WITH OR WITHOUT YOU (temp title only)


I started noticing changes with my PA. 

First, she started talking to me in a kinder tone.  She would always ask me if I needed anything.  Even if I didn’t ask, she would be there ready to assist me.  She had become a normal PA towards me. 

Secondly, she became friendlier to other staff.  She joins conversation.  She would sometimes crack up a witty joke that makes everybody’s stomach hurt.  She still stays aloof when TOP and YB are around though.

She started wearing sunglasses.  My sunglasses. In replacement of the hoodie she always wore.  It was already summer and everybody started wearing loose and thin clothes.  But, since she discarded the hoodie, people started noticing her.  Mostly male staffs. 

There were some of my co-artists whom I heard talking about her.  They were secretly whispering, so I got curious and eavesdropped.  Since then, I glared at every guy who couldn’t keep their eyes to themselves every time Dara is with me.  I had to think of something to divert their attention away from her.

I was going to an award show when Dara came out a little dressed up than usual. It was the first time I saw her wearing something girly.

Where are you going?  I blurted out.

Of course, I’m coming with you.  She said casually.  I eyed her from head to toe.

Wearing that?  I pointed at her dress.

Why?  What’s wrong?  YG told me to wear this.

You’re not going with me.  I told her.


I don’t need you there.  Stay home.

But, YG-

I’ll call him later.

 I did not give her a chance to insist.  There’s no way I will let them see her like that.  What was Hyung thinking anyway?  Does he want me to lose my PA?



I hate Jiyong.  It took me hours to get myself ready.  It was my first time to attend a big event, but he just told me to stay at home.

I paced around the living room thinking of what better things to do.  I just can’t let my effort be wasted.  I took out my phone and dialed a number.

Are you busy? I asked.

I need your help tonight.  I told the person on the other end.

I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.  Thanks.

I grabbed my things and headed out.  I decided to attend the after party instead.  Jiyong will be there, but I could avoid him if I have to.  First, I need to go to my new friend’s salon and do a makeover.


The club was already packed when I arrived.  There was tight security at the main entrance because fans were lurking around the area.  There were some persistent ones begging to get in. 

The huge security guy held me at the entrance.  He just stood there with his arms across his chest.

Where do you think you’re going, Missy?  He asked menacingly.

Inside.  I answered casually.

This is not a public event.  You can go home now.

I’m with Jiyong.  I announced.  I made sure the others nearby heard me. 

Nice try.  But, it’s still a NO!  He smirked at me.  I smirked back at him.  He raised his brows at me.  I opened my purse and fished out my ID.  I shoved it to his face.  He stared at it for a while.  Glancing back and forth at me and the ID.

Can I go in now? I asked impatiently.

The man stood at eased.  He was suddenly apologetic.  He assisted me to the door.

Have fun, Miss Dara.


I spotted Jiyong at the center of the party. All the girls were competing to get his attention. I clicked my tongue.  Celebrities or not, they just can’t resist Jiyong’s charm.  Except me, of course. 

I chose a spot farthest from Jiyong.  If I could, I don’t want him to know I was there.  He wouldn’t even recognize me if he saw me.  Thanks to my friend.  I totally look like a different person.

The bartender offered me a drink.  He was smiling at me.  I smiled back at him making him blushed.  I haven’t been sitting for long when somebody approached me.  He stood very close to me.  I could smell the alcohol from his mouth.

Hello, there.  Mind if I join you?  He asked.  I ignored him and continued to drink. 

I have not seen you before.  Are you a new trainee?  He asked again. 

By the way, I’m Leeteuk. 

He offered his hand.  I just stared at it.  I knew him already.  He’s from a famous boy band.  He’s also a famous womanizer.  Some of his band mates started crowding us.  I was afraid I was getting too much attention already.  I had to excuse myself quickly.

I’m sorry, guys.  I’m with someone.

Leeteuk was not discouraged.

I don’t see anyone.  He said. 

