The dance room

How it all started

*flash back*

we went out somewhere that i didn't know but i just followed the brunte hair guy named kwangmin. he wanted to talk but not to long not to short just about 10 minutes.

Dasom p.o.v.

we were almost there but then there was....... FANS waitting us outside so boyfriend and us girls had to us the back door to get in side, i didn't know what to do because there was FANS at the back door too. so i made a plan."Plan is to hide kim jun and look down kim jun, NOW GO'.

kim jun p.o.v.

when we got to our destination but i saw fans so we went to the back and there was fans there to so my unnie made a plan,so we went with it i had to look down while boyfriend srounds me and girls and boys started to shout out there names even i heard my unnies name too. when we got in we walked all the way to were ever they wanted to go, we all entered a room and when i looked up i saw it was a dance room.I was guessing it was for them to pracrtice there songs, unnie and the nonna's got to dance to there song called Give it to me. 3 minutes later it was the oppas turn, once they finished we took a break, they all wanted to talk to me about we all gather around to talk about what they wanted to tell me.

hyorin p.o.v.

As our dongseongs were practiceing there song i talked to dasom about kim jun. once they were done i said  "take a break and gather around for a talk about kim jun", once they all gather around i started talking."now kim jun we wanted to ask u if u can sing and dance for use". "umm i don't know i can" kim jun said, "please for me or use! Please kim jun", i said. "alright then just once ok"?! she said "YAY"! i said.

kim jun p.o.v.

I we were in a big group and they wanted me to perform a song for so i did. The song i picked was sistar give it to me I've been practiceing this song when it came out.i started perfroming and i saw donghyun oppa ,hyunseong oppa , jeongmin oppa, youngmin oppa ,kwangmin oppa and minwoo jaws drop then the sining parts came and i sung while danced.......

                                                                                             TO BE CONTINUE....?!

                                                                    I hoped u like it so far...... and sorry its short......please comment and subcribe... thankz



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