WITH OR WITHOUT YOU (temp title only)


I was already awake, but my eyes wouldn’t open yet.  I could hear muffled conversation around me and a door closing.  I thought I drifted back to sleep because I was dreaming.  It was blurry in my dream, but I could feel the warm rugged breath on my face.  I could smell the mint flavor aftershave cologne he is wearing.  When his lips lightly touched mine, I felt I was the happiest on earth.  I savored the moment for a while.  Then, I slowly opened my eyes.  It took me a while before realizing where I was.  My eyes wandered in the room.  When I saw Jiyong’s back, it hit me hard.  I jolted up from the couch making him aware I was already awake.

Where is Teddy and Kush?  It was the first thing that came out of my mouth.  He smirked at me.

Long gone. You don’t expect them to wait until you wake up, do you?  He didn’t hide the sarcasm on his voice.

I’m sorry.  I apologized.

He didn’t answer back.  He started walking to the door.  I quickly grabbed our things and ran after him.  We were already at home in just ten minutes.

Do you need anything?  I asked once were inside the house.  I remembered he didn’t eat anything while in the studio.

Fix me a sandwich before you go to bed.  He said before entering his room.

I felt guilty for sleeping while at work.  I made him sandwich that will erase his bad impression on me.  And hot milk to make him sleep soundly.  I knocked on his door with the food on my hands.  He peeked through the small opening.  I caught glimpsed of his shoulder.

Where should I put these?  I asked.

Put them in the living room.  He said.

O-okay.  I stammered.  I didn’t know why.  I kept standing there.

What?  He asked impatiently.

Um-  N-nothing.  I’ll leave this in the living room.  Good night.

But, he already shut the door on my face.


It was still dark when I woke up. I saw Jiyong’s empty glass and plate in the sink.  I washed the dishes while waiting for my coffee to boil in the percolator.  When I was done, I grabbed my mug of coffee and went to the garden.

The sun’s rays were starting to penetrate the morning sky.  The view from the deck was breathtaking.  I guessed it was one of the reasons why Jiyong bought the place.  It was the perfect sight in the morning while having a cup of coffee in the couple swing.  I wonder how many girls have seen this awesome view with him in this very swing.  I grimaced at the thought of Jiyong having girls slept over and watched the sunrise in the morning.

The garden was landscaped, but the plants were not taken care of very well.  I started poking here and there with my bare hands.  I removed dried leaves and excess branches.  I found a small spade in the corner for sowing the soil.  The plants need organic fertilizer badly.  I was watering the garden using a rubber hose when Jiyong quietly came outside.  I swear.  I didn’t hear the sliding glass door opened.  Maybe, I was too occupied with my chores.  I whipped around when I heard him calling my name.  Water hose still in my hand.  Pointing directly at him.

YAH! Are you trying to get me sick? He yelled.

Oh, !  My jaw dropped at the sight of his body.  He was only wearing boxer shorts.  He was dripping wet.  The skimpy under garment sticking to his… 

My face grew hot as I realized what was bulging in front of his wet boxers.

YAH!  Jiyong yelled again.  He was charging towards me.

OMO!  OMO!  OMO!  What should I do?  I was frozen on my feet.  I thought my chest would burst anytime.

YAH!  He yanked the water hose from my hand.  It started flooding the area around us.  I was still unmoving.  Eyeballs about to come out from my skull.  He closed the tap just a few steps away from where I was standing.

What the hell are you doing? 

I-I’m watering the plants.  I stuttered.  My eyes kept glancing at the lower part of his body.  He was obviously oblivious of his public display of ersion. 

Do you think I’m one of those plants?  He blurted out.

Yes.  A very sturdy and mighty tree which can bear fruit at any season.  I answered mentally.  But, I said otherwise.

No.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t hear you coming out.  I was startled when you called me.  I bowed my head to hide my flaming cheeks.  I wished he would just go back inside the house and change into something decent.  I was starting to hyperventilate already.

