I've Fallen

That Man

"It's you.." I said, relieved that it wasn't a psychotic man or a gangster trying to abduct me. I thanked him and we walked together down the streets.    

It was Park Jayboem. He asked me why I had my phone switched off and I told him why.

"You watched Zombie Apocalypse? " he asked and pouted. He made sure I recognized his jealousy towards me spending time with Kyu. I just gave him a laugh.  

We stopped by the banks of the Han River and he shared with me all his stories and what he had been up to today.

"I'm surprised you even have the tine to be talking to me," I said, joking.

He gave me a look and smiled off. I looked at him. He had his hair all nice and groomed just like the one he was in Dream Team 3. He seemed happy and all smiley.

"I don't know.. I seem to only have time for you.." he said and stared at the river. I looked at him and blinked my eyes several times. Was I special?  I thought to myself and let out a sniff, unintentionally.

He pulled my arms and said that we really should just get out of the cold night. He didn't want me to be catching a cold and I agreed.

We walked to his car where he parked it a few streets away. I have no idea why my eyes kept on staring at Jay, after what he said just now. Why do I get the feeling that he likes me? Why oh why would he like me?!

He stopped his car at a red light and looked at me. "Mira-shi.." he called me and I stopped my gaze and pretended that never happened.


"Let's just date," he had a serious look on his face and turned to the road where the lights had turned green.

Great. Now what do I do? I feel like calling Eun Eun now. Right now! Nobody, no body has ever asked me to date them, but tonight,  this perfect looking man beside me had asked me to date him.

"Do you like me?" I asked and bit my tongue.  What?! Why did I asked him that? Oh michy!

"Is it not obvious?" he smiled as he answered and kept on driving. "From day one. I'd be crazy not to like you. Any guy would've been crazy not to like you ," he looked at me and tried to pinch my cheeks. I quickly pushed his hands back to the steering wheel and told him to keep his eyes on the road. He laughed and did as he was told.

Yes, I admit the signals he sent are quite obvious. But, I didn't want to perceive them that way. I just thought of him being nice to me, as a friend.

As soon as we reached my apartment,  he stopped the car and turned 90 degrees to look at me. He raised his browse and I knew he wanted an answer from me.

"But I'm nobody.." I said in a small voice. I looked down and then outside into the dark night.

"You're somebody.. that I like.. a lot.." he said.

I really don't understand why he would want to date me. I suddenly remembered Kyuhyun boldly asking me to be his wife earlier tonight. That, too, I can't understand. Gosh, I'm so naive!

I stepped out of Jay's car and walked towards my apartment. He didn't immediately drove off. I may have just left him devastated.

I told him that people should date each other when they have a mutual sense of likeness for each other. When that happens, I'll date him. That's what I said to him.

It's true. I wish I shared the same feeling as he does and just date him. I can't imagine the awesomeness of dating Jay Park. I hope I don't regret this. Heart, I'm trusting you on this one.


"Why the heck did you turn him down, you nappun gizibe!" I was greeted by Eun Shi's scolding as soon as I opened the door to let her in that Sunday morning.

I gave her a smile as I already have expected this kind of reaction from her. I already told her the gist of what happened last night.

"Don't you know how many people are willing to exchange souls with you?!" she continued. "He even confessed that he likes you, okay?!"

"Do you mind using your indoor voice, ma'am? " I tried to calm her down.  I told her how lucky I feel to have someone like Jay Park saying he likes me. I appreciate his feelings towards me and acknowledge them. But the inner voice in me didn't feel like being in a relationship just yet. I just started working. I'm trying to adapt to the life of working. I want to focus on my work first. Do you realize how much attention is needed for a relationship,  what more a relationship with an idol.

I didn't think I could afford that.

Eun Shi kept quiet as I shared my side of the coin with her. I'm blessed to have a friend who understands. My best friend.  I knew she would understand my situation. Eventhough I never had a boyfriend,  I wasn't quick to find one, unless I really do fall head over heals for a guy. I wasn't the desperate kind.

Life can dangle a gorgeous idol in front of me, but I'm not the type that falls in love easily.

"That's where we are different, " Eun Shi laughed.  She said if it were her, she'd pounced at the dangling idol like there's no tomorrow.  We had a good laugh.


 I sipped my iced peach tea from my balcony. Today sure has been a calm Sunday. I looked to the streets and suddenly thought of that man, Cho Kyuhyun.  

After 6 days of seeing him every day,  I became concern if he has eaten or not, what is he up to, and other stuff. Today is the only day I didn't see him in a week. I really can't be blamed.  I'm used to seeing him.

I thought about tomorrow and the rest of the week's schedule and looked it up. I was flipping through the papers and realized that the task to go through his wardrobe was to be finished by this week. Damn it. How did I saw through that?

I glanced at my watch.  9.00 pm. It's still early, isn't it? "

Are you home?" I asked as soon as Kyuhyun answered my call.

"You want to watch another movie with me?" he said and I could hear the background music of Star Craft.  I laughed and told him my plans and he said he's fine with it. He told me he had Changmin and Minho over. It's game night and asked me if I was fine with it.

"Ne ne.." I said and I'll be over in 15 minutes. Looks like I'll be seeing him today too. My heart skips a beat and I don't know why.

The guy who opened the door smiled a cheeky smile and said, "You miss him, right?"

"Psk.. Mwoya.. I'm here for work, Changmin-shi.." I said and walked in as soon as he cracked the door a little wider. Kyuhyun and Minho were busy blasting off each other using the nun-chucks. So I gestured to Changmin if it was okay if I just walked into Kyu's wardrobe and he ushered me to just go on. Awesome.  I'll have this done in no time.

