Chapter six;

You're getting married ♡

wow shet this took a while omfg.. I am sorry guise I've been on hiatus  with my writing ;; it's kinda hard with school but I'm trying my best, and no I did not forget about this story at all... Actually, I just had a major writers block and wow, I couldn't write anything for weeks..  A month in my case. * 

* have fun reading ~~~ I hope you guys don't get bored and please do comment I appreciate it a lot ~~ sorry for the mistakes I'm not fixing it anymore ㅋ typist got really lazy ._. 주송하미다 

ㅋㅋㅋ Changjo pov😏 

i stood there in awe, when I grasped The ring in my palm. It was just two months ago.. That I broke up with sohyun to pursue with chunji. But  I can't believe what I'm holding now is the engagement ring. Oh hell  no. I marched  upstairs and was knocking on the door as loud as I can. With the rest of the  guys behind me. Even  byunghun  hyung.. I kept knocking till my knuckles were hurting. "God damn it chanhee! Open the door"  I kicked the door until  it was open. Chunji was starring at me with his eyes tearing up.. He was clutching  the teddy bear I gave him, two months ago on our first actual date.  He even named it after me. "Jonghyunie." He  was looking at me and io couldn't help but shed my own years. I  have realized, chunji yung did love me.. For the longest time and i was too  blind to see it. I approached him, and hugged him tightly even if he  was pushing me. I gripped his arms tightly and held him close to me. "Shh.. Hyung  Jonghyunnie is here.."  I reassure hyung by rubbing his back gently ㅋ , he didn't say a word but he  stopped his crying. I knew this was a  sign.. He was slowly forgiving me. 

I looked behind me and they were all smiling. A sign of reliefed washed over my face, I was smiling again and my heart  was beating too. My heart only beats  only with hyung around me.  We pulled apart and chunji hyung looked at me rubbing his eyes. I heard him say; "I missed you idiot." He gently slapped my arm.  I retorted "hyung hits like a girl." Then everyone landed on the king size bed  laughing. "That's true hyung does hit like a girl;" Ricky said and everyone  rolled their eyes in  unison. "What..?" Ricky asked. " no one asked your opinion  you pabo!" Niel said. I ruffled Ricky's head  grinning.

everyone around me looked happy, I was happy too. But something inside me feels like something else is missing, as I looked at my palm. The ring was still there, I looked at chunji hyung who was  slightly pouting looking back at me. "Jagi.. " I poked him and he looked at me still "will you still marry me..?" His face  lit up and so did mine. "Of course Pabo choi, I would only marry you." I hugged him once again and everyone cheered. I guess from the back of my head , the crush that byunghun hyung had was just a  phase. "

That night ~ 

chunji and changjo was snuggling Iin the couch next to  cap and hakyeon. "E w guys, get a  room." Ricky said and  they all groaned, "just leave them alone babe ~" Ravi  hugged the younger behind and everyone was grinning. " keep him leashed" baro said   And everyone threw a cushion at him. "AISH.."  It seemed like a long peaceful night  for the rest of them but  not for the other two. 

when chanhee nudged his fiancé on the side, the latter groaned. He cupped his face and looked at him seriously. "Shh.. Be quiet."  A smirked formed in the younger's face and he ruffled his hyung's hair. The two gently stood up as they hurried upstairs. "Are your sure bout this hyung..? " he assured the blonde hair, and he nodded. "N..neh jonghyun.." They went inside the bedroom and locked the door. Chunji took th lead by , cupping  changjo's face as he missed the younger roughly. Changjo groaned as he tried to follow chunji's lips. The older nibbled on the younger's bottom lip ing his shirt just when the older was crawling on top of the younger. Someone  shouted from downstairs. "Chanhee , Jonghyun! We're home!" 


"... ."both of  them cursed 

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I liked this :3
Chapter 9: omgg hot!!!
Chapter 8: omg aww pooor chagnjo!
ELFlisa #4
Chapter 8: is funny!!...poor jonghyun...
Chapter 7: what what happened!
Chapter 7: U p d a t e s o o n .
Chapter 6: AWWW yay!!! They got together again and did the parents come!!
Chapter 5: oh my god!! wahhh nooo changjo do something!!
Chapter 4: Oh my god changjo is so out of control what happened!! Update PLZ!
G_Na19 #10
Chapter 3: wow... striptease show hehehe..
hope to see some changji moment next chapter. Update soon :)