Blue Palette

Colour Me Rainbow


Hyukjae found the world to be a huge canvas, the people it's colours mixed by the palette of their lives.  His own life, he thought, was a mixture of many colours, mostly silver. But he always felt that he was missing out on something to complete his palette.





The first time Hyukjae met Kyuhyun, he was intrigued by the drastic contrast of his dark blue colour to the vibrant brightness his fellow college students portrayed. They would often meet, as his younger brother Donghae was working with Kyuhyun on their class report. And Donghae's white showed how terrified he was of meeting the boy alone. Hyukjae thought his own colours should have turned white from fright, given that the younger would glare at him anytime they made eye contact. But that didn't bother him. The whole time, Hyukjae waited for Kyuhyun to show more colours, but the boy remained ever so fixed with his blues. That was the first time he saw someone so plain.

Hyukjae thought it was dull to be just one single colour, and decided to introduce the boy to the wonderful world of colours.




Whenever Hyukjae  talked to Kyuhyun, the younger would snap and tell him to shut up. He would rage with violet at that time. But that didn't stop Hyukjae.  One day while talking to Kyuhyun, instead of the usual darkness, he saw the colours turn bright, but then they succumbed to their darker shades. He liked the brightness the colours showed, and was determined to bring them out.




Any time Hyukjae would get, he would always be hanging around Kyuhyun, how much ever the younger protested. A lets go to the nice little cafe down the street or there's a new dance group performing in the theatre! would be followed by death glares and empty (or so Hyukjae liked to think) threats. That didn’t stop him from taking the younger's hand and dragging him along. Hyukjae thought he saw a flash of a dark scarlet blob in his colours, but then again it disappeared as soon as it came.




Kyuhyun had the annoying habit of snoring very loudly when sleeping. Hyukjae knew this due to the enormous number of times Kyuhyun would fall asleep midway whenever they hung out. It was obvious that none of these things they did held any interest to him. Hyukjae was thinking of other ways to entertain Kyuhyun, and was nearly close to taking him to the zoo,  when he saw that Kyuhyun was no longer with him. They had been walking back to Kyuhyun's apartment, and Hyukjae didn’t realise, amidst his brainstorming, that he had left the younger a few steps back . He turned to see Kyuhyun press his face against the window of a shop. Hyukjae saw a green stripe dancing around the blue, and approached him. He looked at what captivated Kyuhyun's attention, and saw the many lineups of various games at the arcade. Something clicked inside him. He held the younger’s hand and stepped inside the arcade. For the first time, he saw Kyuhyun smile.




Hyukjae's days were filled with coffee, work, friends, dance - brown, grey, yellow, silver - but the highlight of his day was when a certain blue light waited for him outside his apartment. Their time would be spent in playing Starcraft and eating take-outs. Kyuhyun's colours seemed more bright . A yellow was introduced, which added a nice touch to his greens and blues. When Kyuhyun laughed, Hyukjae couldn’t help but admire the radiance his eyes showed. He was so captivated by Kyuhyun, that he didn't notice a streak of red making its way through.




A/N : This is my first time writing a fanfic. Please let me know what you think. All feedbacks are welcome!

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Yay for ch 3!


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257471 #1
Chapter 3: please don't give up on this...
hope you'll continue this...
Chapter 4: It's such a waste, I really like this story enough to subscribe and upvote! Your writing skill is just... argh. But of course I do hope you will try to complete the story, still all the best ^^
Chapter 4: authornim dont delete your story pls pls pls...your storyline is one of the kind....
i never see or read something like this....just dont give up if u need some help me or others willing to help u in sharing ideas huhu....i do hope u will continue write this story..
Chapter 4: D: i was glad when i saw the notification for this story...but why...
ah i really like the artistic feeling of this story though... :(
i hope you will continue it...
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 4: I really love this story, and its really shocking:( you know me:( this is a really beautiful story and i actually really looking forward for it:( but if its really your choice, then, its okay:) hwaiting for you:)
heyitstheduff #6
Chapter 4: This is actually...shocking. and you're deleting your account too? Why?:(
Chapter 3: sorry i just read your fic just now... the story become more interesting than first chap... :)
Chapter 3: Wow.. I doted on this story already.. Its so soft and went straight to someone inside. I couldn't believe that this is ur first fic. Its look like u have experienced it before.

I liked how u potrey someone thru their colour.. I mean.. gosh.. I never thought of it.

Oh please update soon~
Chapter 3: i wonder about your background for writing like this... (i dont mean it in the bad way,really)
i mean, it has some kind of artistic feeling...
i really like it so far :)
its just that this chapter has less colour terminology.
Chapter 3: Hohoho~ Bedroom time. ;) /shot for being y here. =w=
I wonder who tops, but I'm hoping it's Kyu cause.. well Kyu's taller and in this story it doesn't seem to me that Kyu is a submissive person. \o/ Anyway it's your choice and I think I'll like it either way~ :D Good job on this chapter! \o/ Keep it up and update soon~! ^^