
Meant It and Mean it

'How did I get here?' Hye Sun thought to herself, a smile still plastered on her face and refusing to go away due to the previous laughing fit she'd had just a few seconds ago. Her head had involuntarily rested against the strong shoulders of her companion who had managed to erase the tears that had streamed down her face and replaced them with sweet smiles instead; making her complete forget you-know-who. They were shielded from the blazing sun by green leaves, still untouched by the brown Autumn, sitting against the trunk of a tree on the soft, cut grass, so deep into the grounds of the school that even if she were to scream no one would hear her. 

“Are we even allowed to be here?” she asked the doe eyed boy next to her, lifting her head off his shoulder for a second, instantly missing the feeling of security.

“Don't worry. I'm in the student council, if anyone asks I can just tell them you were helping me with an errand.”

Looking up at the perfect side profile of the flawless Chinese boy, Hye Sun started wondered what she'd done to deserve his attention and kindness. She'd never talked to him before today and only looked at him from afar...maybe he was kind to everyone?

“Why were you crying?” Luhan's soft voice asked, making Hye Sun completely ditch the last theory after hearing the concern implanted in his voice. Maybe it was just because of her need to feel special, but she didn't want to consider the fact that she wasn't a one-off for him. If he did go around willingly helping whoever seemed upset regardless whether he knew them well or not; then he'd be the most perfect person on earth. Hye Sun knew better than to think someone had no flaw. So, as unconditionally as he'd done, she told him everything. Wholeheartedly, she poured out her heart to him, putting in every detail of how much she currently despised Sehun, and he listened. He listened attentively, sincerely caring about her current situation and gently smiling down at her, assuring everything would work itself out. By this time, she was seriously beginning to doubt her previous statement about there being no perfect people in the world. 

Luhan was actually quite close friends with Sehun but he was not prepared to deal with the his friend had given to the seemingly depressed girl adjacent to him. Seriously how much of a could Sehun be to make own his best friend cry? Whenever he'd talked about Hye Sun, his ever present blank expression would disappear and his eyes would start twinkling whenever her name left his lips. It made him wonder why he could be so head over heels for her behind her back but treat her like crap.

“He wasn't always this mean...he used to be kinder, like you,” she said bashfully, “but it seemed like he's changed.”

“He's always seemed like the expressionless and cold type to me,” Luhan joked, bumping their shoulders together, trying to wash away the look of sadness that had appeared on her face and lighten the atmosphere.

There was a time when she though Sehun could do no wrong. That he liked her as much as she did him, that they were inseparable and he cared about her. But his actions spoke otherwise. A part of her though he'd changed, but of course a part of her nagged her about the possibility of never really knowing him at all and exaggerating everything like she usually does.

Her hesitance to say anything made Luhan realize how serious she was and how much she was doubting Sehun's ability to be a good friend. There were times when she didn't even know the Sehun she was talking to was the one she usually hung out with; whether it be because he was acting like a or because he was being too nice. It didn't mater either ways because whenever she tried to walk away from the path of heartbreak and sadness, she thinks of the good memories and it makes it harder to leave. 


Walking slowly down the wet pavement which would lead her to the school's car park where her parents were waiting for her. Hye Sun took as long as she possibly could, unable to walk after due to the weight of her heart. One foot in front of the other. The sound of her sole against the soft tarmac was quiet and slow. No matter how much the rain refused to stop falling down softly onto her bare shoulders and hair, she still carried on with the same -seemingly lifeless- pace. A sigh tumbled from her plump, pink lips which were then bitten out of anxiety.

'Why can't he even be nice for one day?'

The dejected and soulless Hye Sun had just ambled away from the theater of her middle school after a short 'teatime' concert. The sun was slowly setting, still not covered by the dark rain clouds. With narrowed eyes, she thought back to her best friend's brilliant piano performance. He'd been late because of a sports match, but ran straight to the hall just before his time slot. She closed her eyes gently as her breathing slowed, recalling the time when she was left completely breathless because of his playing.

His face was flushed red from the running, but managed to compose herself in front of the expecting crowd in front of him. With one last deep breath, he laid his fingers on the keys and played -with no music- moving his body along with his hands and looking completely passionate. Though he had always said he'd preferred sports over music, she always cheered him on because he had so much talent, some people would tell her she was trying to control him but Sehun never minded. Hye Sun had to close several times due to her slackening jaw. How could he have played so perfectly? Though other people may have spotted mistakes, she could see no wrong in it and beamed at him when he sat down.

