For Me

That Man

My dear dear readers..

I appologize for the hiatus. I was busy studying other fanfics.

and yes, my 7 to 5 work shifts aren't helping either.

*flips table*

I read 10080 and bawled

and a lot of other awesome ffs.

I hope to improve my writing and the storyline.

Please continue to show your support.

In the meantime, RLAB and enjoy this ^^


I breathed heavily. I don’t know what to think. My mind was like 852 tabs opened in an internet browser at one go. The plane to Jeju-do will be taking off any minute now and soon I will be able to see Appa. Appa, forgive me for not being there and do wait for me..

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as the plane took off. I placed both of my hands on the arm rest on the left and right of me. I clutched tight to it. I wasn’t nervous. It’s just that my mind wasn’t clear and I just really can’t chill nor relax.

I was waiting for Kyuhyun to say something to me. He has been really quiet. But above all, question numero uno: What is he doing here beside me? My mind wandered off as I set my eyes on the clear blue sky.

“Gwaenchana?” I finally heard his voice asking me, but I didn’t turn to look at him. I slowly shook my head. I didn’t want him to worry, but I was far away from being okay and I didn’t want to lie. I also wanted to thank him for what he had done; helping me to get home to Jeju-do. He could’ve just bought me the tickets and sent me off, but he insisted to follow.

He reached to my chin and made me face him. He saw my teary eyes and frowned. He shook his head and I knew what he meant. He didn’t want me to cry. But that was somewhat impossible for me to do. Me? I cried watching Mulan. I bawled watching Finding Nemo. Why wouldn’t I cry in this surreal reality?

He looked away from me and kept his eyes straight to the front. He once told me before that he didn’t like seeing me cry. It must be because of my ugly looks whilst I’m crying. However, I felt him inching closer to me.

“Come here,” he said and pulled me close as I leaned onto his broad shoulders. I sobbed in silence but my body was shaking. He caressed my arm and gave me a kiss on my forehead. “Be strong, Mira” and I closed my eyes as I tried to search for an ounce of strength.

As soon as the plane touched down Jeju-do, my heart started to race again. I could feel my hands getting numb and there probably weren’t any blood left there. All had evaporated, along with my spirit.

Nonetheless, we somehow made it to the hospital where my family was. I opened the door to the room where appa was and saw him lying on the bed accompanied by machines of many sorts and wires poked into him everywhere. After that, I couldn’t really see anymore because of the tears gushing down from my eyes.

“Mira! Mira-ya!” I heard omma calling out to me and I felt my body being hugged by her as she too sobbed. Next thing I know was we were sat on the sofa and said nothing. I was too shocked to see appa in that condition. I was too shocked to have imagined what omma was feeling and how she handled the situation.

“Noona.. noona.. say something..” my shoulders were shrugged by Suhan, my lil’ bro. I got up and walked out of the room, only to have found Kyuhyun standing by the door.

“Kyuhyun-shi..” I looked at him through my teary eyes.

“You,” he said and faced me. He placed both of his hands onto my shoulders and shook it a little. “You have to be strong. Be strong, for them. You are their strength now.”

I looked deep into his eyes and I found it. Praise the lord for having him here with me. I found my source of strength. Him.

I walked back into the room and gave them a bitter smile. They looked relieved. I was now ready to hear the long story of how it happened. Poor appa..

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I heard Suhan retelling the incident. I tighten the grasp on omma hands as she continued to sob in my arms. It really wasn’t anybody’s fault. Appa was just there at the wrong time. As he wanted to cross the road to the nearby market, a car, which brakes were not functioning rammed uncontrollably into him. I can only imagine the agonizing pain appa had to deal with. My poor appa..

The doctor had informed me that at this rate, we should be prepared for anything worse to happen. It must have sounded crazy, but I didn’t react to what the doctor said. It was like my whole body, even my heart was numb, to the point of me not being able to feel anything.

I told Sehun to take omma home. She must’ve been drained. All I wanted her to do now was get home and rest well.

I sat by appa and his hands softly as I had my head down, couldn’t bear to look at appa in his condition. They weren’t as warm as they used to be. He must be feeling really sick on the inside. I felt warmth on my shoulders and looked up.

Poor Kyuhyun. I didn’t even properly introduce him to my family. He stood behind me looking at appa and I didn’t even realize when he had entered the room.

“I’m sorry you have to go through all this,” he said in a slow tone. I reached my hands to him and patted it. I don’t know how or what to respond.

“I am going to get him the best doctor,” he whispered and I looked up to him feeling confused.


 “Ahahaha..” I could hear laughter coming from appa’s room in the hospital. My eyes gleamed and my heart felt unbelievably happy.

Here we are, just one month after appa’s surgery. Kyuhyun wasn’t lying nor was he joking when he said he was going to get the best of the best doctor for appa. It was the same doctor who treated him when he was at the brink of death back in 2007. It was that particular doctor that saved his life. It was that doctor who the whole SuJu fandom were thankful for. It was that doctor who saved my appa today.

I cracked the door opened a little bit and peeked inside. It took me a couple of minutes to realize that I was staring at the both of them and how much I love this picture in front of me.

This picture of how appa is sitting on the bed with omma and Sehun by his sides, and how they were laughing along with the tall guy standing by the bed. He was talking and smiling and laughing all at the same time. And me?

