Farewell [Oneshot]


Taemin is in the last stages of cancer.

Key is devastated.

When Taemin dies, what'll Key do?



I close my eyes to yesterday.

All the memories start to play.

Oh, the skies were blue,

and it's me and it's you growing older and older.


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Tagongluv #1
This is short & sad but still good.<br />
<br />
Keep Writing.
cessna_taemin #2
Ohh ..SO sad.. My minnie died. =( But this is good Though ..
Thank you very much~
-neverLookback #4
Ohmygod. X( <br />
This is so, so sad. </3<br />
It' short, but very well written. <br />
I loved this.
;___; <br />
Thank you, Mey.
Oh my goodness... Imagining poor Taemin dying of cancer, all weak, and then Key dead... ;______; This is so tragic. <br />
Hannah, this is really good. </3333