More Riddles

I Pray For Us Sequel - I Love Us


SeungRi picked the phone up from the floor and held it next to his ear. The others was silent, no one dared to say anything. DaeSung was pale, and SeungHyun held his hand a little tighter than he was supposed to.


“No, he’s gone…” SeungRi said into the phone. Still in disbelief that someone could have taken his friend. It was unbelievable that anyone would harm him. He had done nothing, and who was those guys? The ones who had taken him?


“What do you mean by gone?” Lee HongKi asked in the other end. A few tears escaped SeungRi’s eyes, and by the sight of his crying, JiYong felt the tears pressure against his own eyes.


“He’s taken.” SeungRi answered shortly. HongKi gasped and SeungRi could hear voices in the background. They felt like a whisper, but they were actually yelling.


“By who? What’s happening? Is this a joke?” HongKi asked, not the slightest amused. SeungRi sobbed and YoungBae picked the phone from the poor kid.


“We know nothing, but we will get him back, I promise. Don’t do anything, don’t call the police. We will handle this.” He said and hung up. Much to HongKi’s annoyance.


“How will we get him back?” JiYong asked. YoungBae sighed, and SeungHyun shook his head.


“I don’t know, but we will.” YoungBae answered. He knew he had to stick up for them, just a bit this time, and not be a silly boy like the last time. He loved DaeSung too much to let him wander in that path alone again.


“How do we find him?” JiYong asked again, and YoungBae shrugged. He had no clue about all of this, so how could he know what to do.


“We must wait for the next riddle. Maybe it will bring us a clue of what to do.” YoungBae answered, and JiYong sank in the chair. They couldn’t give up, but they had nothing to work with. They had figured who was away now, but they couldn’t figure out how to get him back.


“Excuse me.” DaeSung mumbled and left for the bathroom. He felt sick, so he needed water in his face. When he got out there, a hot steam from the shower was running. DaeSung screamed when he saw what there else was in there. On the mirror the next riddle was written with eyeliner.


The next riddle for you is:

It’s hidden where the sun never shines.

It’s hidden where there are no windows.

It’s hidden where the walls cries.


All of them came running. YoungBae turned off the hot water, and started reading the text. JiYong took a picture of the text with his cell phone. He knew that they could use this later on.


“What does that mean?” SeungRi carefully asked. SeungHyun frowned and read the text again. He had so many ideas of what it could be, but he didn’t dare tell the others.


“I don’t know.” YoungBae answered and they all looked at the writing. JiYong went back into the kitchen and picked up a piece of paper, where he wrote down the text. The others followed, except SeungRi who was mesmerized by the text on the mirror. DaeSung went back to get him, and looked at the writing as well.


“We will find him Ri. I’m sure.” DaeSung assured him and SeungRi nodded before he left the room, a little empty hearted. DaeSung sighed deeply before he went out of the room too. It was unbelievable that the person had broken into their home, just to write on their mirror. It was so creepy.


“But, we’ve already gotten two messages? When will we get the next?” YoungBae asked, and DaeSung’s eyes widened quickly.


“If he was here, he’s maybe still here!” DaeSung yelled and they hurried to search the dorm. Each checked their room, to see if he was there. JiYong found his window open, so they thought he had escaped that way. But that wasn’t the only thing they found. A letter had been specially delivered on DaeSung’s bed, but he hadn’t told the others. He wanted to know the content of it, before he let them know.


After a while of talking in the kitchen, SeungRi said something useful.


“How about the last message was a basement? They usually don’t have windows, means it can’t shine in there, and walls can often be wet in there?” He asked and YoungBae smiled wide, making SeungHyun clap his hands in what could seem like excitement.


“You could be right!” JiYong said enthusiastically. DaeSung kept silent, not in the mood to be too over enthusiastic about something it “might be”.


“Maybe we should think this through tomorrow. It’s getting late.” SeungHyun suggested and frowned when he looked at the clock. It was really late already. They couldn’t do anything now anyway.


“Okay good night.” They all greeted each other good night. None of them cared about brushing their teeth, they just had to sleep, so they could think better the following day. DaeSung went into his own room at first, he wanted to read the letter.


Dear DaeSung

You don’t know who I am, and you should have wanted never to know.

This will guide you a little.

He only loved you.

Why did he have to pay so hard?



DaeSung shed a tear from now knowing a bit more. What had happened to Jin Gang? And DaeSung thought that they were the ones that had paid the most.


DaeSung put the letter down on his desk and went to SeungHyun and his room. SeungHyun was undressing when DaeSung came in. He walked to him and they shared a quick kiss.


“What’s wrong Angel? You have been crying.” SeungHyun said and DaeSung looked away, feeling warmth spread on his cheeks.


“I have received a note.” DaeSung said, not able to hold it back. SeungHyun frowned and looked at him with concern.


“What note?” SeungHyun asked and DaeSung went out of the room, coming back a few seconds after to give the letter to SeungHyun. He read it and looked weirdly at the paper.


