, but because he gave her the tingly feeling; all the time. Other than the fact that he shockingly smelled good to her, he was also undeniably handsome. His lips were luscious and plump, his nose was pointy and his skin colour was slightly tanner than most people. His eyes especially, were like magnets pulling her deep into his soul.

Byung Hun cleared his throat before asking a question which made Tae Hee shrink a little. “How did you turn into a blood …I mean a vampire?” Seeing her flinch, he added. “It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it.”

“No no, I want to tell you.” She inserted quickly. “It’s a long story though. I hope you don’t get bored.” She shuffled in her seat and turned around so that they faced each other. “It all happened many years before World War 1. Just like you, I led a normal carefree life right until I found out I was 5 months pregnant. The baby’s father, I don’t want to mention him. Let’s just say he was irresponsible and he paid the price for it. Yes, I admitted I was naïve back then. But it wasn’t a reason to throw the baby away. I was ostracised and insulted mainly because I was caught pregnant with the baby’s father unknown. Yet, I kept the baby. My parents disowned me but I couldn’t care less. My baby was my world.”

Tae Hee stared blankly in space as she reminisced the past. Meanwhile, Byung Hun listened to every word intently. “Just days before I was due, the town people came knocking on my door telling me to give the baby up. I was told that because of the sin I committed, I’m never allowed to take care of the baby, my very own flesh and blood. They broke down the door of my shabby hut and barged in as I struggled free from their ruthless attacks. Helpless, I cried and begged them to stop.”

“Eventually I agreed, fearing that they would hurt my baby even before he enters the world. A few days passed and the time was up. On my own, I braved the pain and successfully gave birth but –“ Tae Hee stopped. Her hands were shaking and right at the moment; Byugn Hun came closer and wrapped his hands around her.

His hands were very comforting.

After composing herself, she continued. “They killed my baby right before my eyes. I was accused of witchcraft and the baby was a curse and had to be executed. The sound of his cries is still clearly embedded in my head. It was the most beautiful sound but my happiness was ripped away in a flash. They…killed…him…” Tae Hee trembled and buried her face in her hands. She couldn’t even cry. Her tears were all dried up but even so, Byung Hun sensed her anguish.

“My world ended. There was no point living anymore. Breathing was so dreadful. I chose to end my life but was saved by an elderly man, my creator. At the brink of death, he cited me these words.”

My beautiful child, you are a gift from Him but your life is nothing but only misery. If you think this is the end, it’s not. You deserve more in this world. Remember no one shall be spared. They are the most wretched and pitiful souls. It’s them. Fight for yourself, fight for your baby, for eternally.

“I woke up in a different body, a different person. No longer the girl who was mercilessly trampled beyond repair, I stood up on both feet with a strongest determination ever. My existence began.” She ended in a surprisingly triumphant tone as compared to her shaken self just before.

Byung Hun carefully asked. “What happened to the town people? Wait –“ He stopped to recall. “The bloody massacre which happened mid August 1923…that was…”

“Yes, I did it all.” She said with certainty. “And because of that, the wolves continue to exist up till the present. “ She looked at him and said. “Well I’m sorry that you have to continue the legacy for a long time –“

“No, don’t apologise. You did the right thing.”  Byung Hun interjected. He was speaking sincerely. He believed he would have done the same if it was him. “Besides, being a wolf is kind of fun. Not burdensome at all.” He assured playfully.

Tae Hee flashed a smile and warned nicely. “Don’t speak too soon. Everything comes with a price.”

Byung Hun nodded and agreed. “Yea, the possibility you might kill me the next minute.”

“I won’t kill you. Why would I kill the only person I told my story to?” She stood up and flashed a smile before walking away.

Dazed, Byung Hun tried to comprehend what she just said. “Huh? What do mean by the only person?”

Tae Hee let out a chuckle and turned around to face him while standing a few feet away. “Besides you, my creator knew my story. And…my creator isn’t a person remember? So, that makes you the only person. See you around, pup.” With that she turned around and sped away.

“Hey, don’t call me by that?!” Byung Hun yelled. It took him a while to register her words. “Wait, when she said I’m the only person, does it mean she has never told anyone before throughout all her a hundred and seven years, wait, is it seven or eight? And when she said, see you around, does it mean she’s okay seeing me in the future? I mean why would someone say those things if she wants me to stay away right? That would be bipolar. Vampires…bipolar? Is it possible?” He mumbled to himself.

“What a stupid girl, running away when we aren’t done yet.” He grumbled. “Now I can’t rest in peace with so many questions. Kim Tae  Hee, you’re not supposed to be clouding my mind.”


To be continued


A glimpse of the past...







Yes I love Iris!

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Chapter 51: Damn she can't do this.. And why do I feel this is all planned by Yongguk? Bcoz he know Lana will hate him if he betray them and do this so he is faking innocence so Lana trust him?
Thank you for such an amazing story.. Now off to part 2..
Chapter 30: yo just got down like damn
se_xing #3
Chapter 35: Wtf lana
se_xing #4
Chapter 16: I really want to punch this mira girl
se_xing #5
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 16: Wtf that mira girl,ugh =_=
Chapter 51: Off to part 2~~
Chapter 50: Oh my god...
Chapter 46: Yongguk...
Chapter 44: Ho Ho Ho! Well, jealousy make you do crazy things!