Mihyun and Sehun

Lie To Me [HIATUS]

Mihyun’s POV

I remember my first day of high school. I was the shy freshman, just walking aimlessly around the school. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw my best friend Krystal with a smile on her face.

“Hey! It’s our first day of high school, how do you feel?” Krystal hands were shaped like she was holding the microphone. I laughed and spoke into the “microphone.”

“Well I’m nervous,” I told her. I heard for afar yell Krystal’s and my name. We both turned and saw that Sehun was running towards us and waving. I smiled when he got closer. He opened his arms and I ran into them. I snuggled my face on his chest and smelt his cologne.

“Hey Krystal,” Sehun greeted Krystal. She greeted him back with a smile as well. We heard another person calling out to Sehun. He jumped on his back.

“How is Oh Sehun doing?” the boy looked. Sehun eye smiled at him.

“I’m doing fine. Oh, Luhan, this is Krystal and Mihyun. Mihyun and Krystal, this is Luhan. He’s a senior this year,” I looked at the blonde haired guy. He looked rather young for his age. His eyes were shaped perfectly like a deer. He had fair white skin. He was shorter than Sehun by 2 to 3 inches.

“Hi! I’m Luhan! I know… I look young to be 17,” Krystal and I both nodded in unison. “I’m Sehun’s best friend. I’ve known since he was born!”

I felt someone’s arms around me and saw Sehun with a smile on his face.

“Oh! Is this your girlfriend?” Luhan teased it us. I don’t know why but I hinted bit of jealousy in his tone. Sehun nodded.

The bell rang loud and clear. We looked in panic. Luhan stood there all calm, laughing at us.

“Don’t worry about the bell. Class starts in 5 minutes. The bell is just telling you to hurry up to class. Which I should since I’m all the way on the 4th floor,” and with that, Luhan dashed towards the stairs. The three of us searched for our class. Sadly, I was left all by myself while Sehun and Krystal are together. I pouted knowing I don’t get to be in the same class from my both my best friend and boyfriend. I sighed and walked into my classroom. I saw that everybody was throwing paper at each other while the girls were in the middle just gossiping I assume. I choose a seat where I wouldn’t be involved with the mess.

Luhan’s POV

I reached to my classroom, panting and sweating. I choose my seat in the corner like I always do. I sit in it and thought about Mihyun. She was really pretty and the way Sehun talked about her all throughout summer vacation, she sounds really nice. Now that I get to finally meet her, I don’t understand why Sehun doesn’t like her.

Sehun over vacation told me a little dirty secret and it went something like this.

“Luhan, Mihyun is a nice girl and everything but I just can’t date her. She’s not my type. The only reason why I accepted her because I knew she has always loved me and I didn’t want to break her heart. Honestly, I like her best friend, Krystal.”

I felt bad for Mihyun. I can tell by the way she looked at Sehun that she truly loved him. Sehun doesn’t really understand what he’s missing out. Mihyun is just a ball of sunshine that came after a long rainy day.

Mihyun’s POV

The bell rang for the final class to be over and I walked towards Sehun and Krystal’s room. I saw that they were talking and laughing with each other. Once they took notice of me, I saw that there was look in their eyes, telling them something. Sehun walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head and led me to the cafeteria. I saw Luhan at the door. Once he took notice of us, he waved at us.

“How did you arrive here so fast?” I asked him.

“Seniors get out of class earlier than the other classes,” Luhan explained. I nodded at him. We walked over to the table and once I claimed my spot, Luhan and Sehun suggested to get lunch for Krystal and me. We sat on our spots and waited for the two.

Sehun’s POV

Luhan was holding onto Mihyun’s tray while I was trying to choose whatever Krystal would like.

“I don’t know why you like Krystal instead of Mihyun,” Luhan murmured quietly towards me. I grabbed an apple for Krystal before turning to him.

“I’ve always like Krystal. I always thought Krystal liked me back but I guess she didn’t considering she accepted my relationship with Mihyun. I thought over the summer I move on from her but I guess I didn’t,” I explained to him briefly. I was suspecting a nod of acceptance but Luhan just gave me the tray filled with stuff he got for Mihyun. I took it and gave the one for Krystal to Luhan. We walked back to the table and saw the usual best friends talking and laughing with each other.

“We’re back,” Luhan shouted with excitement. I gave Mihyun her tray of food and sat next to her. She put her head onto my shoulder and said a silent thank you to me. I smiled and nodded at her.

(End of School)

Mihyun’s POV

I walked out of the main exit and felt an arm around me. I thought it was Sehun but when I looked over my shoulder, Luhan was there, giving me the brightest smile he ever could.

“Hey Luhan, have you seen Sehun anywhere?” I asked him but he just shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe they’re still inside,” I thought. I turned around but Luhan’s arm pushed me back.