“Can he be someone who knew Jin Gang?” SeungHyun asked. DaeSung nodded, he was pretty sure of that.


“Maybe a brother or a good friend. I don’t know.” DaeSung answered. SeungHyun accepted the answer and nodded as an answer.


“Come to bed. Let’s sleep. We can’t do more today.” SeungHyun said and they went to bed. Exhausted from today, and both fell asleep quickly, even though DaeSung thought he couldn’t sleep.




“My friends will come and get me!” Jong Hoon yelled. A few people moved around and greeted a clearly better positioned person than themselves.


“Of course they will. And that’s what we are waiting for.” The man said, hiding in the dark from the dim lights that hit Jong Hoon. He was bound to a chair, in this cold room with dripping walls and bad air.


“What have they done to you?” Jong Hoon asked, while he struggled a little bit with the robes around his hands.


“Nothing you should worry about. They will figure out where you are, sooner or later, so I guess you and I will just have to wait.” The man answered, and Jong Hoon struggled a bit more. The man turned around to leave.


“Who are you?” Jong Hoon quickly asked. As it was the first time seeing this man.


“Your worst nightmare.” He answered, leaving all of them. Some of the henchmen laughed, and some just kept quiet. But one thing was for sure. Jong Hoon was starting to doubt his friends, since there had been three days now.




They had all woken up and YoungBae had fixed breakfast to all of them, so now they could start their meeting, as they held it in their living room.


“So, you are saying that this guy is acquainted with Jin Gang?” JiYong asked, when DaeSung had told the others about the letter he had received.


“Yes, we are pretty sure about that.” DaeSung answered. SeungHyun cleared his throat and smiled slightly.


“But something seems to have happened to him, and he thinks we are to blame.” He said, but SeungRi didn’t seem to understand.


“We didn’t do anything to that guy?” He said, really not getting it. DaeSung sighed and shook his head.


“No, we know. But something must have happened to him, since this guy wants us so badly.” DaeSung answered, and SeungHyun nodded. By then his phone went off and he picked up.


“It’s Choi SeungHyun?” He answered and YG’s voice was at the other end.


“You have a letter waiting here, in my office. Come and pick it up.” He answered, and SeungHyun quickly got up.


“Of course. Thank you.” SeungHyun said, and they ended the call. DaeSung looked concerned at him.

“What was it?” JiYong asked, and SeungHyun smiled slightly.


“I think we might have the next clue. YG has a letter to me at the office, I will get it immediately.” SeungHyun said and DaeSung got up too.

“I’m going with you.” He quickly said and SeungHyun nodded approvingly.


“I had hoped so.” He teased and kissed him. SeungRi laughed and JiYong rolled his eyes.


“Don’t stay away too long.” YoungBae teased, and they left the living room and the apartment as well. They drove away to the YG-Entertainment building, and left the car as they went inside. SeungHyun got the letter and handed it to DaeSung. DaeSung put it in his pocket, they had agreed to wait till they were all there to open it.


SeungHyun and DaeSung went down the stairs, when SeungHyun heard a shot and fell the rest of the way down the few stairs that was left. DaeSung ran down the stairs, but was thrown away by someone.


“Hey!” DaeSung yelled, when two men picked up SeungHyun. He ran towards them, but was held back by two others. They were like huge, the men who was there. It wondered DaeSung how they got through security. SeungHyun breathed hard, but fainted shortly after.


“Stop! Where are you going? Come back!” DaeSung yelled, while being held back, as they made their way, away with SeungHyun. DaeSung got his one arm away from one of the gorillas and hit the other gorilla with full power. The person let go off his other arm, making him free, and then he started running after SeungHyun and the two other men.


“SeungHyun!” He yelled as he made his way after them, but he was cut down by a man, who knocked him over. Tears streamed down his face while the men left him, and he slowly fainted. His head hurt when he woke up a few minutes after. When he touched the bleach blonde hair, he could see some blood on his hand from the place where he was hit. A letter was lying in front of him, and he picked it up with the hand that wasn’t bloody. He cried in anger, in disappointment and in sorrow for losing his love. Tears streamed down his face, and he left the place, to go back to the apartment where the others were waiting.




SeungHyun was thrown back in a vehicle and taken to the place where Jong Hoon also was. Jong Hoon was first put asleep with an injection and then they placed SeungHyun in there with him. Now they were both wearing bags over their heads. Both were they bound and both were they punished with something to cover their mouths. They were unable to talk, or see each other. The only thing they could do was to hear the other person, and it made SeungHyun think that the other person in the room was DaeSung. SeungHyun was hurt by a shot, but not the least close to death.




DaeSung finally arrived back at the others and gave them the sad news, together with the letters.


“SeungHyun was taken. I don’t know to where, and I was knocked out before I could follow them. But he has to be at the same place where Jong Hoon is, so we just need to find it.” DaeSung explained. JiYong and YoungBae opened each their letter, and read the content. YoungBae read first.


This should lead you straight to me.

The third and last riddle:

I’m here in Korea.

