
Make Me See It Again

Chapter Three { Goodbye, My Love }
[SNSD] Taeyeon - Bye (Mr. Go OST)

Hanwol sat quietly as she slowly swung herself on the swing. Minseok occupied the other one, and his gaze was on the younger girl who looked up at the stars. “Why is she so familiar?” he thought, his eyebrows meeting in the middle as he stared intently at the girl next to him.

“I used to come here a lot with my best friend,” she suddenly said out loud. He broke out of his thoughts and nodded, “Really?” She hummed in response, swinging herself a bit higher, “We used to chase each other around the play structure, and when we got tired, he would offer to swing me while I sat on the swings.”

“Where is he now?” he asked, curious. She stopped gradually, a slight frown on her face, “He’s somewhere. We promised to keep in touch, but he never replied to my letters.”

“Oh.” It was silent after that. Hanwol continued to stare at the stars as Minseok let out a breath. He noticed that she was rubbing her arms, so he shrugged his jacket off and placed it over her shoulders, catching her off-guard. He gave her a boyish grin, “Don’t want you to get a cold now.”

“Thank you,” she mumbled, though it seemed that her thoughts were not present. Minseok stood up, offering a hand, “I should get you home. It’s getting dark.” She nodded and took his hand, though releasing it the moment she got up. He didn’t miss the empty feeling he got when her hand was taken out of his, and mentally shook his head, disregarding those feelings. Their steps fell in sync as they began their way towards her house.

“About your best friend,” he said quietly, catching her attention, “I’m sure that you’ll find him again soon.”

“Yeah,” she nodded, a gentle smile on her face, “We promised to confess our feelings once we found each other again.”

“Really?” he asked, a bit disheartened. She nodded, though the smile slipped off her face, “The thing is, I’ve already found him again.” He was about to ask who, but she gave him back his jacket, offering him a smile. “Thanks for walking me home,” she said, dismissing the subject, “I’ll see you on Monday.”

“See you at school,” he nodded, waving at her before he his heels to head home. She waved back with a smile before he turned around, her smile slipping off her face as a different expression appeared on her face. She whispered something before she turned around to


Hanwol walked into her room after taking a warm shower and was drying her hair as her gaze landed on a small box next to her desk. Her expression grew solemn as she walked closer towards the decorated box. She let out a small amused chuckle as she opened the box after she set it on her desk. Holding up a picture, she smiled at it fondly as she ran her thumb across the laminated front. She took out a scrapbook and flipped through it, remembering when the pictures were taken. Her eyes grew teary as she continued to look at the pictures. “Did you forget about me already?” she whispered to herself, “I guess absence doesn’t really make the heart grow fonder.”


Minseok walked into the room he shared with Tao, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol. He slightly frowned; there was something nagging at him at the back of his head, but he couldn’t put a finger on it. He shrugged it away, making note to think about it some other time.

After a shower, he laid in bed, trying to fall asleep as the other members fell asleep quickly. Baekhyun yelped a few times, causing him to chuckle silently before he turned towards the wall.  His thoughts suddenly wandered towards Hanwol. To him, she was familiar; she reminded him of someone, but why couldn’t he place a finger on it?

He sighed, rolling onto his back again. “Just who is she?” he wondered, “Have we met somewhere before?”

Somewhere between his thoughts, he drifted to sleep, his thoughts still towards the familiar girl.

author's notes
UniquelyYours-- signing in. A new chapter is up! I'm sorry for the unwanted notifications; I had to decide on one layout, so I had to fix a few things. ^^;;
It feels like my chapters are getting a little bit shorter every time I update. I apologize. OTL
I hope you enjoyed it! Please look forward to the next chapter~ Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes; I was too lazy to proofread. orz
I'd like to say hello to the new subscribers as well. Thank you for subscribing!~ ^ u ^


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[140802] MMSIA || Transferred authorship (is that a word?) to _uniquelynghi.


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xiumin23 #1
Chapter 4: growl is just so hot.. i died watching it .. btw your chapter was really good. I need more ;''))
xiumin23 #2
Chapter 3: omg omg the story is became really well ;D please update soon!! ;))
Chapter 1: So far it's looking very promising! Can't wait to read more.
xiumin23 #4
Chapter 1: i really like it. please update soon !! ;))