Chapter 22

I've Been Waiting

Jaejoong pauses, and then cautiously lifts his foot. He’s not imagining it; the floor is wavering slightly, like an optical illusion, the deck thrumming with a strange kind of energy Jaejoong is pretty sure the engines are not responsible for.

And while he’s not displeased per se when his drink comes back to him after he sort of flings it over the railing when he accidentally trips over, there is nothing natural about the way it ricochets off thin air.

Acting on a hunch, he steps up onto the lowest bar of the railing, leaning over it as far as he can without risking falling over, one arm grasping the metal tightly with the other stretched out towards the sky.

“Joongie! Don’t—”

Jaejoong’s suddenly thrown backwards, his spine aching with the hard impact it makes with the deck, his hand tingling as if someone had injected pure energy into his veins. Yunho is by his side in an instant, Jaejoong’s hand in his, and with a few muttered words from Yunho his hand feels normal again.

“I thought you were trying that scene from Titanic,” Yunho says lightly.

If he was trying to distract Jaejoong, it failed.

What…what was that? Jaejoong mouths.

Yunho sighs. “Just an energy shield Yoochun and I have out around the ship,” he says, not reluctantly. “It’s intended for vampires so it’s harmless to you, but it will shock you a little.”

And what does it do to vampires?

“It…it’s designed to mimic fire,” Yunho says cautiously, as if he’s thoroughly examining every word before it crosses his lips. “It’ll incinerate ordinary vampires, and at the very least inflict burns on ones with powers.”

Jaejoong grasps what that means immediately. Changmin?

There’s no point in keeping it from him. “Yes,” Yunho confirms. “I’m so sorry, but there is a very high chance he’s coming, and with help as well. I need…” Yunho takes a deep breath, the words seeming to physically pain him. “I need to protect you, Joongie.”

No matter what it takes. The words hang unspoken in the air.

Jaejoong knows why Yunho won’t say it. Because of what it implies. That Yunho would do absolutely anything to ensure Jaejoong’s safety.

Even if it means killing Changmin.

Yunho looks away the moment that thought enters Jaejoong’s head. “I don’t want to,” he says, clenching his fists. “I’ve lived centuries with—and because of—him. My job that whole time was to protect him, to the point I did it instinctively when it seemed like you were getting to close to discovering who he really was. Going against him, with such a connection…it’s not easy. In the past, he wasn’t anything like this. It’s hard to reconcile that person and the one now.”

He was nothing like this? Jaejoong asks.

“Not at all. Even when he sought to make me angry, it was simply to amuse him, and was never on this kind of scale. As long as his Blood Singers were all accounted for and there was always one available when he was thirsty, I was free to do what I pleased. When I found you in Japan, he even temporarily relieved me of my position so I could spend more time with you.”

Hearing about Changmin like that…it reminds Jaejoong again of the Changmin he used to know. Reminders of the past that, for the sake of the future, he must forget.

To aid the process, he reaches out and draws Yunho closer to him. And while Yunho’s expression is one of surprise, his arms instantly wrap around Jaejoong, and when their lips meet his are soft and yielding against Jaejoong’s desperate ones.

Until suddenly Yunho pulls back.

“No,” he murmurs, the single syllable filled with despair. He hurriedly stands up, Jaejoong in his arms, and dashes back towards the living quarters. “Yoochun!” He calls urgently. “Yoochun!”

And with that, Jaejoong knows it’s begun.




Yunho curses inside his head. He’s fairly used to the speed at which vampires move, but this is something else. No doubt the Council has access to some forms of magic not even those who know Averian are privy too—which he really should have seen coming, considering how the Council is in possession of a library of books on these matters spanning countries, centuries, and a lot of land. The black dots in the distance are moving at unprecedented speed—still too far away for Jaejoong to see, but at the rate they’re going that’s going to change in a matter of seconds. Already he can make out Changmin’s features in the distance, as well as those of others; Taemin, Sehun, Yongguk, Seunghyun—dear god, even some of the Chinese Council members are among their number.

It’s not their full force though, and Yunho is thankful for that. The ones coming at them are formidable enough as it is. Even from here the energy shield surrounding can sense their presence, and the humming becomes louder as the shield starts practically vibrating as if anticipating the upcoming fight.

“Put Jaejoong down,” Yoochun says, coming up to them. “Try to create a reflecting shield. I’ll put him in my room with Junsu. I’ve sealed it so Changmin and the Council won’t be able to detect their presence.”

“Why can’t I take him in myself?” Yunho demands.