“Let’s hang out today. It’ll be great to become friends,” he suggested. Since I couldn’t find Sehun or Krystal, I just nodded. I texted Sehun and Krystal about my whereabouts. Then I left with Luhan.

 Luhan’s POV

That was close. 


What do you think Luhan is talking about? Actually it's very predictable so yeah. 

So I guessed I lied when I said I'll update this story once I get really far into my other stories.... 

So I have very little subscribers but I'm still going to do this! 

So today is a very special day.... 

It's Chunji's birthday! 

Happy birthday Chunji

But on the serious note..... 

It's also my birthday! 

Yes! I share a birthday with Teen Top Chunji... I get that every year. 

So today I'm going to tell you guys about myself and tell you guys some confessions I have of Exo... 

So today is my birthday (October 5th). I'm turning 15 today and I live in the USA. I'm Vietnamese-Cambodian but I'm more Vietnamese and actually speak some Vietnamese so yeah. I freakishly love tigers. I think they are one of the most cutest things on Earth when they are little cubs and how fierce they when they get older (also I was born on the year of the tiger). I have a blue eyed chihuahua (I know, it's a rare thing) named Crystal (no I did not name her after F(x) Krystal, I named her after her crystal blue eyes). My favorite color is mint green, black, and white. I start driving next month. I used to be a really shy person throughout my whole middle school life but now I'm more talktive and have a lot more friends now. I'm really slow on processing things so don't suspect me to understand a joke right away. I'm weird in my own way. Really weird.... I'm not an easy cryer. I cannot cry! No matter how sad the ending of a drama is. I did not cry when my grandma died! I'm a heartless person. I LOVE ice cream. I eat all year round. I'm very forgetful..... I forgot to where shoes to school... I had socks... but no shoes! 

So now for the confessions....

1) I thought Lay was ugly when he first debuted

I'm not going to lie to you guys but I really did. The way he did his hair was awful and the angles of the photo was terrible and I just thought he was ugly. I know I'm being a little to straigh forward but hey, this is a confession. I started to think he was good looking when I watched China's Big Love Concert and he was just so cute and everything. 

2) I couldn't even tell my own bias

So for those of you who don't know, my bias is Baekhyun. I liked him the moment I saw him in his "teaser" (Yes I know! How can you like someone if you only saw them for like 5 seconds... he was really cute) and when SM released History, it take me a while trying to figure out who was Baekhyun (I suprisingly got it right) and same with Mama. 

3) I named my car Suho

Yes! I am dead serious! The reason why is not only because of Suho. I have reasons behind why. Since I love Korean stuff, I wanted my car to have a Korean name. I thought of Suho because suho in Korean in translated into guardian in English. When I think of guardians, I think of angels and angels wear white. And since my car is white, I named my car Suho. 

4) At first, I didn't understand why people found Kris godly attractive

I really didn't. I just thought he was good looking tall Chinese-Canadian male but after a while.... I learned my lesson

5) I was disappointed to found out Xiumin lost weight

I like his chubby cheeks and I love how he made his baozi faces. I always wanted to meet Xiumin and go pinch his cheeks. 

6) I think Tao is gay

No normal man would step into the shower with another man unless they were gay. Also the way Tao acted is also kind of gay. The way he acts around the other Exo members were a little gay as well. It's really hard to explain (I hope I didn't offend any of you). 

7) I honestly want Exo to have a cute concept

If B.A.P can do that so can Exo! I mean I want to see Kris forcing to be acting cute. I'm willing to cringe if I get to see Kris do aegyo on camera for a music video. 

8) If I was Exo stylist, for a y concept, I would make them wear tight pants and a wifebeater

......... You're welcome.........

9) I wouldn't show my non kpop friends Exo

There is a most likely chance that they will like one of my favorites for Exo. I mean seriously... it's hard to have a bias in Exo and so if I were to show Exo, they is a likely chance that they will like one of the people I like and I wouldn't be able to hang out with them without wanting to kill her mentally.....

10) I left the Exoplanet for 3 months

It's a shame to say but the thing was that Exo didn't comeback so I was slowly drifting away from Exo. I still liked them in all in those 3 months, I just wasn't updated on them as much as I was before. 

11) My family doesn't understand my love for Exo

Just by reading that, you guys already know I have a hard life. So my whole entire family (family as in not including cousins and such. As in parents and my brother) all thought Luhan was gay. My brother thinks Exo just because of two songs (Wolf and My Lady) (he freakin ! My Lady is a beautiful song). My dad hates hearing History. My mom doesn't understand why I spent most of my time on Asian boys she knows I can never meet or talk to! I live such a hard life... Sad face

12) No matter how hard I try, I cannot pair Exo with any girls and not feel jealous

I remembered I was planning on writing a chapter where Exo lived happily ever after with real characters but the thing was that I was dying in the inside and I just couldn't do it so I deleted the whole pairing things and never saw it again (until I had to type it out again). When Baekhyun liked SNSD, I knew I had a hard timr processing that. It just hurts! 

