Chapter 7

Yes Or No (Part 1)



I easily adjusted with Tiffany but not to living with Tiffany. I’m missing Yoona more and more each day. Tiffany can bake but we’re pretty much on the same level when it comes to cooking. I missed Yoona’s cooking and since Tiffany is always nice to me…I can’t even believe that I’m saying this but – I miss bickering with Yoona, too.


We haven’t spoken conversations in weeks, only words if necessity asked for. We still hang on the same group, me, Yoona, Tiffany, Seohyun, Sooyoung with the addition of Hyoyeon.


“Yoona, hey” What is this jerk doing here again?


“Donghae-oppa! Why are you here? But I’m glad are” I saw Yoona’s beaming smile. Has she forgotten what I told her about her Donghae-oppa? Why is she still even talking or be near with this guy?


“Huh, didn’t you---“


“Guys, I’m sorry. I can’t join you today. Let’s go oppa?” He nodded but with a confused look on his face, well, both of us are. What the heck is Yoona thinking? What if that guy suddenly takes advantage of her?


Days passed and it was already a routine that Donghae and Yoona would go out. He would always bring her azalea every time. What does that flower mean? I didn’t bother to look it up since I’m scared to know the meaning behind. What if its meaning could only hurt me more than I’m feeling right now? I’d rather not.


“Yoong, let’s join in with your friends today. I kind of miss them, too” I never believed a single word he just said.




Yoona on the other hand seemed sad or confused? You really want to be alone with that guy? Really? Why? Did he already gave you the thing he can only give? Man, I hope not. Why am I thinking all of this? Can I get this all out of my head? If Yoona can read minds, I’d be dead by now.


“Oh come on, Yoongie. Hang out with us, too. I’m sure everyone misses you”


“Right, e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e.” Yoona just rolled her eyes. Was that sarcasm in her voice? Who is this person?


Tiffany just ignored her. “Yuwl, let’s sit together okay?” She said linking her arms with mine, walking to Sunny Café, where I haven’t been in a while since I switched rooms with Seo.




Sunny Café



I got used to Tiffany holding my hand, linking our arm or feeding me. It was all normal for me now since she usually do that in her and Seohyun’s room (I can’t even call it our since it’s not). It’s what friends do…Sooyoung and Hyoyeon do that to each other – oh wait, they’re dating. Seohyun with Keroro – that doesn’t count. But then, I saw Yoona linking her arms with Donghae and feeding him occasionally – sh!they’re together.


“Yuwl, say ah” I don’t know why but Tiffany likes to treat me like a child.


“Oppa, it’s tasty right?” Yoona on the other side of the table is treating Donghae the same. What is wrong with this two?  I wouldn’t mind if Yoona does that to me but to him? Sheez!


“Well, not as tasty as to when I kissed you” I…not only me, in fact the whole gang heard what Donghae have said.  He kissed Yoona – he freaking kissed Yoona – and let the whole world…or café…know about it.


“H-ah, o-oppa. You shouldn’t say those things so openly” Yoona looked at me before averting her gaze. You’re shy now but you weren’t when you did that with him? What else did the both of you do? Man, not that ‘thing’.


“Yoongie, don’t worry about it, everybody does that. Soo and Hyo, me and Yuwree, heck maybe even Seo and her stuff toys.” Tiffany said smiling while squeezing my hand. I stayed silent.


“E-even you and---“ Yoona didn’t hide her surprise and everyone as well.


“My, my…is this going to be the lover’s table now?” Aunt Soon Kyu butted in suddenly. “Yul, you and Yoona haven’t visited in a while. I’m beginning to sulk because of you two” She said pouting.


“A-Auntie, don’t be like that. Y-Yoona and I have been busy with school lately so…but we’re here now” I plastered a smile.


“Aish, fine. Kids these days – always reasoning that they’re busy with school but they’re just busy dating” She said walking away pretending to be sulking. I shook my head in embarrassment. My Aunt’s acting like a child younger than Seohyun.



“So, Yuri. I didn’t know that you and Tiffany are finally dating?” Donghae asked the question that I would rather hope to be left hanging.




“Yes we are Donghae, but unlike you and Yoongie, we want to keep the private parts of the relationship, private” She then squeezed my hand yet again but this time, I squeezed back…I would run along with this and it’s going to be okay.


Yoona suddenly stood up, clenching her fist. “I-I forgot. I have to go somewhere today”.


“I’ll accompany you. Sorry, we’re going”


“T-thanks, o-oppa. L-let’s go” My eyes unwillingly followed Yoona until she and Donghae left the café.