“You were amazing!” she'd said to him, ignoring all the looks from the people around her and felt her cheeks heating up when he smiled back. Sehun knew she would be easily impressed by anything she sees but he still felt on top of the world thanks to the compliment...however when it was her turn to preform he did not repay the favor.

She had felt so disappointed -though she wasn't surprised- when he completely disregarded her after her performance. She had been so excited to give him the praise, but he wouldn't even look at her when she returned to her seat; instead deciding to engage in a quiet conversation to the girl next to him. She told herself that she shouldn't have even gotten her hopes up and how he'd never change. He was the same old Sehun who only received and never gave. Though it was stupid how she would get angry just because he didn't tell her she did well, her mood decreased even more when she overheard her 'friends' talking.

“Haha! So you'll ask Sehun out at the party tonight, right?”

“Duh! And if he says yes, you'll owe me 10,000 won.”

It was seriously cringe worthy how immature it was and Hye Sun definitely wished she'd never heard them talking. She had no intention for her best friend to become heart broken -especially because she knew he'd liked that girl a little- despite how much she didn't want to deal with his . And the worst thing was:

1. Her parents wouldn't let her go to the party.

2. He had rushed out the hall as soon as the concert finished and she had no time to warn him!

'What do I do?' she thought to herself, biting her lips harder while furrowing her eyebrows even more. 'He's an idiot...maybe I shouldn't do anything?' But deep down she knew it was wrong. She didn't want him to be hurt and she was only angry over one small issue. 'Which I bet he didn't even notice...

Suddenly, the sound of fast past -no-...sprinting footsteps resounded around her, coming closer and closer. Her eyes fluttered open and she spun around, to come face to face with the said male. He was running towards her at high speed, a grin on his face. All of a sudden she could feel no more rain and felt like it was the most brightest, sunniest day in all of history! However, he didn't stop in front of her, instead he seemed to run around her then into another direction...but that didn't prevent her from missing what he'd said to her:

“Well done!”

2 words. 2. ing. Words. How could they make her change her mind so quickly? She didn't even need to think before she sprinted after him. Sometimes he could be the most thick and annoying-est person on Earth and other times it would be like he could read her mind and made her feel so right now. Despite her hating running, she tried her best to catch up to him.

Ever since Hye Sun had left the building, Sehun watched her from behind. Her shoulders were drooping and she looked like all the life was out of her. Like she did when she knew she was in trouble...or about to get forced into running a mile... Though he isn't very good at picking up what he did wrong in the moments -and often doesn't care enough to find out what he did wrong- when he saw how depressed she seemed, he somehow knew it was his fault.

“Wait! Sehun ah! I need to tell you something!”

This must have seemed weird to onlookers. One minute she was walking lifelessly and the next she was chasing after a guy! She caught her parents watching her with wide eyes, surprised how she suddenly bolted in the opposite direction to where she was originally heading. A few more moments of chasing went by and Sehun finally heard her shouting through his fast paced heartbeat and blood that was pounding into his ears. He looked back at her before slowing down and facing her, trying to catch his breath. The truth was...he had noticed her running after him straight away -because she didn't usually run ;)- and wanted to leave it a little longer before talking to her...because:

1. He wanted to make her run a little longer -.-

2. He was still embarrassed

Hye Sun was suddenly lost for words as they were finally face to face. How could she put this nicely?

“Umm...If someone asks you out today at the party, don't say yes OK?” she blurted out, her face soon mimicking the shade of a tomato when she realized how that didn't sound right, her eyes widening in shock when she spotted him lip twitch upwards into a smile.

“Are you-”

“It's not because I'm jealous, idiot!" she interrupted him with a loud voice, cutting him off abruptly, but he was used to her yelling whenever she was flustered. It's because it's a bet between Mi Cha and her y friends.”

Sehun's smile faded and Hye Sun wanted to face-palm herself for forgetting to 'put it nicely', but at least he didn't think she was jealous...

“Ah...OK...” And suddenly it became all awkward. Sehun was unable to say anything because of the slight disappointment inside him. “So um...see you tonight?"

“Huh...yeah...” she replied absent mindedly. “Oh, wait! Uh...I'm not going,” she informed him, flustered. She felt like her cheeks were on fire!

“Oh, well...I'll see you tomorrow...”