Just make breakfast already.  You’re starting to annoy me. 

Y-yes, Sir!  I obeyed immediately running away from the sinful sight in the garden.  I did not waste any time.  I don’t want to give myself a chance to think of what I have just seen.  I swear it will haunt me on my sleep.

Jiyong appeared in the kitchen just as I finished preparing the food in the table.  He already showered.  He was wearing a robe.  My mind went ballistic again.  Is he wearing anything under the robe?  I hissed at my own thoughts.  I don’t know if I could look him in the eyes after today.

We ate in silence.  I kept my head down during the whole meal.  I might have stiff neck later on, but I don’t want to give him any idea of what’s going on in my head at that very moment.  I kept drinking water after every bite.  I found the food very hard to swallow.  I’m sure I cooked them very well.

Finish up quickly.  We’re leaving in an hour.

I snapped my head up and met his gaze.  I abruptly looked away.

Did you hear me?  He asked.

You don’t have any schedule until 10PM.  Where are we going?

Just do your work.  If you don’t want to come, it’s fine with me.  I just don’t know what your BOSS would say if he finds out you let me out of your sight.

He stood up after his speech.  I quickly finished the food on my plate.  YG will be furious if I let him go without me. 

We were already in the car exactly an hour later.  I was dumbfounded for a moment when he sat on the passenger seat.  I was used to him sitting at the backseat when I drove the car.

Where to?  I asked when we were already outside the building.

Busan.  He said.  My foot suddenly pressed the break.  Good thing we’re both wearing seatbelts.

What the !  Are you insane?  Jiyong’s voice echoed inside the closed car.

Do you know how far Busan is from here?  I yelled back at him.

I’m not stupid.  You should start driving now or else I will be late for my appointment. 

I get the car moving again.  I silently cursed Jiyong.  I’m not physically and mentally prepared for this.  I have not driven such long trip. 

Jiyong was on the phone during the whole trip.  Either talking or browsing online. 

When I saw a gas station after an hour, I pulled over without asking his permission.  I immediately got off the car while the gasoline boy refilled the tank.  I stretched my body.  My legs were getting numb already.  I shook them several times to let the blood flow normally.  It’s still a long journey before we reach Busan. 

Jiyong stepped out from the car.  His face completely hidden.  He walked casually to the convenience store.  I kept cursing him as I watched him enter the store.

I had to pee.  There might not be a gasoline station after this one.  I don’t want to get caught peeing behind the bushes on the highway.  Especially not with Jiyong around.

The car was not in the refilling section when I came out from the toilet.  I scanned the whole area.  It was parked in front of a drive thru cafeteria.  Jiyong was sitting on the driver’s seat when I opened the door.

Are you driving?  I asked.

Get in.  He said.  I hesitated.  I was tired, but I don’t want him driving the rest of the trip.  I might puke in the car.  He’s a lousy driver.

I’ll drive.  I insisted.  He ignored me and closed the door.  I had no choice, but to get in the passenger seat.

I don’t think you should drive.  You have TV recording later on.  I tried to convince him.  I’m really afraid of his driving skills.

Shut up.  He dumped a plastic bag full of groceries on my lap and started the engine.  We were on the highway in no time.

I started pawing inside the grocery bag.  Chips, cookies, chocolates, juice and water.  My left eyebrow curved up.  

Are we going on a picnic here? I thought to myself.

 YAY! Snickers! My favorite chocolate. I silently screamed. My mouth started to water. I was about to bite on it when a weird thought entered my mind.  I glanced at Jiyong.  His full attention was on the road ahead.

Do you want a bite?  I offered him the semi-unwrap chocolate.  He just looked at me and returned his attention to the road.  I pushed the chocolate near his mouth.  He bit on the bar, but he kept his eye on the road.  I leaned back on my seat and eat the remaining chocolate.  I was happily munching the nutty bar when I just realized something. 