“Because I’ve no time to cast the proper protection spells so you won’t affect the seal. Now stop protesting and give him to me!” With no other option, Yunho does as he asks. With a final glance at Jaejoong, he turns away and closes his eyes.




Yunho is a sight to behold, arms raised as though in praise, his voice rising and falling with words Jaejoong doesn’t understand but finds impossibly beautiful nevertheless.

Too bad he can’t behold him for long, because Yoochun is tugging him away, and as much as he’d like to stop an admire the view, it’s probably the better option here to listen to the guy who may just be as old as Korea itself.

The room Yoochun takes him to is similar in size to his own, the furniture and décor done in rich shades of blue. Junsu is seated in armchair in the corner, his eyes closed in slumber. But his arms are securely tied to the armrests, deep purple bruise marks visible even under the thick leather straps, and his posture is strange, as if he had fallen asleep suddenly with no time to set into a comfortable position.

“Idiot boy,” Yoochun says, the fondness in his voice belying his words. “He resisted when I told him he had to stay here the whole time. He didn’t like the idea of me fighting…I had to sedate him. He’ll wake up when either I or someone else breaks the seal, and not before.” Yoochun stares hard at Jaejoong. “I hope I won’t have to do the same to you.”

Jaejoong swallows and shakes his head. As desperate as he is to be of help, he has a distinct feeling going up would have the complete opposite effect. The last thing he wants is to give Yunho one more thing to worry about.

Yoochun continues staring, an unreadable expression on his face, and Jaejoong squirms under his gaze. Once he does, Yoochun smirks, like he’s been looking at him that long simply to elicit that reaction. “Do I scare you, boy?” He purrs, and Jaejoong is brought back to the night when Yoochun had called out to him in the same smoky voice, asking him why a Singer was out alone at night.

He can’t help but shudder.

That seems to be answer enough for Yoochun, whose smirk becomes even more prominent. “Good,” he says in a tone of satisfaction, like he revels in Jaejoong’s fear. “I am a vampire after all. And you are a Blood Singer. Changmin’s or otherwise, you shouldn’t feel safe around me.”

As if to reinforce his point, he pulls out a dagger.

Jaejoong steps back, but Yoochun merely unsheathes it and brings the blade to his hand, as if he’s forgotten all about Jaejoong. He exhales softly, and then presses the sharp steel into his finger. Blood quickly wells up, surprising Jaejoong—it never occurred to him that vampires had any—and Yoochun walks around the room as if in a dream, stopping at every corner to swipe his bloodied finger across the wall, writing strange symbols—like runes from an ancient book—of which every single one seems to tell a whole story in their own right. Each time he finishes, he mutters something unintelligible, and the characters light up with an unnatural glow that immediately fades away.

“Blood Magic,” Yoochun says, at his cut finger, the blood leaving a crimson spot on his lower lip. “Extremely powerful, but if broken will inflict damage on my own body.”

Somehow, Jaejoong gets the feeling Yoochun’s not doing it for him.

Yoochun covers the distance between him and Junsu within three strides, Kneeling beside him, Yoochun murmurs an apology and gently brushes his hair aside to press a kiss to his temple. “See you later,” he whispers. When he turns to Jaejoong, his tone is far less affectionate. “Understand this. The Council is here, one to administer justice for a wrong execution, two to return you to Changmin as his rightful property. My deal with Yunho was to teach him some magic and give him sanctuary in my lands in exchange for Junsu’s location. Consider this a bonus service, and this service only goes so far. If you cause trouble in any way, I will withdraw my support of Yunho and he and you can find your own way to my lands. Are we clear?”

Jaejoong gulps and nods. Perfectly. “Good.”

Without another word, Yoochun leaves, and Jaejoong sits on the bed. There is nothing he can do but wait.

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Chapter 26: love the story.. ^__^
meechan35 #2
Chapter 26: Such a nice story.
Shubha #3
Wow what a ending... Nicelly done.... Loved it
Flamelily274 #4
Chapter 26: How will this keep in line with the lawsuit and the split?
yo_yunjae #5
Chapter 26: Good job
Before I want to hate changmin here... but in the end he has his own way to show he care..
I hope yunho n joongie will never seperate again
Just saw this now. The description got me *u*
Qer_lee #7
Chapter 26: Omg i love it!!!!
A beautiful story... could we have a 2nd epilogue XD
I just cat get enough ?
anurim #8
Beautiful prologue autornim!!!
jheana #9
Chapter 26: Beautiful story! Thank you for sharing.
yunjaemrcnn #10
Chapter 26: The story is so good. And ending too. Thank you for the hard working