The ending was awkward and the start wasn't so amazing either...but because of that incident Hye Sun began to think that even though Sehun doesn't express it...he cares for her and notices when she's not being herself and Sehun felt like she really cared about him and realized how influenced she was because of him. She hated how he mood was so easily influenced by Sehun, especially when it seemed as if he couldn't care less whenever she was upset. She didn't know who gave him the authority to do so but he could make her angry with just a single second of silence, ecstatic with just a word and make her heart skip a beat by catching her off guard and showing her that he really did know her feelings...and care. Even if it was just a little bit of concern, she accepted it with open arms. 

*end of flashback*

'Urgh, my memories!' Hye Sun screamed in her head, -not so- subtly pulling on her hair in agony, making Luhan chuckle at how quickly the calm atmosphere had escalated. Why did she always think of Sehun whenever she least wanted to? She could never stay mad at him for longer than a day and it pissed her off. A soft “ke ai” escaped his lips while looking at her desperately shake her head multiple times to get the thought out her head. All of a sudden, she froze and looked at him with eyes as wide as saucers and a bright red blush spreading rapidly across her cheeks. Luhan froze too, suddenly aware of her surprised expression.

“D-don't tell me you understood?” He wanted to kill himself for stuttering, but it wasn't really his fault for thinking he'd be safest when speaking in his mother tongue. A small nod from the blushing girl made Luhan groan in embarrassment, deciding to plaster an awkward smile on his face and hoping the sudden heat on his face would fade.

“I...learnt Chinese with my friend Yuhan-”


“Y-you know Yuhan?” Her voice shook slightly, partly due to the fact that he'd cut her off so abruptly and also because she was just beginning to fit together the pieces of a puzzle she should have completed ages ago.

'They're both Chinese...their names are similar...they are both born in Beijing,' she didn't know how she even got to know of the last fact, but it probably had to do with some research on Facebook. 'Xi Luhan...Xi Yuhan-'

“She's my sister,” he explained, surprised to see a completely calm expression looking back at him and instead receiving an simple nod of the head.

“I'm her best friend,” she said, catching him off guard with a bright smile. 'She should have introduced me to you earlier. Why did I always refuse?'

“Ah...she told me a lot about you,” Luhan said awkwardly, his eye contact going completely haywire as he was now unable to look at her without bursting out laughing or deepening his blush. They'd both realised by now that the person Yuhan was trying to set them up with was sitting next to them, as if they were best friends.

“Yeah, me too,” Hye Sun's bright beam wouldn't dim, “if she found out we knew each other...” She trailed off her sentence, too embarrassed to talk about how Yuhan would force them to go out on a date.

“Well, it's kind of inevitable,” his charming smile made her heart skip a beat as he looked directly into her eyes, and his next sentence would do so much more to her heart, “so how about we meet without getting set up by her?”  

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Chapter 22: the feeling is just too much, i can't.
Chapter 22: What the hell happen next?! (sorry for the cursing thing) OMG !! >< urgh, i cant. huhuhu~ i thought she choose sehun ! mwoya~~~
Chapter 21: Holy ! You are seriously killing me!!! My feels!!!! OMG!!!! I really can't get enough!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! OMG! I need to know more! The ending is driving me insane!!! :o
DerpyTroll #4
Chapter 21: wahhhhh.... this seriously needs a sequel !!!!
I already re-read thisss too many times wahhh...
I pity Luhan than Sehun though he got cheated on...
I can't wait for the sequel!!!
>.< Thanks author-nim
Chapter 21: This is... ughr.... I can't believe it... or you!
Up till the very last word I hoped abs begged in my mind for her choose Se over Han. Han is great, he really IS! But... shw and Se are so worth each other with all the sh*t they've put each other through. And Han really -and I'm sorry for saying this, but because of this chapter, this is what I feel- deserves better...
Thank you so much for writing this! And I hope and maybe someday you'll have a change of heart :)
Thank you!
Be inspired!
Chapter 20: owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
thank you i love you!

oh god, please, make it so they won't create anymore trouble between each other after that. poor lu =(

"minus the thumb... and maybe the rest of your fingers too." YUS
likeafool #7
omg i just read the first chapters and i love it so much. You're writing is awesome and adfhkkgsjk-- no words. And i have a question, is hye Sun pretty? and dös she look like go hye Sun or did you just take her first Name? <3
Chapter 18: i feel bad for lu now... he really likes her and they ARE in a relationship and he has every right to stick his tongue down , but she feels like he's violating her or smth. she's only gonna hurt him and lose a great friend and a potentially wonderful future...
Chapter 12: i kind of have a feeling that sehun is really into photography only because he's following her every move... *creepy me*