RapMon's place [Part 2]

You've Given Hope To Me

Soon, you came out of the bathroom wearing the clothes he gave you and wet hair. 

Just as it was RapMon's turn to play the game, Suga nudged him. He looked at Suga, "What?" Suga nodded at you who were drying your hair with the towel.

RapMon quickly gave the controller back to J-Hope. He stood up and walked over to you. J-Hope smiled looking at RapMon. He looked at Suga and exchanged smiles. "Come on, hyung. Let's play again." Suga waved. J-Hope nodded and picked up the controller from his lap. 

"Done?" RapMon asked. You looked up and smiled, "Yup. Done~" RapMon sniffed something sweet in the air and realised it is you. *She smells nice.*

"Are the clothes okay?" RapMon touched the grey hoodie jacket. You nodded. "Mm. It's really warm." You hugged yourself. RapMon gave a small smile. *Good, it's my favorite.*

"How about the pants?" He pointed at the black sweatpants. You looked down. "Oh.. It's a little bit baggy. But it's alright. Though I was wondering at how small your waist is." You looked up at him suspiciously. 

RapMon smirked. "For your information, I bought this pants two years ago. So, yeah. I outgrew them." "And you haven't threw them out?" You asked. 

He shrugged. "Didn't feel like it." You nodded in understanding.

"Where are your uniform?" He asked. You picked up your folded uniform from the sink. "Give it. I'll go put it in the washing machine. Tomorrow's the weekend anyways." 

Before you could pull RapMon back, he had already walked away. "Kim Namjoon~~~~" You cutely stomped your foot. 

RapMon smirked and continued walking away. You sighed and walked back over to the living room. 

Just then, someone hugged you from behind. You lightly jumped and looked over your shoulder. 

Jungkook nuzzled into your neck and sniffed your hair. "Mmm~~ You smell nice, noona." You giggled as his breath tickled your neck. 

RapMon saw Jungkook hugging you and his heart slightly ache. *That's what I thought.* He sighed. *Man, do I wish I was Jungkook right there.* Suga looked at RapMon for his reaction. He chuckled. *Don't worry, bro. You can do that to her soon.*

"Kookie, I'm sick. Let me go or you'll catch a cold as well." You said as you slowly pulled away from Jungkook. Jungkook smiled, showing his squirrel cheeks. "Don't worry, Dani noona. I'm strong enough to fight the germs."

He put his hand on your forehead. "Go away, you germs. Your hurting my noona!" He cutely pouted. You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Go, you babo."

He giggled and walked over to V. You shook your head as you continued drying your hair with your towel. 

"Sorry I don't have a hairdryer." RapMon suddenly appeared infront of you. "Omma~" You blinked, suprised. RapMon wanted to pinched your cheeks but managed to controll himself. 

You chuckled. "It's okay~" You shook your head with a smile. "You hungry?" RapMon and you walked over to the kitchen. You shook your head. "Nah. I'm good. Plus, the breakfast at the hospital was really filling~" You patted your stomach. 

RapMon raised an eyebrow at you. "Your not scared of hospitals anymore?" You scrunched your face, annoyed and slapped his arm. "Don't tease me. I still am."

RapMon lightly chuckled. "Here." He handed you a glass of warm water. "Thanks." You smiled and drank it in one shot. "Ahh.. So nice~" You beamed. RapMon shook his head with a smile. 

You walked back to the living room and took a seat beside V. V sniffed the air and turned his head at you. "Whoa. You do smell nice, noona." 

You chuckled. "Blame Namjoon. He has nice taste~" RapMon rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor infront of you. 

You blinked at the video game they were playing. It was a fighting game. "Could I have a go?" You asked. Suga looked up at you. "What? This?" You nodded. J-Hope smiled and held out the controller. "Go nuts."

You beamed. "Yay. Thank you, Hoseok oppa~" You took the controller. Suga smirked. "Watch out, Goo Dani. I'm not gonna go easy on you."

"We'll see, Min Yoongi~" You winked. Suga nodded and shook hands with you. Suga restarted the game and picked new avatars and place to fight. 


"Go, noona! Beat his !" Jimin cheered. "Let's go, Yoongie hyung!!" Jungkook clapped. "Come on, come on! Kick his balls!" V beamed. While the three dongsaengs cheered, the hyungs remained cool. 

You pressed and pressed until it almost broke the controller and finally... 

"YES! THREE IN A ROW!" You raised your arms and beamed. "Yes!!" You clapped like a happy seal.

"What the heck?!" Suga was left dumbfounded. "Sorry, bro." RapMon patted his shoulder. 

"Whoa. Where did you learn to play so good?" Jungkook asked. "I used to play with my bestfriend everytime we had sleepovers." You said. "Wahh~~" Jungkook clapped. You giggled.

"Here. One game is enough. I'm having a headache." You gave the controller to RapMon. RapMon took it and gave it to Jimin. Suga gave his controller up to Jungkook. 