13) I don't know but I don't find anything wrong with Exo's English in Mama

I mean I speak English fluently but I think I've been in the kpop world for 3 years now that I don't know what's good English and Engrish! I know so anonymous wrong because of Exo. 

14) I always feel really bad when I have a least favorite member

My current least favorite is Chanyeol and everytime I look at the bottom of my photo albums (because I arragne them by my favorites to least favorite) I feel like crying knowing that Chanyeol is last. It makes me  sad but what can I do!? 

15) After I started liking Exo, I get easily jealoused and don't like the idea of sharing biases

Like when I liked B2ST, I like Yoseob and my cousin likes Yoseob. When we dance, I let her be Yoseob. I like Chango from Teen Top, she likes Changjo from Teen Top. I let her be Changjo. I like Jeongmin from Boyfriend and she likes Jeongmin from Boyfriend and I let her be Jeongmin. I like Minhyuk from BTOB and her twin sister likes Minhyuk from BTOB and I let her be Minhyuk. After Exo, I will always refuse to dance unless I'm not Baekhyun. I even recently made a new friend that likes Baekhyun. On the outside, I was happy and everything. In the inside, I was thinking... This means war. 

16) Even though Baekhyun is my bias, I think Sehun is really cute... and hot... and y

I mean seriously... that boy is everything

17) I now see Lay and Sehun in a new light

I mean did you see that kiss!? It wasn't even supposed to end up with their lips touching. Most males usually pull away once they got a little to close! But Lay and Sehun kept going until their lips met and the peppro even broke so that's more reasons not to continue. No way can you have a kiss like that and not see then in a new light. I can never ship Hunhan the same way ever again. I blame you Lay! 

18) I really... REALLY hate sasaeng fans after I started liking Exo

I mean when I liked Super Junior, I didn't care. When I liked Shinee, I didn't really care. When I liked B2ST, I didn't really care. It was after all the incidents and doings that those fans are doing to Exo that struck me into hating them. I mean when sasaengs crashed Baekhyun's brother's wedding, I was nearly heartbroken. I was going to cry! I know some say it's a rumor but why on Earth would allkpop be posting article after article about it. It breaks my heart knowing that D.O is twice as scared than before. Exo getting injured at the airport as well. 

I don't even know why you would become a sasaeng. They should know by now that everything bad that happened to Exo, they're all going to be blamed for it. 

19) I honestly like Sehun's voice

I like the sound of it and everything. I know Sehun doesn't have good vocal chords but I don't care. I like the sound of Baekhyun's voice and he has really good vocals. I always want Sehun to have more parts just so I can hear his voice. 

20) My body is immune to Exo

When I mean immune, it's like really scary. I remember on the 2012 Mama awards, I was watching the live stream of it (even though I had school the next day) and I fell asleep because I was just so tired. Then I woke up like 3 hours later, my phone and right there, I saw Exo receive their award. I fell asleep again and woke up and was just in time to see them perform. I remember just flipping through channels and there I saw Exo getting ready to perform Wolf. I remember that I was completely focused onto my computer screen and I looked at the T.V and saw that Exo's music video for Wolf was on. It's like my body has an alarm clock when Exo is on. It's really scary....

21) I shamelessly admit that I have 3,227 photos of Exo

My friend was complaining about how it's really awkward how she was 15 photos of Korean guys on her iPod and in my head, I was seriously like bragging about my photos. My brother called me crazy for the amount of photos I have. My cousins call me crazy. I bet you guys are like calling me crazy too! 


22) I have weird obsession over Sehun's

I mean have you seen that . It's a freakin amazing . It doesn't even deserve to be called a ... It deserves an . I even have a photo on my phone that literally says "Keep Calm and Praise Oh Sehun's ". I follow two tumblr blogs about Sehun's and I used to follow one of all of the Exo members and I would always get really excited when she posted Sehun (the reason why I said I used to follow one is because she deleted it). I love it I love it I love it. It's my home screen background. I love staring at it. I love talking about it with my cousin. And I love it! 

So that's all guys, I hope you enjoyed that. Please comment. 

If you are new to the story, please comment and subscribe and I promise I'll update as much as I can

Until next time, annyeong~

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love00kpop #1
Chapter 4: More update please I'm crying I feel so bad for her ...
Author nim please update again please I really really love your story!! Heheheh
Chapter 3: update please... hahahah i know how hurt yiu are when baek likes snsd, same here, until now i just cant accept then reality
Please update soon