I’m here in Seoul.

I’m here where you had your finishing Goal.


“Our finishing goal? Could he be talking about the arena we held the last concert from the Alive Tour in?” YoungBae asked carefully. He was holding DaeSung in his arms to comfort him.


“Maybe. The Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul… We could always try?” JiYong answered and SeungRi nodded. It could only be there. Where else in Seoul had they had their finishing goal? Okay, a lot of places, but still… Did they even have a basement?


“Oh, I almost forgot.” JiYong said and held up his letter. He then read it out loud.


I got your man. I got your heart.

Maybe you should have reconsidered him at that time.

 Now it’s too late.

You will have to pay.


When JiYong was done with reading it out loud, they grew silent. DaeSung sniffed and tried to clear his vision from tears. He had grown so weak, and he didn’t want to. He used to be so strong, but now there was absolutely nothing that could calm his mind.


“Let’s go and see if he’s there.” JiYong stated. SeungRi corrected him to “They”.




When they arrived at the Arena, they quickly got in and past the security. They just said they had to see the CEO, and they were let through immediately.


“Come.”  JiYong said and they all hurried to the elevator, and to the basement. When they arrived, there was nothing to find. The walls were nice and dry, but there were no windows or any sun light. They led through the whole basement, but they found nothing. Sad and empty handed they went home again.


When they arrived home, JiYong and SeungRi went to their room and DaeSung to his. After a while YoungBae followed DaeSung…


“Are you okay?” He carefully asked and went to the bed where DaeSung was lying in. DaeSung sighed and turned his head to look at YoungBae.


“Not really…” He mumbled as an answer, and YoungBae lay down beside him. Looking up, into the air.


“You know… Thanks for helping me always.” YoungBae slowly said and looked at DaeSung, who looked a little stunned.


“You’re welcome.” DaeSung answered and their eyes connected for a while. YoungBae slowly leaned over and their lips met. DaeSung was too sad and confused to even react properly and just answered the kiss. YoungBae deepened the kiss, but that was when the alarm clock rung inside DaeSung.


“Stop.” DaeSung whispered against the lips and YoungBae stopped. He hadn’t even thought about it before he did it. If it had just been three years back, no one would have cared.


“I can’t do something like that.” DaeSung mumbled as he sat up in the bed. His head was hurting, and his mouth felt so dry. Why did he do something like that?


“Sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you.” YoungBae answered and got up. DaeSung wanted to drag him down into the bed again, just to lie next to him again and feel safe, but he knew what it could end up with if he did so. And he certainly didn’t want that.


“I shouldn’t have kissed you either. Will you please stay?” DaeSung asked, still really confused. Why did he even like that kiss with YoungBae? He felt guilty, but still he enjoyed it. Oh so confusing…


“I can’t.” YoungBae answered and walked out of the room. DaeSung fell back on the bed and a few tears escaped his eyes again. He had to get SeungHyun back, quickly, before he did something stupid. Or well, something more stupid than what he had just done…

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Claudiavv153 #1
Chapter 3: I hope and you can continue with this great story, it has already been about ten times that I read it and I read it again
Claudiavv153 #2
Chapter 3: I hope and you can continue with this great story, it has already been about ten times that I read it and I read it again
Chapter 3: UPDATE NOW.
waaniadams #4
Chapter 3: what happen next???
Q.Q It would be nice to see a new update~
I clearly remember the times when I was obssesed with this fanfic ^.^

(I should consider re-reading it)
xtavista #6
Chapter 3: this is getting more interesting. i always felt that bae has some feels for dae.but he shouldn't take advantage from the things happened
Chapter 3: Ah, poor TOP Q.Q the world is so cruel to him.
The end surprised me ohohoho, something I was waiting for sooo long x) Looking forward to next chapter :3
Chapter 1: Oh officially reading the first chapter of sequel xD
Somehow feels amazing that I don't need to find another story, just continue with this one. <3 Once the urge of reading hit me, I can't control myself. :D Sometimes I don't read maybe for more than month and I'm okay,cause hanging around and partiing take the most time. Now I'm thankfull I've this to distract myself :)
It seems like it's Dae's destiny to be like magnet for wrong things even though he's the one who's angel. If I'm not mistaken Bae found the BF at the end of 'previous story' xD and now he's all the time single (doesn't actually matter, just I was a bit confused - find this idea actually better.I'd like the idea of Bae being straight, or at least bi :D) And the merriage of Todae was kind of surprising :D cause you mentioned it just last few chapters (i've never expecting that, but still cute ) P.E.R.F.E.C.T
OK ... I'm too annoying and I try to say to much without any meaning :D ... *going to read *
Chapter 2: it was so intense :O Poor Jong Hoon :/
Hope everything will be okay.
Bae, go find them, save Jong Hoon and make him your boyfriend :D

i love the mystery :D <3
Chapter 2: Who was that? What happened tp Jonghoon??
Why did he do that??
It seems I asked too much.

The danger is coming and they were so clueless..

You updated so fast :O