We just shared a bar of chocolate!  Did we just have an indirect kiss?!  Gosh!

The chocolate got stuck on my throat.  I quickly opened a bottled water and gulped it down.  I thought I was going to die choking.  I calmed myself from the nonsense that’s getting in my head.

Water.  Jiyong said.

Huh?  Before I could clear my head, he already grabbed the bottle from my hand.  He carelessly drinks the water from the same bottle.  Another indirect kiss.  


What’s happening?

Are you just going to crush those chips?  He asked.  I didn’t realize I was holding the grocery bag tightly to my chest.  I opened the bag of chips and shoved it to him.  He glared at me.

Does he want me to feed him the chips?  I asked mentally.  This is too much for me to handle.  Is he serious?  Only couples feed each other, right?   

So, I started shoving the chips in his mouth.  He chewed everything I gave him.  I didn’t bother eating anything after the chocolate.  Another indirect kiss should be avoided this time.  I told myself, but he thought otherwise.  He forced me to eat also.

Water.  He asked for the nth time.  I opened another bottle and handed it to him.  But the bottle slipped from his hand.  The liquid poured on his clothes.

YAH!  What are you doing?  The tissue!  He yelled.  The car swerved a little.

I grabbed the tissue box from the backseat.  I quickly wiped the water spilled over him.

It’s cold.  He whined. 

I used more tissue to dry his shirt.  The water was spilled all the way down to his seat.  I was pressing tissues here and there.  My hand froze when I noticed where I was pressing the tissue on.  I slowly get back to my seat.  Cheeks flaming hot.  I handed him the box of tissue without looking.  He pulled the tissue from the box and started wiping himself.







I planned everything on purpose.  I took the driver seat while waiting for Dara to come back from the toilet.  But, I didn’t expect her to grab the bait easily.  She made the first move.  She offered me the chocolate bar.  I could have just eaten it with one hand, but I already started my prank on her.  She was very gullible.

I almost burst out laughing when I saw her reaction when she realized what just happened.  She was staring blankly in front of her.  When I asked for water, I thought she will hand me a fresh bottle, but she unconsciously gave me the one she already drank at.  I watched from my peripheral vision her reaction as I drink from her bottle.  Her eyeballs were about to come off.  I almost blew the water from my mouth, but I tried to hold it in.  I could have die laughing if I weren’t a good actor.  This girl continues to amuse me.  I haven’t had much fun for a long time.

When the water spilled on me that was a different story.  I suddenly noticed how close we are while she wipes the liquid from my clothes.  It’s cold, but something warm started creeping inside me.  Her warm breath was giving me goosebumps.  The smell of her hair reminds me of morning spring.  Her clear face is like porcelain.

I held my breath when her hand pressed on the lower part of my belly.  I wanted to stop her, but I couldn’t take off my hand from the steering wheel.  I need both hands to avoid accident in this situation.  It was a miracle I was still able to drive properly while Dara invaded my body.  If anyone would see us, they will think we were doing something inappropriate based on Dara’s position.  Thankfully, we were on the middle of nowhere.

Dara kept looking out of her window for a long time.  I bet her neck was already in pain.  She felt totally embarrassed after what happened.  I fought the urge to laugh at her.  I don’t know how much more humiliation she could take during the whole journey.

We arrived at our destination by midnoon.  Dara silently followed me.  Not asking any questions.  We walked for five minutes on the foot road leading to the beach. A lone beach house came to our view.  It was the family’s beach house.  All family members were all here for our monthly get together.

JIYONG!  My mother shrieked.  She was the first to notice my arrival.  I hugged her tightly and kissed her.  The others started gathering around me.  Welcoming me.  It was very rare for me to attend our family gathering.  They were thrilled to see me.  We were saying our his and hellos when I noticed my mother looking intensely behind me.  I suddenly remembered Dara was with me.  I told her to greet everybody.  She complied and made a 90 degree bow.  Everybody was expectant.

