
Love begins here ∞♫ Woogyu oneshot collection ∞♫

Title: Lost.

Prompt: Woohyun and Sungkyu are sailing together and they hate each other's guts.

Word count: 1933.

To say that Woohyun and Sungkyu hate each other’s guts would be an understatement. But karma is a little sometimes, and it puts them both in a situation in which they are forced to get along-and maybe more.



Sailors are often some of the coolest, most giving people on earth. Why wouldn’t they be? They’re living the dream. The difference between them and others is that they decided to make their dreams happen. Some call them crazy, most envy them. The truth is, any goal you set out to achieve, including sailing, takes dedication to overcome obstacles that will undoubtedly appear.

The sun shines brightly as Sungkyu makes his way on the long deck. He looks at the blue sky and inhales slowly, a smile apearing in the corner of his pink lips. He stretches his limbs and prepares for a long day on the ship. He never complaines, though. This is what he’s always wanted. This- the sea, the sky, the freedom, the ship, the storms, the mornings, the sun. He wouldn’t trade it for the world. At 25 years old, Sungkyu is surely one hell of a sailor.

After he attended the Korean Sailing Association, Sungkyu was allocated to a small ship, where he met the most competent sailor in the world. He told him that “If you want to be a better weight lifter, lift more weights! If you want to swim better, swim more! If you want to sail better, sail more!” The first time he went out, he was nervous. Heck, who wouldn’t be?! By the time he had taken a few classes, his confidence started raising. The will be always more to learn, but there comes a point where the basics make sense, things start to click, and you begin to relax as you realize it’s not as hard as you thought.  Te next step to becoming a worthy sailor is starting a drinking habit. Well, Sungkyu’s captain told him it’s not really necessary to do that, but you can cross the world over and there’s one thing all wayfaring sailors have in common, and that thing is drinking. Little by little, as time passed by, Sungkyu gained more confidence, and he put together a crew, a few guys in which he believes. Then, he found a ship, not big, but not too small either. He named it INFINITE and he put all his hopes in it.

Then, the problem appeared. And the fact that the problem was handsome and tall and had muscles and a perfect face was even more of a problem.

Nam Woohyun was the type of sailor that would give everything and anything for the sea. He loved sailing more than anything, he loved feeling the wind ruffling his hair, he loved that swinging sensation the boat was giving him. It’s true, the sea takes lives. It’s not easy to be a sailor and it’s not easy to keep loving what you do. But that was the thing that Sungkyu and Woohyun had in common. Well, maybe the second thing they had in common, because the first thing was the pure hate they felt towards each other.

They first met while attending the Korean Sailing Association. They were always trying to impress the teachers, glaring at each other and throwing curses whenever they met. Sure, Sungkyu wouldn’t deny the fact that Woohyun was attractive, that he had an amazing body and a perfect face, and Woohyun wouldn’t deny the fact that he would love to hear Sungkyu’s pretty voice in other circumstances. But they just felt like killing each other whenever they met.

When they graduated from the Korean Sailing Academy, they both felt relieved that they were never going to see each other. And, one day, Lee Sungyeol, a member of Sungkyu’s crew, brought his cousin, none other than Nam Woohyun, Sungkyu’s nightmare, and basically begged the man to take him with them on the seas. Now, Sungkyu was never the man who put his feelings on top of his work, so he accepted (he may or may have not wished that a storm would take that bastard away).

And with that, Kim Sungkyu, Jang Dongwoo, Nam Woohyun, Lee Howon, Lee Sungyeol, Kim Myungsoo and Lee Sungjong formed a crew. Sure, they argued sometimes (and by them, I mean Woohyun and Sungkyu), but they were united, young and dedicated, and they had a ship called INFINITE, which was collecting all their hopes and dreams.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the boys had been on the sea for seven days. Somehow, Woohyun and Sungkyu managed to not kill each other in the meantime, mainly because Hoya and Dongwoo, who were the strongest out of all seven, were constantly cautious to never let those two alone. The sea was peaceful, the sky was cristal clear and only Sungyeol was keeping an eye out for any sign of movement. The rest were sleeping peacefully, sprawled on the deck, taking advantage of the sunrays to get a nice tan, because, they said “what kind of sailor has white skin” . A few bottles of rum were lying next to them, and only God knows how Sungyeol managed to stay sober. He was about to take a nap too, when he saw something on the horizon, something they had been waiting for.

-Get up, you lazyasses, I see solid ground. I repeat, I see solid ground. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? Guys? GUYS!!!!!!!!!

At this moment, Sungyeol was shaking everyone as if he was trying to wake a dead person, kicking them and splashing their faces with sea water. Soon, everyone woke up and started screaming in joy, because that, in front of them, was an island, maybe an unknown island, maybe they were the first to set foot on it! They started roaming around and hugging each other, well, at least five of them, because Woohyun and Sungkyu were going at each other even in their drunken state. Sungyeol gathered the rest of the guys and started whispering something, and the boys started giggling and seemed to agree with whatever plan Sungyeol had told them. Sungkyu, as the captain of the ship and the most drunk out of the seven, jumped from the boat onto the island first. Then, Sungyeol pushed his cousin, who descended as well, and layed on the sand, because he was still drunk as hell. After a few minutes of looking at his surroundings, Sungkyu turned around with the intention to tell the guys what should they do, but he saw nobody else on the island. Well, Nam Woohyun was still almost dying on the beach, but for Sungkyu, there was nobody else on the island, which means that...

-Guys, it’s not funny! Come back here! he screamed as loud as he could to the guys on the now disappearing ship. I said come back!!!!!!