He’s so persistent.  I scanned the people in the club.  Jiyong was still mingling with the ladies.  Leeteuk followed my gaze.  His forehead creased when he recognized Jiyong.  Suddenly, Jiyong looked at our direction.  His eyes travelled from Leeteuk to me.  He did not recognize me.  Leeteuk raised his hand to acknowledge Jiyong.  Jiyong nodded at him.

Damn it!  Leeteuk cursed under his breath.  I chuckled inside.  He walked away instantly.  His shoulders drooping.

He was not the only one who approached me.  Every time I indicated I was with Jiyong, they would quickly step away.  I found it ridiculous in the long run.  I didn’t say I was dating him or something.  They seemed to fear Jiyong.  I don’t understand why.

The last guy who talked to me was a bit rude so I immediately told him the same story.  To my surprise, he walked directly to Jiyong.  I felt uneasy while he was talking to Jiyong.  I watched as his expression changed.  He followed the direction the guy was pointing at. 


I panicked when Jiyong started walking towards me.  I grabbed my purse and get ready to leave.  I can’t let him come closer or else I’ll die.

Where are you going?

I was too nervous to turn around.  I knew it was Jiyong.  He pulled me to face him, but I kept my face down.

Look at me.  He demanded.  I slowly raised my head and met his eyes.




I kept hearing the guys complaining about a certain girl.  It was making a buzz among the guys in the party.  I couldn’t help hearing my name as they complained.  I tried to ignore the buzz around me.  My hands were full at the time being.  Girls were coming to me incessantly.  I couldn’t even take a breather.

An acquaintance DJ made his way through the flock of girls surrounding me.  I personally didn’t like the guy.  What he told me made me snapped my head.  I saw the girl he was talking about in the bar.  I left the crowd and made my way to the bar.  I hastened my pace when I saw her quickly getting her off the bar stool.  I realized she was trying to escape.

Where are you going?  I grabbed her arm.  I was surprised how familiar her built was.

Look at me.  I demanded.  I didn’t know why my chest is pounding at that moment.

She slowly raised her head.  Her eyes met mine.


She called my name.  With the familiar voice I hear every day.  I was confused.


I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It was Dara in front of me, but it was not Dara at all.  She was a totally different person.

I’m sorry, Jiyong.  I was bored at home.  I just thought-

Come with me.  I cut her off.  We’re starting to gather attention.  I pulled her to the back door.

I told you to stay at home.  I said with clenched jaw.

I just wanted to see-

Do you know what you’ve done?  I pulled the phone from my pocket and dialed.

Come at the back door.  And don’t let anybody see her.  Bring her home and make sure she doesn’t come out until I get home.  I shouted at the phone.

I can go home by myself.  Dara said.  I just stared at her while shaking my head.

Why are you so stubborn?  And when did you start wearing makeup?

Do I look bad?  She asked.  There was hurt in her eyes.

It doesn’t suit you.  I told her.  Her face reddened.  She was about to cry.  I wanted to take back what I said.  I lied.  She looks beautiful.  All those girls will have a run for their money if she stands next to them.  She would definitely stand out.  But, I don’t want to encourage the idea.  She’s just my PA. 

We waited in silence until the driver gave me a message.  I pushed Dara to the exit.  I made sure nobody saw us.

I returned to the party as if nothing happened, but there were some media who started asking about Dara.  I decided to leave after a while.

Dara was in her room when I reached home.  I wanted to talk to her, but I stopped in front of her door.  I suddenly realized there was nothing to talk about.  I retreated to my room.

Dara was preparing breakfast when I woke up the next day.  She was avoiding me.  It was awkward.  She didn’t even say good morning.

I started browsing the computer while drinking coffee in the living room.  The news was mostly about the previous night’s event.  But what got me frozen was the little article about me.  And Dara.  It was all over the news site. 

                                               “G-DRAGON’S NEW PLAYMATE”


I jumped from my seat when the door bell rang followed by a loud banging on the door.  Our eyes met for a while.  I got up from the couch to see who was making the ruckus outside. 

I was perplexed to see Hyung outside my door.  It was the second time he came.  The first was when I had the issue.  I quickly opened the door for him.

Hyung!  I greeted him.  He walked past me and goes straight to Dara.  She was taken aback.

