A HAPPY birthday

Stay away from ME


We entered the mall and went to a store where they sell cups with many designs.

Jae looked like a kid in a toy store.

He was so excited looking to the different cups when all of a sudden

he ran to me and pulled me by the arm.


“You need to help me pick!”

At the end we bought cups from different designs and it looked like a rainbow of cups.


We were going to pay when suddenly he told me to wait for him and

after a few minutes he returned with a bright yellow cup that had a happy face on it

and I couldn’t help to notice that it was really similar to the one he used.


He didn’t say anything about it and I didn’t ask, but as soon as we entered the coffee shop,

he ran to the kitchen with all the cups and returned with his red cup and the yellow one.


He stood in front of me with a childish smile and I couldn’t help to smile too.

“Happy birthday BoA, a happy cup for you.” He said giving me the yellow cup with juice.

I felt happier, because it was the first real birthday gift I had received in more than ten years.

“Thanks again, Jae.”

“So…what do you want to do next for your birthday?” he asked and motioned me to sit down beside him.

I sat down and Jae looked at me blinking his eyes like waiting for an answer,

but I had not idea what say.


“Maybe we can…”

“Go to the movies…” I cut him.

I had always wanted to go to a real cinema.

Not like the personal cinema I had at my house or the fancy movie projections in the rich people clubs.

Jae accepted and we went to the movies.



Jae’s POV

I was wondering what movie she will choose considering her uncommon preferences.

But she surprised me when she chose a romantic movie.

Maybe she wanted to change in that too.


BoA looked excited eating her pop corn and I was happy because of that.

She looked really beautiful and even when the movie started playing I couldn’t take my eyes of her.


After looking at her after a while I was amazed because of all the effort she was putting

to seem interested in the movie when I could notice that she was getting bored.

I guessed romance would never be her favorite genre.


I patted her shoulder and told her if she wanted to leave.

She looked at me like wondering if I was annoyed by the fact that she wanted to leave, but she nodded.

I just smiled and decided to take her to a place I guessed she would have more fun.

I took her to the arcade and she didn’t seem disappointed at all.

We walked through the different games until I saw one of a car race.

It was for two people so I invited her to play with me.




A race…I loved to compete and I was an expert in driving…so I accepted to play with Jae.

It was great that he had told me to leave the cinema.

The movie was boring me to no end…I still wonder why I didn’t choose the one that had a car race in it…


“Ready?” Jae said and smirked.

I widened my eyes when he smirked.

What had happened to him?


I sighed as I saw the big and bright letters with the annoying voice telling me,

“GAME OVER”….those words were still ringing in my head…

those were the same words my father told me…


I turned around to look at Jae and he was smiling oh-so-happily to his ‘winner’ screen.

I was supposed to be the best driver, not him.

He looked at me as if he was reading my mind and said.


“That I love to take the bus doesn’t mean that I wasn’t an excellent driver…

you don’t know in how many races I competed.”


That really surprised me.

So he wasn’t an all good boy after all.


“Yeah, you ‘rebel boy’…” I said stepping down from the mechanic car.

“Let’s go to that one…” He said pointing another game.

He seemed to be enjoying this more than be, but I was having fun too, just by being with him. 



Jae’s POV

 “I have to shoot?” She asked alarmed looking at the gun I had in my hand.


I bit my lip thinking that I made a mistake by asking her to play a shooting game.

This kill-the-zombie game was a classic and I used to play it a lot with Yunho,

but he always won. And for the first time I thought I could win, but maybe I made a mistake.


She was a girl after all…and after the robber’s incident, maybe she was scared or something…

but she held the gun…


“Umm…it’s ok…”

“Ah?” I asked looking at her again since I had been lost in my thoughts.

“I will play with you.” She said holding the toy gun.



How could she make look this game so easy?…

all I could say was that she was killing the zombies… merciless.


“I win…!” She said proudly putting her gun down.


I put my gun aside embarrassed. I wasn’t going to win that game ever…


“It’s unfair!…it’s like you had done this many times before…your aim is awesome…”

I couldn’t help to complain. I felt like a kid in this place.


But as soon as I was going to ask BoA to play another game,

I saw her and she wasn’t smiling anymore.




As if I had done that before…

I shouldn’t have accepted to play the game.


And unconsciously to him, his words were really hurting me.

I had done that before…shooting, killing…a

nd even in my first birthday out of ‘The Base’ I couldn’t erase that fact.


“BoA?” Jae called me worriedly.


I didn’t wanted to do anything more.

I felt as if all the strength and happiness had gone away.

Why I couldn’t forget all that? Why everything I did always lead me to think of my past?

Is that I would never be able to escape from it?


“BoA…maybe we should go. You look tired.” Jae said.


And in this kind of situations I didn’t know if it was good or bad

that he seemed to read my mind so easily.


“Oh, wait.” He suddenly said as soon as we stepped out of the arcade.


I looked at him confused.


“How could I forget the cake?!....there must be some bakery here…

no…better I should bake the cake…or…”


And all the time while he was planning what to do next walking in circles in front of me,

I couldn’t help smiling.

