Friend Request

Status: Single or Taken? It's Complicated...


It's Monday, you've been pretty busy these days because you heard the news that your exams are coming up in about 2 weeks.

You were walking to school when you remembered that it's photography club today. 

"It's photography club, but I don't have a camera," you sighed then rolled your eyes, "Who cares."

As you reached the school, you quickly went to your homeroom for register.

"Park Eun Su?" shouted the teacher.


"Son Dae Joong?"



"Here," you replied. Then you quickly took your phone out and checked your facebook. Surprisingly, there was a friend request. 

You were surprised since most of the people in school have already added you.

You checked the person and it's no other than... Kim Jonghyun?! 

"Ehhh?!" your eyes widen and you couldn't believe that he sent you a friend request.

All of your classmates looked at you even the teacher. The teacher walked towards you and you hid your phone quickly.

"Anything wrong?" the teacher asked.

You shook your head, "Nothing, I just thought I saw a cat."

Everyone burst out laughing. The teacher rolled her eyes and walked back to her desk.

You quickly pressed 'ignore' and put your phone away.

After homeroom, everyone needs to go to their designated club. You went to photography club and couldn't believe how modern that room is.

"Unnie!" Jae Hyun popped out and quickly ran towards you, "I thought you weren't going to come, thank God you're here."

You smiled to her, "Of course I'll come, I never break promises."

She giggled and grab your arm, "Come and see our photography club room, I designed it myself!"

You saw flat screen TVs, Apple computers, pro. cameras, leather sofas, snack bar... they were all brand new and so gleaming clean.

"Jae Hyun," you called.

"Yes?" she turned to you.

"Is it only the two of us that's going to do photography?" you asked as you bit your lips.

She brightened, "No, of course not! There's another person joining us today."

"Really?" your face lit up, "What year is she on? Is she the same year as me?"

Jae Hyun pouted and tilted her head, "You both are on the same year but I'm not sure if it's a 'she'."

"Hm? You mean it's a guy?" you sighed, "Oh well."

"Unnie, don't worry, even if he's a jerk, he'll be a good help for us," Jae Hyun assured.

You nodded and smiled.

Jae Hyun quickly went to get a camera and gave it to you, "Since you don't have a camera, I'll give that to you."

"What?!" you nearly choked with air, "No way."

You handed the camera back, "I can't accept it, it's too much."

She laughed and gave the camera to you again, "Unnie, I have 10 more at home, my mom is telling me to give them away and since you're one of the member of photography club, I might as well give it to you, ok?"

You smiled, "You're really giving this?"

She nodded, "Keep it."

"Thank you."

"Let's start from the basics, we need to learn about the flash," Jae Hyun dragged you to the lesson room and started teaching you.

"Jae Hyun-ah, how about the other person who's doing photography club?" you asked.

Jae Hyun sighed, "He texted me before you came, he said he'll be coming late."

"Oh," you sighed and listened to Jae Hyun whilst waiting for the other person.


Ok... random chapter I just thought of since I'm bored.....

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MeisChanyoung #1
Chapter 4: He's a here huh-_-
update faster
Iheartlife #3
"bullet needs a new target" >_<<br />
Aish....update soon :D
queenkonglolz #4
thanks for commenting... continue commenting guys... a laubbvvss uuuu guys... <br />
kekeke~~~ ;D
Asses Jjong found love!!<br />
Please update!
MeisChanyoung #6
Jaehyun's soo nice!<br />
<br />
And I like ~~~~'s character! She's like the cool and nice type. :D<br />
<br />
<br />
Update soon! I kinda like these random updates. XD
Wow!!! <br />
Please update!!
Jaehyun souhds so cute >.<" I like her :D<br />
And oh I love photography its fun, especially capturing those just right images :D<br />
I like your story its entertaining, its nor boring or nothing; its different<br />
But good different, you know<br />
So keep updating<br />
PS: Glad to be the first to comment on an amazing story :D
This sounds so interesting, I like it very different from others XD<br />
Do update when you can :D