Chapter 1

Trapped In Pain


The sun begins to rise, turning the sky sweet shades of pink and orange. The chilly air slides its arm around Hwanhui's warm, anxious body and as she breathes in its faint floral scent, she feels herself begin to relax. Hwanhui walks down the sidewalk of Yongin as her eyes instantly fell upon a small building by the roadside. She fastens her pace, smiling at the thought of getting some drink. It indeed is a hot Sunday, and a cold drink is all she needs for now. 

Pushing the door open, she sets foot into a small cafe. Looking around the room, she instantly fell in love with the place. It's small yet cozy, having this homey vibe to it. After ordering a cup of Ice Americano Coffee, she finds a seat by the window and wait patiently for the coffee to arrive. Puffing her cheeks, she blew out a raspberry, feeling a bit uncomfortable by the flirty looks the guys behind the counter are throwing to her. She had grown use to the attention, but still she can't help but feel uncomfortable. 

"Here's your coffee Miss, enjoy."

The waiter beam, snapping Hwanhui out of her thoughts. She thanks the waiter politely before sipping on it. They say when you put something in your mouth, your mind focus on it almost instantaneously. And to her surprise they're right. The coffee tastes like heaven, forgetting about those boys from behind the counter. After emptying the cup, she leaves a small amount of tips on the table before leaving the cafe. It's getting late and so she decides to head home. 

As her house comes into view, her eyes immediately lay onto the old lady stoning outside their house, gazing at the sky as always.


She shouts, catching the old woman's attention. The old woman breaks into a huge bright smile, opening her arms wide for Hwanhui to run into. Which she gladly did. 

"Where were you? I've been searching for you!"

"Sorry grandma, I was out for a while."

Pulling her away, Hwanhui gently cups her grandma's cheeks, placing a kiss onto her temple. Hwanhui loves her grandma, so much. She raised her, since both her parents are always occupied with work. Pulling Hwanhui to the bench, they settle down and start chitchatting as always. She enjoys this moment, seeing her grandma's bright smile, hearing her grandma's sweet laughter. Makes her ponder how she'll live without her grandma by her side. 

 As they continue to share random stories, a shiny-luxurious black car stops in front of them, interrupting their conversation. The window frame scrolls down, revealing a rich looking and sophisticate couple. 

"May I know where is the Yongin Village?"

"Actually sir, you're already here."

Hwanhui replies as a matter of factly. A look of disbelief strung across his face for a moment before being replace with a smile. 

"Thank you, Miss."

Rolling the window frame back up, they drive off leaving Hwanhui in daze after setting her eyes onto a young man who has been sitting at the back of the car all this while. He looks gorgeous, and unlike other men, his eyes look blank. No glimpse of lust. No glimpse of emotion at all. 


And as strange at this sounds, Hwanhui is attracted to the latter. 


-End of Chapter 1-

Hello there. I hope you readers like this update, its quite short don't you think? I'll try to write a longer story next chapter. Do subscribe, comment and upvote for more :)

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short update


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Icepeach #1
Chapter 6: I really have forgotten about a story like this, i have to go and read it all over again now, gud to have u back though
Kwanzwhispers #2
Please update soon, author-nimmmm I'm anticipating for t following chappsss!!!
Chapter 5: N-NEW VICTIM?!?? ono;;;
Chapter 4: omaigod.kai.why so handsome?/dies
aobutans #5
Chapter 3: hehe pls update soon c;
MissPandaRawr #6
Chapter 3: update soon :)
xxBesooxx #7
thanks for the chapter :D update soon xD
Chapter 1: this chapter was interesting! cant wait for the upcoming chapters^^