“W-well, we should continue eating right?” Hyoyeon asked timidly even though that is not her usual self, maybe because of the atmosphere created.


“Of course! Do not fear, no food should go to waste because your girlfriend is here” Sooyoung really knows how to lighten up the mood.


We continued eating, even though my mind is still on that annoying doe-eyed girl.








“You like Yoona, don’t you Yuwl?”



Tiffany suddenly asked while we were silently lying in bed after arriving in the dorm. We’re so exhausted that we didn’t even bothered to talk about what happened earlier but I guess she couldn’t handle it anymore.


I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. “Would you hate me if I say yes?” I said looking at her.


“Yes and no. Yes, I would hate you…maybe even for some time because you broke my heart and it hurts really bad…right now. However, I couldn’t hate you. You’re my friend even though you’re a jerk most of the time. And…you’re in love…we’re crazy like that” She said with tears forming in her eyes.


“I’m so sorry Tiffany. I’ve been a bad friend. I know you like me and I took advantage of that…I used you and your kindness towards me and I’m so sorry about that. You’re very sweet and a very wonderful person…you deserve better than this jerk in front of you…even Yoona deserves better… and I hope you find that person” I said while pulling her into a hug.


“Yuwl, don’t say that the other person deserves better because they also choose who they want to be with and people do stupid things when they’re in love so I’ll forgive and forget but I have get my revenge for what you did…you don’t have your first kiss still, right?” She smirked before kissing me…on the lips.



She is my very first kiss – Tiffany is my first kiss. I was saving that for Yoona but what’s done is done, and Yoona already kissed Donghae anyway. As they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Tiffany gave the revenge that would affect me for the rest of my life. She just pressed her smiling lips on mine with her eyes open and mine, my eyes are opened wide because of shock and surprise.




“Yul, I’m so sorry I---“




Is this happening right now? Tiffany’s kissing me while Yoona’s barging in suddenly saying sorry? What are the odds?



Tiffany and I parted, and I stood up.


“Y-Yoona, i-it’s not what you think” Great! The overused explanation, what would she think?


“What do you think I was thinking, Yuri?” Yoona said with tears flowing in her doe-eyes.


“Yoongie, it’s not really what you’re thinking” Tiffany even backed me up.


“R-right, it’s n-not. Because you keep the p-private parts of your relationship, private and me barging in here isn’t private anymore...or that kiss wasn’t even part of the things you do in private?!”




“Save it Yuri. I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. I’m so stupid for coming here. Enjoy your life together and don’t dare coming after me after I walk out of this room or I’ll forget that we’re even friends once” She said before walking out.



I stood there, frozen. I don’t know what I should do. Yoona said that she has nothing to do with me anymore. What should I do now?



“Yuwl, let Yoona cool this one off. I know she didn’t mean what she said. You can bother her all you want after tonight. The good thing that came along with this is the fact that Yoona likes you too”




“She likes you, dummy! Why would she barge in saying sorry and act like you cheated on her after, when you two aren’t even dating?”



That assurance from Tiffany sealed it. I’m going to fight for Yoona. I won’t let her go and walked out of my life.



I am going to fight…I was but I was told that since this week is the last week of school for this year, students are already allowed to go home when they already finished the requisites and as I went to our room, Seohyun told me that Yoona already left and went home. I know where she live, she told me while we were having one of our random conversations but I know I have to be somewhere else before I could face her again; before I lay all in the line and ask for an answer. 









"...I have to go home"




you, in real life, SNSD's Yoona chose cherry blossoms instead of azaleas. Yes or No?



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areyza #1
Chapter 1: It's okay, author-nim...
Chapter 7: Sorry No
Chapter 7: Sorry No
Chapter 5: Not too often,its only when I make a big mistake
sone_marg14 #5
yul as kim and yoona as pie..
yultae14 #6
Chapter 3: what did i do? @_@
agentbluegirl #7
Chapter 8: u make me scare to death author. the answer is cherry blossoms
Chapter 11: Welcome back! Lol, is it sad that I read your new chapter just to see if you'd mention me in your author's note? Yeah, I'm sad like that :~P Hmm, gonna take a guess, is Jessica's Korean name Sooyeon? Or is Jesse a new character? I haven't read this story in a while. Still I liked the sibling banter, it was funny. Major props and have a good Christmas :~DDD
Sophia89 #10
Chapter 11: Chapter 9: okay mostly I actually like the story and Im very curious why every chapter you always mention my name. Im sorry if I didnt Reply to your questions author-ssi. I hope will be friends? And I will read your other stories as well. Author-ssi Fighting ;)