
lets live having fun

The black van was now long gone, though you remained staring in the absent space it once occupied. The entire situation was just so surreal. Not only had you spent time with Yoongi, you became acquainted with the other members of Bangtan. On top of that Yoongi had offered to walk you home, he actively went out of his way to be with you longer personally ensuring you arrived home safely, AND he gave you his number. Yoongi gave you his number. Raising your arm quickly, almost sending your phone soaring across the pavement in the process, you unlocked it only to be welcomed by his contact profile. 'SUGA' was keyed in, followed by a little red heart. A quiet squeal escaped your lips as you jumped up and down excitedly, no doubt looking like a big goof. There was the inner fangirl, right on time. You were wondering where it was hiding for so long. Content with your affirmation of tonights events you headed into the apartment complex and called the elevator. When it arrived you shuffled into the metal box, hitting the floor of your apartment was a reflex now. As it started its ascent you fell back onto the cool wall and shut your eyes. This wasn't a dream you wanted to wake from.

Turning the key, you swing open the door to your apartment. It wasn't big, just a humble officetel that both you and Meg could afford. To walk the length of it wouldn't take anymore than ten paces. None the less, it had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. In the end what more could you ask for? Shutting the door with your back, you throw your key into the little magnetic basket beside you. The best part about having a metal door was you could post literally anything on it with magnets. From the door you could see the whole of the apartment, save for the rooms that branched off from the living space. Meg was probably asleep in her room, she had class early the next morning. Your eyes fall on the clock. 11:20. You managed to stand outside in a Suga induced lala land for a whopping half hour. Maybe you needed to reevaluate your life a little bit. Instead you shrugged it off.

Stepping onto the heels of your shoe, one foot after the other, you kicked them off into a corner and padded toward your room. Meg's door was cracked open, you could see the light was still on. You knew she'd want to hear about your time and quite frankly you were dying to talk about it. Hastily you ditched your clothes, opting for a comfortable pair of shorts that had a pocket for your phone and an oversized t-shirt reserved for sleeping. You poked your head into Meg's room, she was sprawled out on the bed reading one of her text books. "Eonnie~" you called and dove onto her bed. "How was it? What happened? Tell me everything," she verbally abused you closing her book at the speed of light and rolling on her side to face you. "Well, we met at Sta-" you were suddenly cut off by your phone chiming at you. It couldn't be, so quickly? Fishing the device from your shorts you open up the lock screen, which displayed one new message from SUGA. Meg gives you a quizzical look but you pay her no mind. "Kelsie?" 

"He texted me.." you trailed off unlocking the screen. "Who texted you? Don't tell me… You got his number? Who is it!" she twisted her shoulder as to lie flat beneath your cell phone. "YOU'RE TING ME!" she hollered, but you barely noticed. You weren't even in the same room as her anymore, really, because you were just invited to the Bangtan house this weekend. "I am so aggressively happy for you right now. Like I want to beat you up, but I'm happy?" she rambled on but you were feeling strangely numb. How is it that he could continue to paralyze you. This wasn't fair, he wasn't even here. "You have to go," Meg demanded causing you to resurface. "Wha?" You were still in a bit of a daze. "You're going dummy," she informed you then pulling you into a big hug. "My little girl is growing up… Just make sure you get me an autograph or something okay? The least you could do is drop my name around Jimin… Or any of them really…," All you could do was laugh at her. She was a good enough friend, but the girl could really run . "Kelsie, aren't you gonna answer him?" she reminded you. "Oh, right!" you squeaked and turned your attention back to the screen. You instantly felt the blood rise to your cheeks as embarrassment struck in the pit of your stomach. Unknowingly, in your fit of celebratory cuddles, you sent him a mass of meaningless english letters. Great. Your fingers worked quickly to switch to a Korean keyboard. "Sorry sorry sorry! That was an accident. I would love to come to visit :)" You sent off the message hoping he didn't think you were a total dunce. Laying beside Meg, you both waited for his response. 

A good 15 minutes had passed already. Eyelids growing heavy you fought to stay awake, there was no way you were about to miss his answer. Meg was already snoring subtly beside you, mouth gaping. What a dork. More time passed. You didn't really notice that your eyes were shut until you were brought back to consciousness by your phone. The screen momentarily blinded you, causing you to shrink back against the pillow. "Good! I've arranged for one of our cars to come get you at 4:00 on Saturday, is that alright?" A smile tugged at your lips groggily. "Yes that's good. I have to sleep now, goodnight Yoongi oppa. Thank you~" you sent back. Personally you were amazed that you were capable of returning with such an elaborate message, because the last thing you remembered reading was "Goodnight Kelsie~ Have sweet dreams," before you were out like a light. Did you call him oppa? Whatever, it was late.



You stepped out of the black van to a luxurious building. A lady came to greet you, "Kelsie?" she asked and you simply nodded and bowed to her. "Right this way," she said with a smile and led you inside. Both of you entered a massive elevator and ascended to one of the higher floors. You were brought into a beautiful hallway that held many doors. "This is the room, enjoy your time here," the lady walked over to a black door and bowed. Thanking her you watched as she disappeared back into the elevator. Staring at the door you shut your eyes and took a deep breath. Although you knew them better now, it didn't change how nervous you were. It felt like your fist was acting of its own accord when it rapped against the door timidly. The black frame swung open to reveal Taehyung. "Hello Kelsie~" he greeted and moved backward to offer you entrance. No turning back now.