"I'm impressed." Suga lightly patted your head. You looked up and winked. He held out his fist. You bumped your fist with his. 

You massaged your temple with eyes closed. RapMon played closed attention to you. *Why is she forcing herself to stay awake?*

After two games, Jimin and Jungkook decided to close it. It had been on for too long. They put on a movie and watched it together.

Because of RapMon, the couch was given up to you. Though you pushed away the offer, of course RapMon did not listen. Jimin and Suga sat on the beam bags while RapMon, Jin and J-Hope sat down on the floor. Jungkook lied down on the floor using J-Hope's lap as a pillow. V too lied down and used Jungkook's legs as his pillows.

You first felt guilty but Jin reassured you and even asked you to lie down. So, you did.

After an hour, RapMon turned his head to check on you, you had already fallen asleep. Jin followed RapMon's eyes and patted his shoulder. "Go~" RapMon looked at his hyung. He nodded with a smile.

RapMon stood up. He slid his arm under your knees and the other supporting your back. He lifted you up and brought you over to his bed. He gently set you down. You mumbled something gibberish about food and caused RapMon to broke into little giggles.  

He pulled the blanket over you and patted your arm. "Sleep tight." RapMon whispered. He curled tendrils of your hair behind your ear. He pulled the curtain to make sure you have privacy and went back to watch the movie with the others. 

At eight o'clock, the boys decided to go home. At exactly 8.30, you woke up. You eyes fluttered opened. You rubbed your eyes and looked around. You gasped and sat up. *It's night time already!*

You looked around some more. Your eyebrows furrowed as you did not hear any voices outside. You got out of bed and tip-toed on the way out. You pulled the curtain and poked your head out. 

You softened as you witnessed RapMon sleeping on the couch. *The others must've gone home already.* You pulled the rest of the curtain and walked towards RapMon. You knelt down on the floor and looked his sleeping face. 

You swept his bangs away from his eyes. You slowly moved your fingers to his cheek. You caressed his dimple with your thumb. A smile crept on your face. "You sure went through hell these pass couple of days because of me. Huh, Namjoon.."

No, I didn't. I enjoyed myself actually. I've never cared for anyone as much as I'm starting to care for you. Don't say that. 

You sighed. "I'm so sorry."

Don't be. Please.

"Since you've been such a great nurse to me, I'll make something for you. You deserve it~" You rubbed RapMon's arm.

You stood up and walked over to the kitchen. RapMon opened his eyes and it followed your steps to the kitchen. 

*Should I go and help her?* He was debating whether he should or should not. But he knew all too well that you would not want him to burden with you anymore, so he decided to shut his eyes again. 

You went into the kitchen and took out whatever there is. 

You made kimchi stew and some bulgogi. After you were done, you walked back to RapMon. You knelt down to his face and lightly shook him. 

"Namjoon-ah~" You called. "Namjoon-ah~~"

RapMon's slowly woke up. His eyelids rose up. You flashed a sweet smile. "Namjoon-ah.. Let's eat." 

*My~ To be able to wake to this everyday..? Man, that would be awesome.* RapMon's inside melted seeing your smile. "Hmm?"

"Let's eat." You said as you helped him sat up. 

"Why did you cook? You're still sick." RapMon said as he rubbed his eyes. 

"Hey, consider yourself lucky. I don't cook for just anyone." You said. RapMon gave you a look. You sighed. "Well.. You've been really good to me.. And how could just stand there and accept everything like a princess? So, yeah. It's just a token of my appreciation." You smiled.

You pulled his arms and led him to the dining table. RapMon sat down with still sleepy eyes. You brought over the kimchi stew and set it on the table. You opened the lid and smoke came out. RapMon's head automatically rose up as it responded to the delicious smell.

"You.. Cooked this?" RapMon asked. You shyly smiled. "Yeah. But it might taste as good as your mom's, but I tried my best."

*Wrong, Dani. My mom never cooked for me before.* RapMon thought. You sat across from him. You put some kimchi stew for him. 

"Eat up~" You said. RapMon looked at you and looked at the food. He scooped a spoonful rice and put it in his mouth. He sipped some of your kimchi stew. His eyes wanted to popped out of its sockets. *It's.. So.. Good..*

You had a worried look on your face. "You don't like it?" RapMon looked up at you and shook his head. "It's really.. Good."

You sighed in relief. "Phew. I thought I failed. It's been awhile since I cooked." You picked up your chopsticks and started eating. 

The two of you ate quietly. Just as RapMon was just about to shove a spoonful of rice in his mouth, you put a bulgogi on his spoon. RapMon shifted his eyes at you. "Mani mogeo. (Eat a lot)" You smiled.

RapMon quietly ate his food. *I've never tasted another woman's cook besides my grandma. This is so nice. This reminds me of you, grandma. God, I missed you~*

"Oh, by the way.. Don't forget your to eat your meds." RapMon reminded. You pouted as you put a bulgogi in your mouth.