Hyung.  I tried to calm him down.  Dara was confused of what’s happening.

I told you to report everything to me.  Hyung shouted at Dara.  She dropped the plate on the table. Luckily, it didn’t break.

I hired you to keep Jiyong out of any controversies.  How could you let this happen?

Hyung.  Calm down.

Calm down?  Hyung spatted at me.  He rushed to the living room and switched on the TV.  Dara’s face was on the screen.

Now, tell me to calm down.  I thought you were past this diversion.  I thought Dara will somehow make thing easier for me to control you.  I was wrong.  He gave a disappointing look at Dara who was still dazed.

You don’t understand, Hyung-

Which part did I miss, Jiyong?  What will I tell the media about this?  Tell me. 

Hyung collapsed on the couch.  He crumpled his face exhaustedly.

What will I do to you, Jiyong.  Problems never leave you.

It was me.

Dara finally spoke.

What did you say?  Hyung asked. 

That’s me.  She pointed at the TV screen. 

Hyung looked at Dara and the TV back and forth.  His forehead creased.

Jiyong told me to stay at home, but I sneaked in the party.  I just wanted to-

Hyung suddenly bursted out laughing.  He was already holding his stomach.

You’re funny, Dara.  That was the funniest joke I ever heard. 

She’s not joking.  It’s really her.  I told him.  He stopped laughing then.

He looked at the screen and then to Dara.

Are you saying-?

Yes.   I confirmed what’s on his mind.

Damn!  You’re pretty when you dress up.  Hyung blurted.  A tint of pink blush appeared on Dara’s cheeks.

Jiyong said otherwise.  She said it like a whisper, but I heard it clearly. 

What should we do now?  Hyung asked.

Let’s have breakfast first.  We’ll sort this out later.  I suggested.

Hyung kept looking at Dara sitting opposite him.  He was making Dara uncomfortable.  He kept complimenting Dara’s cooking as well.

What do you think of training-?


I cut off what Hyung was about to say.  I knew what’s running on his mind at that moment.

I could arrange-


I didn’t give him a chance to speak further.  I pushed him out of the house as soon as I could.

You’re acting weird, Jiyong.  He said before turning his back.

We’ll talk later.  I waved him goodbye.

Stay home today.  You don’t have to come with me.  Do you understand?  I told Dara who was in front of the large TV screen watching her on the news.

Why are they making a fuss over this?  She asked innocently. 

Because you declared to everybody in that party that you were with me.  What do you expect?

Is there something wrong with that?  Dara asked. 

I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry with her naivety.  I just marched away from her.


Hyung was waiting for me when I arrived at his office.  I have to use the back door of the building to avoid the media waiting in front.  Dara didn’t know what she put me into.

I’ve made up my mind.  I will enlist Dara as a trainee starting tomorrow.

Hyung announced as soon as I get in.  I gave him an exasperated look.

You’re thinking too much, Hyung.  She doesn’t have a place in this industry. I discouraged him bluntly.

I know talent when I see one.  You already know that, Jiyong.

Then, why didn’t you notice her before?  It just means you’re losing it already.  Spare Dara the trouble.

Why are you against it, Jiyong?  You’re not her guardian.  I am.

She’s my PA.  Remember?

I can always find another PA for you.  You don’t want a PA in the first place.

Hyung, can we just drop the subject?

I don’t want to continue arguing.  I might lose the battle if this goes on.  He watched me for a while.  I knew he was thinking of something.  Then, he smiled sheepishly.  He walked towards me ang hugged me tightly while tapping my back.  After a while, he released me.  He messed up my hair.

Hyung!  I complained.  He was smiling naughtily.

I understand now, Jiyong.  But, you have to be careful.  Don’t let Dara out in the open like that.  She was doing a good job until last night.

I know, Hyung.  I just didn’t know what entered her mind.  She must be bored or something.

Dara was watching TV when I returned.  I took the bowl of popcorn from her lap and started munching.  She was watching another documentary film. 

Aren’t you bored watching this kind of show? I asked.

No.  She answered without looking at me. 

I reached for the remote control on the table and switched off the TV which earned me a deathly glare from her.