Who is this girl? Mom asked.  She was looking at Dara like she was a specimen.

Anyeong haseyo.  My name is Park Sandara.  She introduced herself.

She works for me.  I added.

She’s not your girlfriend?  One of my cousins asked.  They were murmuring to themselves.

She’s very pretty.  Of course, she’s our Jiyong’s girlfriend.  My youngest uncle voiced out. I saw Dara was starting to blush again.

Are you getting married, Jiyong?  This is the first time you introduced a girl to us.  My mother asked in a serious tone.  The people around us agreed in unison.

No, Mom.  I’m not getting married.  And she’s not my girlfriend.  I don’t know why I am being defensive.  I could have just laughed it off.

Really?  Such a waste.  I thought I’m finally meeting my daughter-in-law.

Mom!  Stop embarrassing her.  YG will be furious if she ran away.  Don’t scare her.  Arasso?

My mother ignored me and held Dara’s hand.  She pulled her away to meet the elders of the family.  Everybody seemed to like her.

Dara instantly got along with everybody as if she is part of the family.  She chatted and played while I caught up with my cousins.  I would sometimes catch her looking at me.  I just nod at her. 

It was time to go back to Seoul.  I couldn’t find Dara among the crowd.  One of my younger cousins directed me to the beach.  Dara was talking with Jaejoong. 

It’s time to go.  I interrupted their animated conversation.

Oh. I have to go, Jaejoong.  Nice talking to you.

It’s my pleasure, Dara.  I’ll see you in Seoul one of these days.  Jaejoong said cheekily.  Dara just smiled at him.  Jaejoong turned to me.

Nice of you to join us, Jiyong.  Take care. 

I shook his hand and said some pleasantries. 

Jaejoong is my least favorite cousin.  I found him annoying every time I see him.

Are you going to let her drive?  My mother asked.  She walked with us to the car.

Don’t worry, Ma’am.  It’s my job.  Besides, Jiyong needs to rest for his performance in the evening.  YG will scold me if I let him drive all the way to Seoul.

But, you look so fragile.  Men like Jiyong should treat you like a princess.

Mom.  You’re doing it again.  I reminded her.

I really think it’s a waste.  My mother pouted like a teenager.

I’m stronger than you thought, Ma’am.  This is no big deal.

Arasso.  Take care then.  And when you come back, I don’t want you calling me ma’am.  Do you understand?  She kissed Dara on the cheek.  She hugged me and whispered something that stunned me.

Take care, Jiyong.  Goodbye.


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maridee #1
Chapter 4: wow! this fic seems interesting,,with jiyongs action towards dara he tends to control dara and he always dislike guys gawking openly to dara admiring her beauty.. he declined yg to be his trainee,,weh?he wanted her by himself?..lol! thanks and we want more updates***
daramaegon #2
Chapter 4: kyahhhh! jiyong noticed dara now and he's kinda aware of the guys lurking at her when she dressed up herself well,,why is jiyong against dara to be a trainee? too possessive^^..im sensing romance soon courtesy of daragon couple~~lol! thanks for the update
luilu88 #3
Chapter 4: Upd8 soon authirnim....and no more b***** comin' around...
woohoo!!! another update!! kekeke.. really loving this fic!! i like the tun of events.. kekeke :)
Chapter 3: I love this story now. please update more often!
pyeong21x #6
Chapter 3: hehehe good job dara! keep it up ahaha
aigoo jiyong you dont even know what happened to you, such a clueless one kekekek

thank you, xoxo
Chapter 3: wow... their relationship growing in better way... kekekekeke....
Chapter 2: loving this fic!!! kekeke.. update soon!

but it wouldn't also hurt if you put " " on every conversations.. its kinda confusing sometimes.. ;)
daramaegon #9
excellent! love this fic very much~~please update more~...thanks:)
pyeong21x #10
Chapter 1: Uy nice first chapter! Subscribing! Tnx