Even though just a moment ago, his words made me sad,

his childish attitude would always make me happy.

“BoA…” he suddenly stopped walking and called me.


“Go to the music center while I bake you a cake…

I don’t want you to see it until it´s finished.” He said smiling.


He was making so many efforts to keep me smiling and he was doing a good job.


“Ok…” I simply replied, because in fact I was thinking of going there to relax,

and to be alone playing the piano for a while would help de-stress my mind.


“I’ll call Hyun Joong…”


And just like that after two hours of being at the music center

playing piano and talking a bit with Hyun Joong, I returned to the coffee shop.


“You are arrived at the exact moment!” Jae said excitedly when I entered the shop.


There was a table in the middle of the shop with balloons around,

the two happy cups and a small cake.


“Should I sing happy birthday again?” He asked himself aloud.


And I continued smiling.


The time at the music center helped me to make some things clear.

I couldn’t change my past, the one in which I killed people,

hurt others and acted like a robot following my father’s instructions,

but I was given a new opportunity and even though many things

will be there to remind me where I come from,

there will also be people like Jae willing to help me smile.


“Saengil chukha hamnida…” Jae finished the song that I barely heard because of my deep thinking;

however, I could hear his voice.

That soothing voice that had made me calm every time I cried,

every time I need someone to be there for me.


“Now, make a wish.”


A wish…I had many wishes, but I had ever hoped they would come true.

But now, I was out of the gang, my first wish was accomplished,

and now I wanted to wish for this day to be the one that can change my life.

Because I was next to the person I cared the most in the world

and that had showed me the value of friendship, because I wished to make him smile too.


I blow out the candles and he clapped.

Then he took out his phone and put some radio station to hear some music.

We started eating the cake and I looked around the shop thinking how special it looked.

Since the first time I arrived I felt comfortable in it.


“Jae, you made the design for this shop?”

He stopped eating and smiled.


“No, Li Yin was the designer; she is an expert in that.

But Junsu, Yunho and Hyun Joong helped too. It was team work.” He said proudly.


“I guess your friends really love you.” I said smiling to him.


I had notice how close he was to them even though he wasn’t part of the rich’s world anymore.

They were real friends looking out for each other and I felt they had been accepting me too.


“Yeah, and I love them too.” Jae responded looking at me.


“So…do you love me too?” I asked amazed at my own question.

I wasn’t planning to ask him that, but somewhere in my mind the question was begging to be asked.


He widened his eyes, but then he patted my arm.

“Of course I do, you are my friend too.” He said smiling.


I couldn’t help responding to his smile and thinking that I was starting to feel something for him too.

And because of that I did something that I was getting used to.

I hugged him, but for the first time, it was a happy hug.

No more tears or fears, just gratitude.


When we broke the hug our faces were really close and

it was funny that after all this time it was the first time I could see his happy face so close to mine.


I think he felt the same because he started laughing with his melodious voice,

and I followed his example.

I laughed after such a long time, and again my cheeks hurt and my stomach too, but I was laughing.


We looked like two crazy people laughing out of nothing while drinking juice and eating cake.

And that was the way I wanted it to be.

To enjoy the simplicity of a ‘Happy Birthday’ and enjoy my birthday smiling and laughing.


(A/N) THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS!!!...I could update sooner than I thought!!! I still have one more exam, but anyways…I needed to put this chapter! XD

*SoEulmatesadmirer: I didn’t take that long to update, no?...XD…Thanks for the comment!...I’m glad that you liked what Jae did…he was really brave indeed to ask random people to help him sing, but it was a really sweet detail, don’t you think?...And Yunho haha…he is just like a kid! Suyin romantic dinner was interrupted by him LOL…but he is a good friend after all.

*minifantasy: Thanks for the comment! I’m glad you liked the previous chapter. I hope you liked this one too. I’m glad you understood how shocking was for BoA that the people in the bus sang her happy birthday, since her mother died she didn’t celebrate her birthday or even mention it. The last chapter was a sweet chapter indeed, and I think this one too. Go to study wherever you want!...it will be a great experience! =)



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kwonjunghee95 #1
Best story ever, it touches my heart.
jhen414kpopaddict #2
wah unnie! i miss reading this huhuhuhu it's been a long time since you finished this story.. wah i remember those events where I feel so excited to read your update
I was a silent reader, and I have to say, your story is just beyond amazing~~
wow!!! love the story!! couldn't stop reading it till the end!!
Make a sequel!!!! XD
ywavy #5
i want boa atleast have her 'happy' ending with still being in the family and being the cold hearted boss but i don't disappointed bcz u made a great 'happy' ending <3
ZozBombshell #6
I read the comments and it says the ending is sad? Whyyy? T_T huhuhu I'm at chapter 32, I think I'll stop reading since I can't bare sad ending since I'm very emotional lol, maybe I'll continue reading it later... You're really an amaIng writer, this fanfics felt so... Realistic. I like it :)
Tzarista #7
i seriously thought at the end everybody would just die .. but this is a sadder ending ... wondering without each other
its great i love it so much :)
:(( sad ending!!!<br />