Once more entangled in the confusion

Stay away from ME

Jae’s POV

Yunho made me sit on one of the chairs of the shop and gave a glass with water.

“Hey, drink this….” He said softly patting my shoulder. “You seem really shocked about what happened.”

I nodded and drank the water.

BoA had entered the shop behind us, but she hurriedly walked upstairs to her room.

I wasn’t really shocked that she had hit the man, but the way her eyes sparkled.

It was a dark look, different from the one I had been seeing the last days….

her look when she started living upstairs showed confusion and fear,

but slowly it turned softer and warm.

So why had she had that scary look like when I first met her years ago?


“Jae….will BoA be alright? Maybe I should go upstairs and check on her…”

Yunho said looking to the kitchen door.


“No!” I shouted grabbing his arm.

I wasn’t sure why I did that, but I had the feeling that BoA

will come upstairs on her own when she was ready.




I washed my face for the third time.

I looked at myself in the small mirror of the bathroom and sighed.


I knew what caused Jae to look scared.

It was the dark look I gave him. I didn’t mean to…but having a gun in my hand again…

brought so many memories and thoughts…and they weren’t pleasant.


I calmed down and walked downstairs.

It would have been worst if I stayed upstairs.

They would have worried for me…


“BoA!” Yunho said approaching me. “Are you alright?”

I nodded and looked at Jae who was looking down.

“I will bring a glass of water for you…” Yunho said entering the kitchen.

I sat in front of Jae and looked down too.

“We have met before, right?” He asked.

I looked up at him and for a second he closed his eyes.

I guessed he was scared of my look.

“Yes…some years ago…” I answered softly.


We sat in silence for a moment, when he suddenly chuckled a bit.

I looked at him with confusion.

“You didn’t need to look at me in that way, I wasn’t the robber…but you scared me…”

I bit my lip and nodded.

Why wasn’t he asking anything? He changed his mood all of a sudden…

Did he know?

Wasn’t he shocked of what just happened?


But before I could ask something, Yunho appeared and gave me a glass of water.

“Thanks…” I said and drank the water.

The moment was turning awkward.



Jae’s POV

She came downstairs as I thought, but I was afraid to look at her eyes.

Yunho was being nice again, but she was silent.

When she sat down in front of me,

I couldn’t help but ask something that I already knew the answer to.


“We have met before, right?”

I felt how she looked at me and I closed my eyes for a second.

“Yes…some years ago…” she answered softly.


I had so many questions in my head.

Everyday with her was a new discovery of me, but I felt lost about her.

I wanted to asked her so many things, from the nightmare that made her cry so much,

why she was kicked out of her house, how she knew how to fight…

why she wasn’t afraid of holding a gun in her hand and mostly….

why she had that dark look in her eyes….


But I couldn’t…who was I to ask her those things?…

we were friends, but it seemed that I was the one getting weaker every time I wanted to know more of her.


The thoughts of it made me chuckled a bit.

This relationship was so different with the one I had with my other friends…

I felt scared being near her, she made me vulnerable, but at the same time I felt strong…

because I had the need to protect her, to be near her.


But she wasn’t aware of everything that was going through my head so she looked at me in confusion.


So I said something that looked as if I didn’t care about everything that was happening…

because I didn’t want her away from me.


 “You didn’t need to look at me in that way, I wasn’t the robber…but you scared me…”

She remained silent until Yunho appeared with a glass with water.


Suddenly in the middle of the awkward silence Yunho tried to ask a conversation.


“So BoA….where did you learnt to fight?

That was an awesome display of a mix of karate and tae kwon do…” he said smiling widely.


BoA coughed a bit and looked at him.

“My father liked martial arts…he taught me.” She said seriously.

“Oh…impressive…so….umm…any brothers, sisters?” he said with an even bigger smile. 

“No….” She said drinking more water.


Yunho was being a weirdo today...

he would normally be annoyed by the fact that he wasn’t the hero of the day and that a girl beat him the place.


“Oh…and…how about a boyfriend?”


I widened my eyes and BoA chocked on her water.

Ok…that was it! What was going on with him!?


“Yunho!” I shouted punching his arm.

“What? She is a beautiful girl, if she didn’t have boyfriend I bet she had a lot of suitors.”


BoA just smiled a bit and…blushed?

What!? So she really liked Yunho?

“Hey Yunho…I guess you already have to leave….” I said pulling him to the door.


When we were outside he just smiled playfully to me.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked him kind of angry.

“You can’t ask that kind of questions so directly…!”


I was really annoyed by the fact that I had so many questions in my head

that I couldn’t ask and that he asked her about a boyfriend so directly.


“Hahahaha….” Ah? What was funny about this? “You are so angry…hahaha…” Ah?

“Hey listen to me…” he started saying more calmly. “ I like BoA….”


WHAT!!??  I felt weird and confused…


“Hahaha…look at you again….hahaha…”


“Wait Yunho….you just said that you-you- like….BoA…” I said stuttering….

why I felt bad for all of this?….first BoA blushing and now Yunho saying he likes her?


“Yeah…she is a pretty and nice girl…I finally found a girl who I don’t need to force you to date

and anyways you will look good with her.”


“Ah?” I was more confused than ever.

“What?” He asked confused. “Oh…hahaha…don’t tell me you believe I want her for me…?

Hahaha…Aish Jae…sometimes you are so slow…I need a girl to protect,

while you need a girl to protect you…so now you find your black princess…” He said still chuckling.


‘Black Princess’….I didn’t like that term.

But wait! He didn’t like BoA and he wanted her with me?


“Yunho….you are such an idiot! You confused me!” I said hitting his arm.


“Don’t worry Jae…I won’t take her away from you even with my charm…

unless she already fell for me…” He said in a thinking pose.


I smacked his head and he looked at me suspiciously.

“So you already like her….just as I thought…” He said smirking.


I felt exposed…did I already like her? More than a friend…?



*SoEulmatesadmirer: Thanks for the comment! BoA didn’t tell the truth because she is afraid of what can happen…she doesn’t want Jae to hate her or something like that. And yeah…she was really heroic hitting the robber. Hahaha….well…about the pretty guys…BoA used to hate them…but who can resist Jae? XD And now that I think about it, I wouldn’t understand Korean book either hehehe….


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kwonjunghee95 #1
Best story ever, it touches my heart.
jhen414kpopaddict #2
wah unnie! i miss reading this huhuhuhu it's been a long time since you finished this story.. wah i remember those events where I feel so excited to read your update
I was a silent reader, and I have to say, your story is just beyond amazing~~
wow!!! love the story!! couldn't stop reading it till the end!!
Make a sequel!!!! XD
ywavy #5
i want boa atleast have her 'happy' ending with still being in the family and being the cold hearted boss but i don't disappointed bcz u made a great 'happy' ending <3
ZozBombshell #6
I read the comments and it says the ending is sad? Whyyy? T_T huhuhu I'm at chapter 32, I think I'll stop reading since I can't bare sad ending since I'm very emotional lol, maybe I'll continue reading it later... You're really an amaIng writer, this fanfics felt so... Realistic. I like it :)
Tzarista #7
i seriously thought at the end everybody would just die .. but this is a sadder ending ... wondering without each other
its great i love it so much :)
:(( sad ending!!!<br />