Remember me?



   Well I was waiting in the airport for my friends. I can't believe it for how many months I can see them finally. Actually I miss them but I just don't let them see it. I mean they will tease me. 

"Yo! Kris hyung!" Tao yelled.

"Yah don't shout we are at the airport. Aren't you embarassed?" Lay asked.

"Why would I be? I am proud!" Tao reasoned out. Lay couldn't take it anymore so he smacked Tao's head.

"AHHH! WAE?" Tao asked.

"Just shut up. okay?" Lay said.

"Hmmm" Tao acted that he was angry. This maknae really is full of aegyo. 

"Welcome guys! And will you stop bickering?" I said.

"Hyung!" Tao yelled and ran to hug me. And the guys followed behind.

"Yah Tao you're suffocating Kris. Get away you panda!" Xiumin said and Tao let go of me.

"Hey guys. So how are you?" I asked them.

"We are fine. How about you? I heard you're desperate to see your ex?" Lay asked.

"Well yeah I am finding her but I am not desperate. It's just that I always see her in my dreams and I can't get her out of my head." I said.

"Well you know what hyung I think you're inlove with her," Chen said.

"Well I don't know guys. It's because of that stupid bet. If it weren't for that bet to let me date her, I wouldn't have met her and I could be happy with Hyuna now." I said to them.

"Well you're the on who agreed and it's not our fault hyung!" Lay said.

"AHHH! Molla!" I yelled and started walking. They keep on yelling my name and I didn't even turn back. I think  I missed her actually... the dreams... the memories .........her face......... aigoo what is is this??? Do you think I love her? Well I love Hyuna and that's what my brain believes but my heart craves for Hyori.... Hyori the cheerful girl... who's always beside me...when we were together.... is this even right?? ....... Why did she left without saying goodbye anyway? I should go now. Wait is that her? I stopped walking.

"What's wrong Kris?" Luhan asked. I didn't answer them instead I just stared at her. They also looked at where I was staring.

"Wait is that Hyori?" Chen asked. 

"It is her." Tao said.

"How beautiful. She's very beautiful." Lay said.

What they were saying was all true. It was really her and how matured and beautiful she has become. She's like an angel.

"Hyori!" I said.


Well I landed safely. Wait I should call Jay first. And he answered.

"Hey baby girl! What's up? Did you land safely?" He asked.

"HI! Of course Jay I landed safely that's why I am calling you now." I said.

"AHHAHAHA... Sorry I lost my common sense for awhile. So what's up why did you call?" he asked.

I started walking to get my baggage. "Well I was wondering if when will you come here with me? Jay I missed you already." I said.

"Really my baby girl miss me that much? Well I am gonna be there maybe next week. Don't worry baby it won't take long. I just have to attend the premiere of my movie on Monday so maybe I will be there on Tuesday evening." he said.

"Hmph that long? Well yeah I miss you Jay. I mean I just miss your jokes not you!" I said while I was waiting for my baggage.

"It's not long baby. You just miss my jokes? How rude of you! Well I will not go there." He said.

"Ok then I will tell your mom that you have dated so many girls last week! You know how she hates you being a playboy! Just wait  you LIAR!" I said.

"WOAH! ok I am sorry. Oh hyo I need to go now. We're about to start." He said.

"Ok bye then! See you next Tuesday!" I said.

"Ok see you too." He said and hung up.

My baggage why is it so long? I wanna sleep actually. In the airplane I didn't sleep because I was really nervous in going back here. I mean I am going to see him again ? why did my parents sent me back here? what will I do here? Will I see that Hyuna again? Will Jinhee,my bestfriend here, forgive me? I mean I left the people who I trusted here and I didn't even say goodbye. For you is it bad? I really hope to see them especially Jinhee. I really have to say sorry to her.

My bags! Yes I already found them! I was arranging my bags when someone called me.

"Hyori!" A voice of a man and I was sure who was it. It was him the one that I have loved 4 years ago who broke my heart. I don't wanna see him right now. Why do I have to see him? 

"Hyori is that really you?" He asked. What will I do? Help me! Jay!!!!!

"Hyori answer me." He said while approaching me.

Ahh I know what to do!

"Hyori?" he asked.

"I am sorry but who are you?" I asked.




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Chapter 6: Please update
ctnajihah #2
Chapter 6: <333333
ctnajihah #3
Chapter 6: <3<3<3
Chapter 6: please update tht was so.. rght in my interest b4 it stop....huhuhu
Please update
Wwanamalia2015 #6
Chapter 6: Update please....
Loveexo1 #7
Chapter 6: Update soon pleaseeeee!! :)
Chapter 6: Authormin update soon
clubcutness #9
Chapter 6: I was asdfghjl when I found out that jay was Indian actor and btw I know because I am Indian and he is my fave actor
Authormin update soon
melissa4eversone #10
Chapter 6: Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!