Crossing the threshold you bowed to him, "Thank you TaeTae," you said fondly while beaming. His own smile grew and he walked into the home. It was a large apartment with many hallways. It wasn't long before your nostrils were assaulted by the smell of, well to put it simply, boy. It as actually extremely pleasant, but you hadn't experienced it as heavily as this since junior high. You followed Taehyung down the hallway to the main living space. The walls were painted black, with dark hardwood flooring. In the middle of the room stood two black leather couches on a white furry rug, both facing a large flat screen tv and an array of video gaming systems. Namjoon, Jimin, and J-hope were lounging and playing some racing game. "Kelsie's here!" Taehyung announced, putting his hands on your shoulders as to show you off. You smiled sheepishly at them. Jimin mumbled "hi" in a rather distracted matter, for he was severely engrossed in the game, Namjoon looked at you for a split second before returning his attention to the game and gave you a signature "wassup". J-hope, whom was just watching the game, looked over the back of the couch and beamed at you, "Hello Kelsie~" he greeted. From the corner of your eye you noticed movement, it appeared that there was a window into the kitchen with a counter attached. Within you see Yoongi leaning over the counter grinning widely at you, Jin appearing at his shoulder and waving. "Kelsie~ I'm making supper for you," Yoongi cooed at you making your heart melt. Jin rolled his eyes, "Yah!" he groaned holding up a hand between Yoongi and himself to create a shield and whispered loudly at you "I'm doing all the work." Yoongi elbowed him in the ribs and the two disappeared back into the kitchen. They were so damn cute.

Taehyung made his way around you, jumping onto the couch between Namjoon and Jimin. J-hope, whom was still looking at you over the back of his couch, scooted to one side and patted the cushion next to him. "Come sit next to me Kelsie~" he purred, eyes wrinkled up into crescent moons. You happily obliged, making your way to the seat. Pulling up your feat you sat indian style and watched the game taking place. Jimin and Namjoon were bickering at each other, though Namjoon was beating him pretty badly. A cold droplet of water landed on your thigh followed by the aroma of shampoo. Looking up you saw a curious and soaking Jungguk leaning on the back of your couch. Judging by the towel around his neck and the wet hair he just got out of the shower. "Ahh Kookie you're dripping everywhere," you whine getting up to your knees and turning to face him. "Do you know how to dry yourself?" you giggle and point to the towel, "May I?". Jungguk nods at you with a smile. You take the decently dry towel and lift it over his head, rubbing away the excess water. Pulling away the towel he's left with his hair sticking up in all directions, you pat it down for him. "Thanks noona," he sang, squinting at you. These boys and their eyesmiles would definitely be the cause of your death.

"Sooo cute~" called J-hope from beside you. With that he wrapped both arms around your waist and buried his face into your arm. "Can I call you my wife?" he chimed playfully. Everyones attention was immediately shifted, both Jin and Yoongi were hanging over the counter to the kitchen, Jimin and Namjoon had paused their game. "Why does she get to be your wife?" interjected Yoongi, starting a chorus of offended "Yeah!"'s. J-hope gave you a gentle squeeze. "Because she's in my arms," he replied. You're not quite sure how this happened but the next thing you were surrounded in a Bangtan blanket. "Uh, guys," you attempted but it was lost amongst the boys whom were shouting now. A pale hand s into the mass of bodies and met yours, you clung to it and it hauled you out. In your absence they all fell atop each other in one huge dog pile. The body you were pushed up against felt pleasantly warm. His hand was now resting on your hip. Your eyes shot upward to Yoongi's triumphant face. The rest of them were tangled up in each other on the floor, groaning and in an over dramatic display of 'pain'. His hand was sending tingles up through your spine. How many times was this damn boy going to make you blush? Because you could feel the heat in your face. In awe you just stared at him, mouth parted. You could literally feel his heartbeat. You were just a few inches away from his face. His eyes fell down to yours. He must have only then realized how close you were to one another. Surprise settled into his features, a rosy colour blossoming across them. Hesitantly he stepped backward and collected himself, smiling at you charmingly. "Want to help me cook dinner?" he asked softly, eyes darting to the pile of Bangtan on the floor, "I don't think Jin will be much help." Right on cue a loud grunt came from somewhere in the web of boys. Still slightly stunned you just nodded and followed him into the kitchen.



ahh im glad people like the story.

also a little authors note: i decided that its easier to just change the color of things said in english as to distinguish it from korean. so all korean spoken will be in normal black text, whereas english will be in this grey. so i wont be italicizing korean anymore, but ill leave the earlier chapters italicized because im lazy haha

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im gonna be on a hiatus until school stops being so busy ;-; (but i think everyone figured that out)


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chocohugs #1
No more updates? T_T I was really into this story
amber1194 #2
Chapter 8: My bias was always tie between V and Suga...this story has solidified Suga...most definitely ;) Great story cant wait for updates!
Chapter 8: I think I may have broken something from fangirling so hard. Suga!!! Stop being so fudging cute I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!
Chapter 8: I love the update! :D
But jinjayo?! You write personalized fanfics??
How awesome are you lol ^^ uh..ehem can I request one please? Lol
Love your writing! Keep up the good work! Hwaiting!
Chapter 7: Oh gawd my face hurts so much from smiling!! I think I almost had a heart attack XD this is just so cute~
~update soon~
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh I think my heart exploded. SUUUUGGGAAA my goodness why do you do thiiiisss. My heart can't handle the cuteness that is Suga^^
~update soooon~