Go change.  We’re going out.  I said.  She just stared at me.

Fine.  I’ll go by myself.  I got up from the couch and turned to leave.

Wait!  Dara stopped me. 

Where are we going?

Out.  And wear a jacket and cap.

She ran to her bedroom to change.  After ten minutes, she was ready to go.  I also have my jacket and baseball cap.

Where are we going?  She asked impatiently once we get in the car.  I took the driver seat.

Anywhere you want.  I told her.

Really?  Are you serious?


Can we go to the amusement park?


It was a week day.  Not too much people go to the park on week days.  We can easily manage to disguise ourselves in the park. 

I let her buy the ticket once we arrived in the park.  There were more people than I expected.  I hid my face and avoided eye contact.  Next stop was buying accessories.  I insisted we both wear face masks, but she refused it saying she doesn’t have to hide.  Nobody knows her.  She won again.

She was enjoying herself too much.  She tried all the scary rides, even the silly ones.  You could see in her face the excitement and delight after challenging herself of riding the heart stopping roller coaster.  She wanted to ride again, but I couldn’t.  I’m already in the verge of puking.

We were walking around the park looking at every shop we passed by.  Her eyes brightened when we came to a photo booth.  She grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the booth.

Let’s take some photos.  She chirped with delight.  She was still holding an ice cream cone on her other hand.  It was starting to melt.

We squeezed ourselves in the tiny room.  She began fiddling with the machine.  I can see us in the monitor.  Silly graphic decorations started appearing in the screen.

Are you ready?  SMILE!

Dara started making weird faces while I stayed frozen beside her.  Still wearing my mask on.  I felt stupid coming with her.

Remove your mask.  She told me. 

Before I could even protest, she already unfastened the mask belt from my head freeing my face open.  She fiddled with the machine again.

You have to make funny faces.  Okay?

I just watched her as she posed for the camera. 

Why are you so stiff?  Come on.  No one’s watching us.  Nobody will see these photos except you and me.

She grabbed my face with her two hands.  She made me look like an idiot.

She patiently waited for the photos to print.  She laughed while looking at the small animated photos one by one.

Let’s go home. 

I didn’t wait for her answer.  I retraced the way back to the parking lot.  She was panting when she finally caught up with me.

She kept staring at the photos.  Giggling by herself.

Thank you. Dara said before getting off the car.

Her smile was still plastered on her lips. She did really enjoy herself. I didn’t know such childish activity would mean so much to her.

She leaned closer to me. And kissed me lightly on my cheek.

I sat frozen on the passenger seat. Dara was already out of my sight but, her smell still lingered on me. Her breath touching my skin. The smooth texture of her lips on my cheek.

Did an angel just kiss me?



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maridee #1
Chapter 4: wow! this fic seems interesting,,with jiyongs action towards dara he tends to control dara and he always dislike guys gawking openly to dara admiring her beauty.. he declined yg to be his trainee,,weh?he wanted her by himself?..lol! thanks and we want more updates***
daramaegon #2
Chapter 4: kyahhhh! jiyong noticed dara now and he's kinda aware of the guys lurking at her when she dressed up herself well,,why is jiyong against dara to be a trainee? too possessive^^..im sensing romance soon courtesy of daragon couple~~lol! thanks for the update
luilu88 #3
Chapter 4: Upd8 soon authirnim....and no more b***** comin' around...
woohoo!!! another update!! kekeke.. really loving this fic!! i like the tun of events.. kekeke :)
Chapter 3: I love this story now. please update more often!
pyeong21x #6
Chapter 3: hehehe good job dara! keep it up ahaha
aigoo jiyong you dont even know what happened to you, such a clueless one kekekek

thank you, xoxo
Chapter 3: wow... their relationship growing in better way... kekekekeke....
Chapter 2: loving this fic!!! kekeke.. update soon!

but it wouldn't also hurt if you put " " on every conversations.. its kinda confusing sometimes.. ;)
daramaegon #9
excellent! love this fic very much~~please update more~...thanks:)
pyeong21x #10
Chapter 1: Uy nice first chapter! Subscribing! Tnx