As soon as i stepped into his wardrobe, Oh lord. I feel like killing him after looking at how messy it is. I took off my cardigan and placed my scarf on the table inside the wardrobe.  Time to get things sorted out.

After finishing, I took a few steps back, admiring my work of art. His apparels are now colour coordinated and sorted out between casual and formal attires. I stretched my tired arms only to have them bump into somebody's tummy. "Oww.." he said and rubbed his tummy.

"Aishh.. How long have you been standing there, Kyuhyun-shi?" I asked and wondered if I hit him too hard.

"Long enough to hear you cursed me for my laziness," he said and gave me a stare. I laughed and said I was sorry. I asked him what he thought about his wardrobe now. He took one look and then at me and said, "cho-a".

"Great," I clasped my hands together and said that I've gone through each and every piece of his clothes and they were fine. Now that I have finished,  I'll be heading back home now.  

I grabbed my cardigan and scarf and saw him grabbing his stuff too. "Are you going out too? and where are Changmin-shi and Minho-shi?" I asked to which he said yes and that everyone had left.

As I was about to open the door, I saw the post-it note I left him yesterday on the door.


Kyuhyun-shi ..

If you continue to sleep like this

during zombie apocalypse,

you definitely will not survive. Kkk..

Thanks for the movie.

Anyeong <3

-- Kim Mira n_n

Well, that explains Changmin's remarks earlier.

We were quiet in the elevator. I didn't know what he was doing, but me, I was busy taking in the scent I love to smell recently.


As the door opened to the floor of the lobby, I took a step only to be pulled back into the elevator.  He pushed the close button. I looked at him as he didn't let go of my hands,  as if it was a normal thing.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. As the door opened to the car park,  he said, "out" and pulled me out to the car park.  

I looked at my watch. 10.30 pm. I really should be heading home and sleep. It's Monday tomorrow,  Kyuhyun.

"I know it's Monday tomorrow, " he said, as if he could read my mind. "But it's gonna be a long day. So, this is like preparation for tomorrow.  In case I scold you, or get into a fight with you tomorrow,  I want to treat you today."

I know exactly what he's talking about. I've checked the schedule. It's the recording for Mamamia. He told me that he would usually get stressed out whenever they had outdoors shooting. and it has been so for the past 3 episodes.

Tomorrow's recording will be held at an equestrian center by the beach. Imagine having to spend 12 hours there.

"I want ice scream," I said and he looked at me. "I want ice cream, " I said again and he laughed.

"In the middle of the night?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. and I want the expensive ones," I said as he pulled over to a 24 hour shop.

"I'll just the regular ones," he said and grabbed his cap and scarf. I sulked and watched him get into the shop.

This is so wierd, I thought. What idol would think of his stylist's feelings before a shoot and even treat her before something happens?

"Buckle up," he said as soon as he got in. "We're going to my favorite spot, " and he drove off in lighting speed. "What do you think?" he asked me as soon as we arrived?

What did I think? It was spectacular.  The whole of Seoul can be seen from here. He motioned me to come and sit by him.

"Do you always come here?" I asked him and brought the plastic bag of ice creams out with me. He said only on special occasions and I figured he must've came here with his girlfriend or something like that.

"Yeay! You got us Hagen Daaz," I squealed in excitement and opened the wrappers of one.

"Do you like expensive ice creams that much?" he looked at me. I ignored him and took a bite. Yums!

"You'll have a sore throat tomorrow, " he said and took a bite from my ice cream.

"So will you," I said. Why the heck is he acting so cute and all? And why am I stunned by his actions this way? "Do you really think it'll be that stressful tomorrow?" I said and let him take another bite.

"Mm-hmm,"he muffled and said he has been through it. He didn't really like and couldn't really take the heat. That's why.

I told him that his stylist would try and do her  best to keep him comfortable tomorrow.

He threw his arms over my shoulders and pulled me closer. He said that I was the sweetest stylist ever and how lucky he is. I smiled and wondered,  am I just a stylist to you?

That's it! I think I know what's happening to me.

I think I know why I rejected Jay.

I think I know why I feel comfortable with Kyu.

I think I have fallen in love.. with Kyu.

Cho Kyuhyun.

As he kept on talking, I looked at him and the background music playing in my head at that moment was EXO's What Is Love.  


I lost my mind

Noreul choeummannasseultte

No hanappego modeungoseun Get in slow motion  

Nege marhejwo ige sarangiramyon


Great. I'm in love again, without knowing if I'll be loved in return. I just added another tab to my already bearly manageable browser of life. One thing for sure, I won't be seeing Kyu with the same look as before.  

Wait.. No! Andwae.. I can't fall in love with  him. No. I'm asking for trouble if I do. I have to stop myself.  I.. I.. lost my mind..  

I stood up and took in a big breath. I told him that tonight was cool and wished he were as cool as tonight tomorrow. "Let's go home," I turned to him and said.

"My home or your home?" he asked and earned a pinch from me.

He wasn't making this easy for me.

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Check out my new Kyuhyun ff, y'all. The title is [aegis]. See you there!


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Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh daebakkkkkk!!!!!! Iloveit!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!83)3';(;7;8:):): mmmuah!!!!
Chapter 32: Love in the airrrrrrr
Chapter 25: Oh my silly mira she should have just tell kyu the truth
Chapter 24: My god iakqndycoaLGdycoekemsmdycuduhdhdhdhdhdhd they kissed!!! Fireworks!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Eeeepp someone pls confess!!haha
Chapter 21: Shupó kyu to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 20: My feelings when u fall in love is all mixed up. Hurt, insult, melts, whatever haha
Chapter 18: Noooo kyu must be heartbroken!!!!
Chapter 17: Poor mira i hate guessing game relationship