RapMon noticed your expression and smirked, "What? Don't tell me.. Meds too?" He was already getting ready to laugh. 

You pouted more. "Don't laugh, you idiot. Like you said, everyone is afraid of something~" You snapped. RapMon put his fist on his mouth to cover himself from laughing. "Hahaha, aight. Aight~" He went back to eating.

You made a face at RapMon while he was not looking. "But you still have to eat it." He said, not looking up from his food. You scowled at him and stucked your tongue out. RapMon saw but did not respond. He just secretly smiled at how cute you were acting.

After the two of you were done, RapMon made sure you ate your medicine. You gulped the water and made a face. RapMon offered to wash the dishes. Though you volunteered to help, RapMon pushed you away.

You sat down on the couch while waiting for him. You pulled the hoodie over your head and hugged yourself.

"Cold?" A voice asked. You looked up. You shook your head with a smile. "No, I'm good." RapMon sat down next to you. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he put his hand on your forehead. You stucked your lower lip out, "Getting better."

*Good.* RapMon put his hand back down. RapMon grabbed the controller and the TV. The two of you were watching Music Bank. 

Just then, Apink was on the TV. As they sang their song 'NoNoNo', you sang along. RapMon's soft eyes glanced at you. *She's prettier than those kpop girls.*

After Apink, EXO came out. You were about to react but then stopped when you noticed RapMon was there. *OHMYGOSH! EXO!* You started singing along to 'Wolf'. It was Kris part and RapMon saw you smiling rather brightly.

"He must be your favorite." RapMon said without looking at you. You turned to RapMon and chuckled as you looked back at the TV. "Keke. Aniya, I just remembered the time when I met Kris at the airport."

"You met him?" RapMon pointed at the TV screen. You sheepishly smiled. "Uh, yeah. We sorta bumped into each other since the fans were pushing." You rubbed the back of your neck. 

"Ohh." RapMon nodded. You bit your lip and continued singing. Finally, EXO ended their performance. RapMon realised that you just sang the whole song throughout EXO's performance. *I'm guessing she's a fan.*

Soon enough, the clock striked 11 o'clock. You bit your lip as you looked at the clock. "I should get going. You probably want to sleep." You stood up. 

RapMon too stood up. "Um, you can.. Stay.. If you like." He awkwardly rubbed his nape. You smiled as you shook your head. "I've troubled you enough. It's okay~"

"It's no trouble. You can take my bed." RapMon pointed. "Then, you?" You pointed at him. "I'll just sleep wherever I feel like sleeping." RapMon shrugged. 

*Okay.. Weird answer.* You thought. "Nah, it's okay. Really, Namjoon." You said as you slung your backpack.

RapMon was trying hard to find an excuse to make you stay. He knew there was nothing else he could do to persuade you, so he collected himself and said, "Please.. Stay.."

You slowly looked up at RapMon. RapMon slowly met eyes with you. "What?" You blinked. "Just stay. Just for a night. I don't feel right not having to know either you'll be alright or not once you go home. So.. Just stay.." RapMon's voice sounded gentle. 

You were lost for words. *How can I turn him down now? Goddamit!* Without a word, you nodded. RapMon found himself smiling, satisfied that you decided to stay. 

After washing and changing into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, RapMon took a pillow and a blanket. He walked over to the couch. He fluffed his pillow and laid down. 

"You sure you'll be alright?" You asked. RapMon nodded. "I'm sure. Go to bed." He waved. "Good night~" You said. "Night~" RapMon replied.

You slowly turned your heels and walked towards the bed. You climbed up and burried yourself under the blanket. You laid down on your left. *Namjoon's apartment is so much better than home. I'm kind of glad he asked me to stay.*

*I hope she's not creeped up by me. Please don't misunderstand me, Dani~* RapMon sighed and closed his eyes. *Grandma, she reminds me so much of you. Did you ask God to send her to me? If you did, thank you. I'm finally feeling like I'm alive again. She's now my reason to go on with life. Help us, God.*

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dagriduo #1
plzzzz update thissss :) this story is awesomeee and had recommended to alot of ppl
Mylifeiskpop99 #2
Chapter 25: Please update soon! Just finish read this amazing fanfic at 3 am i need more namjoon! <3
Chapter 22: update soon..pleaseeee xPP
Chapter 22: I decided to reread this lol. Author-nim~~ How are you doing? :) I hope you're doing well ^^
xoxolisa #5
Chapter 22: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee unnieeeee ;;
xoxolisa #6
Chapter 22: Please update ;u; I love this story so much Dx Rapmon is my nr1 bias
_Sonmi #7
Chapter 22: Unniee~~~~~ updateee~~~~ *pouting*
bunie23 #8
author-nim you haven't updated in so long ottokaeeee I fell in love with this story *sobs* ~being overdramatic I know kkkk~ Anyways, I love this story hope you update in the future. ^^
xoxolisa #9
Chapter 22: Updateeeeee
Macchiato_Hime #10
please upsate asap~ i m waiting for update so long TT