-No, hyung, we will come back when you two will be mature enough to not kill each other when you are alone! Hoya and Myungsoo screamed back, holding a dying Dongwoo, who was bending in half and laughing like mad. Sungkyu was so close to wishing they would all go to hell, because the bastards were laughing and waving at him, but he loved them too much to do that. Instead, he nudged Woohyun with his foot, and when he got no response, he grabbed his right leg and dragged him towards the sea, convinced that he will wake up once he’ll feel the water. Then, he started exploring the island to look for a good place to set camp, because who knows when those idiots will come back. He walked around the area for an hour or so, when he remembered to check if Woohyun woke up or he drowned. To his surprise, he was not where he had left him, and that made him a little bit worried, just a little bit, and he started to call his name and walk aimlessly on the beach. After a while, he saw the idiot coming out of the woods with a coconut in his hands and beaming with happiness.

-Already missing me, hyung? Look what I brought for you! A coconut! I heard it’s very good for hangovers. But how do I open this stuff?

-Try with your head. You are already stupid, you’re gonna be just fine. Come on, give it a try.

And Nam Woohyun did. He actually kicked the coconut with his forehead, while Sungkyu was facepalming. He dragged the unconscious Woohyun to the shelter he had made, sure now that he skipped that class in the Academy where they learned how to break a coconut.

It started to get dark, and Sungkyu started a fire, aware that they have to keep any animals away. He shook Woohyun, who was beginning to toss and turn, and made him drink a little of the coconut milk. He stared for a while at Woohyun’s lips, coated in coconut milk, and they looked so soft and..kissable, that Sungkyu had to kick himself to not kiss him on the spot. He sighed, and for the first time that day, he admitted that he liked Woohyun. He had liked him ever since he first saw him, but that cocky look of the other’s made him believe that he would never want to be with someone like him, so he convinced himself that it was better this way, to just ignore him, to hate him. He layed on the improvised bed, face up, and looked at the stars. He made a wish, even though he didin’t believe that wishes really do come true. He closed his eyes, almost falling asleep, when a husky voice made him shudder.

“You know, Sungkyu, that star, the one that shines the brightest, looks like you. It’s so pretty, and yet so annoyingly far, that I hate it.”

Sungkyu turned to face Woohyun, and his breath hitched, because the latter was literally inches away from him. His first impulse was to get up and run away, to never come back because damn, Woohyun was really handsome and he made him so powerless. And yet he stayed, watching Woohyun’s features fascinated, he was looking at him properly for the first time in all those years. His charcoal eyes and his perfect nose and his fair skin were fascinating him, and he extended his right hand, his fingers shyly tracing Woohyun’s jawline. He closed his eyes, wishing that, when he would open them again, Woohyun would still be the same, gentle and sweet and not throwing curses at him. He took a deep breath and he felt something soft and wet touching his lips, and he panicked, because “Is Woohyun kissing me?” Then, a few seconds later, his sanity left him and he started kissing back, throwing away all the feelings and losing himself in all that Woohyun was. Then, cheers errupted and screams could be heard, and they parted, blushing. looking for the source of the noise. There, near the beach, was INFINITE, and the boys were clapping like seals and laughing and yelling “we knew it”, and Woohyun and Sungkyu hid their faces in embarrasement, wishing for good that they would disappear.

But, above all, they took they first bite of the forbidden fruit, and they would want more and more.

They looked at the stars, and Sungkyu whispered “I guess wishes really do come true”, and then kissed away the confusion on Woohyun’s face, smiling into the kiss and blessing the day that he decided to become a sailor.

Dedicated to my lovely StarlightSpirit <3 

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Chapter 5: You should be so proud of this!! GAH IS THIS ANGST WHAT EVEN?! THE THOUGHT OF GYU BABY LOCKED UP.. :(
this was so amazing! I love your writing style so much Herr!!
Chapter 4: Namtarzan :D but I kinda want gyu that will stay with namu in the jungle (lol the lame pun)

This is lovely, tho :D
Chapter 4: I for one like puking rainbows!

YOU SAID THIS WAS BAD BUT IT WASNT OH MY GOD IT'S SO UNIQUE AND SPECIAL AND PRECIOUS! Curious Gyu is the best and I totally see Woohyun as a jungle boy ohmygosh Alex i love this!!

This was
Chapter 3: this sailor!au is so cute xD
write more!!
Chapter 3: I finally got around to reading this(sorry! I've been so busy latelt T.T)

And oh my gosh this is so adorable and Namu hitting the coconut on his head is just the silliest (and totally imaginable) and oh my gosh, what is it with my obsession with sailors recently! Haha! <3 And the kiss at the end and Infinite abandoning them to sort them out (because they're always the scheming little idiots) :P

The quote where Woohyun says the tar is like Sunggyu because it's pretty yet "Annoyingly far" is just the cutest, greasiest and most 'awwww' thing ever and this whole thing made me feel fuzzy inside!

Is this actually dedicated to me or like, dud you use the AFF thing where it puts the users name


Oh gosh, I adore you so much. Full length chaptered sailor!au fic? Please? <3

Gah, you're so amazing <3333
ainBuBBly90 #6
Chapter 3: Can i hug you? *snuggles you**
This sailor au is so cute. Love this *_*
Chapter 3: Ommo ;u; this is so cute.

Lol nambabo so dummy why
redvelvetrose #8
Chapter 2: Ah this one is pretty, I like how you describe the universe and stuff :)
redvelvetrose #9
Chapter 1: Why did Woohyun had to leave without explanation, poor Gyu /sigh