Going to Korea

How it all started

Kim jun pov. 

MI was on my laptop taking some notes on how the first light was made invented. While I was doing that I heard a knock on my door , I told who ever was there to come in. It was one of the maids , I asked " you need anything " she said back to me " yes umm ... Your appa and omma are going to send you to Korea in 1 day they told me to tell you to pack up" the. She walked out the door closeing it behind her. I just sat there looking at my door thinking then it popped in my head .... I'm the only child who am I going to know there ?? . I knew I had to talk to my appa and omma right now so I  got up and ran my life up stairs to there office. When I opend the door I only saw my appa, I started to talk fast about me going to Korea but I didn't know anyone there . 

Mr. Park pov.

i was doing my work as uslly then I started to hear loud foot steps cling to my office door and I saw Kim jun at my door. She look around for 2 second then she stared talking fast about her going to Korea and her not knowing who was there that she was going to know. I told Kim jun to slow down so I can talk, she slowed down her talking then I stared to talk . I said " Kim jun this is what I want you to do .... I want you to take a beep breathe and clam down . Now I want you to do I want your to go to room pack up your stuff and and your  Micky mouse hat and other Micky mouse stuff ok ... Ok . Now go pack up please . You'll meet some people ". 

Kim jun pov.

I did what my appa wanted me to do . I packed my stuff and put it outside by my door so it's ready for tomrrow, (at night)  ....... It was dark outside so that ment for me that I leave tomrrow at 6:30 am so I had to get ready to sleep soon . It was 7:56 now so I got my p.js out and grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom (20 minutes later )  I got dressed in my p.js  I went down stairs to watch some k. Dramas. I fell asleep while watching tv , when I woke up the tv was off and I had a blanket on , I checked the time it was 4:01. I decide to wake up so that I got time to chose my cloths and take my time showering and to eat break fest , I got to do my things I planed and it worked out fine it took me 20 minutes to chose my cloths and 30 minutes to take a shower and take my things to the couch and to eat my break fest by my favorite maid nonna. I was going to miss her very much and  same with my parents too , (at the airport) when we were at the air port my parents and nonna was there to say goodbye . The reason I had no friends to say good bye to me is because they were .... They weren't my real friends they only used me so I could get bulled and in trouble that's why. It was time for me to go and Ieft to get on the plane I waved my last goodbye till the next time I see  my parents .

I tryed my best on doing the first chapter I hoped u like it ... I think the fist three or two or something chapters would be boring but anyway I hope u like my story's thank you for reading ill try to update more !.... Please subscribe and comment thank you !... 

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