I just stood quietly by the door, taking photographic memories and placed them in my album of the sweetest moments. Feels~

A smile slowly carved its way upon my lips. I looked down to my shoes, thinking of how Kyuhyun had sacrificed so much for me this passing month.

He discussed with Lee Soo Man sajangnim and had him agree that I could take three days off each week so that I could go back to Jeju-do and spend time with appa and my family. He couldn’t accompany me, as he himself was super busy and just had to continue working without me. He was so busy, but he had all the time to worry about me, he even bought air tickets for Eun Shi and asked her to look after me.

Of course Eun Shi got the shock of her life seeing how close I was to Kyuhyun and observing how caring and protective he was towards me. It was something that Kyuhyun said to her which made her understood and accepted the situation. I had no idea what the both of them talked about and Eun Shi never spilled the beans, even when I begged her like a retard.

Where’s my trial boyfriend? It was understandable with Jay. He had a comeback coming along and whenever he promised me to accompany me to see appa, something would come up. Either a recording or strict dance practices or just some other stuff that were always coming in between us.

This made Eun Shi wondered. “Why are you still with Jay-shi?” she asked me the other day.

I just looked at her and shrugged. I told her we never really had the time to discuss about ‘us’ and as much as this situation is confusing Eun Shi, it was confusing me as well. He would be there for me at times, talking about stuff, buys me dinner ocassionally. But we never really grew as a couple. Was there really no chemistry between us? We started out fine as friends, why didn't we developas a couple. I have to write a research on this..

“Noona! Since when did you become a creeper?” Sehun yelled from the bed and made everybody in the room look at me. Great work, Sehun, you rascal.

I ignored him and casually walked into the room and stood beside Kyuhyun, who was giving me a smirk. Psk..

“Yah.. you two better get going or you are going to miss the flight and next day I’ll be reading in the papers ‘Kyuhyun and his personal stylist broke the national record for swimming from Jeju-do to Seoul’,” and everyone frantically laughed at appa’s joke.

3rd person POV

“What’s up with that silly smile on your face?” Kyuhyun suddenly asked, making Mira just want to pinch that sharp tongue of his. He looked at her and smirked when he saw her giving him a frown. He adjusted the small cushion behind his neck and ignored Mira, making himself all comfy-comfy in his business class seat in the airplane.  In her heart, Mira swore she regretted having the feels for Kyuhyun. At times, she feels all fluffy around him, congested with love. Other times, she just feels like wacking him. She just can't decide if she wants to punch him in the face of have his babies, that kind of thing.

They boarded the 9.00pm plane back to Seoul and fought throughout the way because Mira wanted to pay for Kyuhyun’s ticket, but Kyuhyun, being him, made it clear that he will only accept a business class seat, nothing less than that. Of course Mira couldn’t afford that with her amount of salary. So in the end, Kyuhyun paid for both of them and she kept on nagging him for spending too much money for a 1 hour trip.

Mira looked away in disbelieve and then looked back at him. “You call this a silly smile? This..,” she said as she swirled her finger around her pink lips, “is the kind of smile that will melt your heart and make you think of me day and night, okay?!”.

“As if..” Kyuhyun said under his breath and plugged his ears with the earphones. But of course Mira heard him and she just sat back and crossed her arms and accepted the fact that Kyuhyun wasn’t the least interested in her looks.

Minutes passed by and Kyuhyun looked to his side and observed the lady beside him whose eyes were now closed. He moved his body to the side to get a better view of her.

Pabo..” he laughed in his mind. “Of course I could melt each time you smile like that to me,” Kyuhyun monologued in his mind. He agreed that he has been thinking of his personal stylist, throughout the day and throughout the night. He admitted that Kim Mira is a beauty, inside and outside. He cannot lie to himself that he wants her. But all of those cloud of thoughts popped and faded each time he remembered that she was with Jaybeom. Jaybeom, his so called hommie.

He exhaled a sigh and he continued to trace Mira’s face with his eyes. He observed her clear forehead, which he shamelessly kissed several times bringing him a sensation whenever he does, her nose that he once brushed with his the time the both of them got dangerously close to each other, and her pink lips which got him wondering how they feel like and how they would taste if he ever gets the chance to claim them.

The flowery smell of her hair,

the feeling of her skin,

seemed to have gotten inside him,

or into the air all around him.

She had become his physical necessity.

And suddenly..

“Ohh you scared me!” he jumped in his seat when she quickly opened her eyes and caught him staring at her. He patted his chest and pretended like that never happened.

“Yah.. no wonder I felt uneasy,” Kim Mira said slowly as she rolled her eyes and closed it back. She closed it hard, trying to ease the butterflies that were fluttering in her stomach.

This is insane..” she thought to herself and smiled another silly smile.




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Check out my new Kyuhyun ff, y'all. The title is [aegis]. See you there!


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Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh daebakkkkkk!!!!!! Iloveit!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!83)3';(;7;8:):): mmmuah!!!!
Chapter 32: Love in the airrrrrrr
Chapter 25: Oh my silly mira she should have just tell kyu the truth
Chapter 24: My god iakqndycoaLGdycoekemsmdycuduhdhdhdhdhdhd they kissed!!! Fireworks!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Eeeepp someone pls confess!!haha
Chapter 21: Shupó kyu to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 20: My feelings when u fall in love is all mixed up. Hurt, insult, melts, whatever haha
Chapter 18: Noooo kyu must be heartbroken!!!!
Chapter 17: Poor mira i hate guessing game relationship