Chapter Two

Two Hours Without Jinki

Taemin reluctantly left Jinki’s room with a soft, barely there pout on his face. He was once again kicked out by his lover without a second glace spared his way. Okay, so he left by himself not sparing Jinki a second glance but it’s the same thing, right? Jinki did ask him to leave so cold-heartedly after Taemin tried to seduce him; so why would he spare the older one a second glance? He had hoped that the exaggerated swaying of his hips would attract Jinki’s attention and suddenly he’d realise how much more important spending time with Taemin was then reading his stupid script, it wasn’t even that funny. But Jinki didn’t even call him back for one last kiss.


As soon as he got out through the door he was up on his feet, not seeing the need to act cute when it didn’t even work on his lover and anyway he only ever wanted to be cute around him. Bending down to pat his jean-clad knees clean, he looked through the inverted V of his legs at Jinki and scoffed. The leader had his back to the maknae. The maknae scowled and decided if the leader wanted to have some ‘alone time’, Taemin will give him alone time. It’s not like he needed the leader or anything. He can be just fine without his lover; he can be just fine with Jonghyun. He turned around to slam the door to the leader’s room shut and stomped his way to the lead singer’s room. He knew that Jonghyun was in his room, probably writing lyrics or composing music, that’s what the elder usually did when he had free time.


However, he was stopped in his tracks right in front of the closed door of the lead singer’s room. He looked at the closed door and bit his lower lip. Jonghyun only ever closed the door when he absolutely didn’t want to be disturbed and we he was doing something important. He wasn’t sure if he should disturb his hyung or not. True that he had nothing better to do and that Jinki probably won’t let him stay with him but he still shouldn’t disturb others if they were doing something important, right?


Then suddenly an idea struck him. He pressed his ear against the door and tried to find out exactly what the lead singer was doing so that if he really was doing something important Taemin would just go away and do something else. At first he couldn’t really hear anything so he thought that maybe he shouldn’t disturb the other. Just when he was about to pull his ear away from the door, a feminine voice caught his ear. A woman was laughing in a very shrill voice, not only that he could make out Jonghyun’s goofy laughter too as well as his singing with a toneless voice! What the hell was Jonghyun doing? He brought a girl in the dorm? He was sure as hell going to die. Kibum was going to slaughter him, butcher him with his kitchen knife then cook him into a broth and feed it to Comme Des and Garcon!


The last time the lead singer was found flirting with a girl, Kibum had flipped and was about to destroy anything and everything that belonged to him and would have with Jonghyun hadn’t promised that he loved Kibum and no one else and took him for shopping which lasted for like 2 whole days.


Being the nice dongsaeng that he is Taemin decided that he was going to help out his hyung. He was going to warn him and kick whoever was with Jonghyun out before Kibum got any wind of it. Yes, that’s what he was going to do. up his hands into balls he knocks as quiet as he could. Letting Kibum know was not in the agenda. When no one answered and Jonghyun didn’t rush to open the door, his mind made up the worst scenario ever. Was the stupid lead singer cheating on Key? He swore under breath and knocked again, this time a bit louder. If he was cheating on Kibum then Taemin himself would smack his stupid assed face before the rapper can get to him. Finally he heard a scuffling noise just behind the door and seconds after the door swung open just a fraction and Jonghyun’s head stuck out.


‘Whaddaya wa..’

Taemin pushed opened the door and stomped into the lead singer’s room.

‘Where is she? Where did you hide the cow you’re cheating on Kibum with, huh? Where is she?’


There was no one in the room; Taemin scanned every nook and cranny visible from his vantage point; no one. The whole room was as it should be, nothing indicating that a girl had been in there. Jonghyun’s and Taemin’s clothes were sprawls on their respective sides of the room and no woman would enter such a messy room and he knew the lead singer well enough to know that he wouldn’t shove anyone and especially not a girl into a closet or anything. He was a flirt but he was not a cheater. He blushed for his own over active imagination and turned around to apologise to his hyung but was stopped by a feminine voice coming from where Jonghyun’s bed was.


‘Jjongie? Who is it? Is it Kibummie? I wanna talk to him..’

Taemin gasped and slapped his hands over his mouth. He knew that voice.

‘Noona, it’s not Bummie, it’s Taemin-ah.’

Jonghyun patted the younger’s shoulder from behind and pushed him to the side of the bed that the laptop screen was facing.



Taemin should have known.


Jonghyun’s older sister’s smiling face greeted him as his eyes trained on the little computer screen. The girl with curly light hair and eyes that were similar to Jonghyun’s puppy ones, waved at him from where she was.


‘Taemin-ah, annyeong.’

He blushed and when he didn’t wave, he heard the older guy huffed next to him, muttering a low, ‘how rude’ then picking up his hand from his side to wave back at his sister. Taemin shoves the elder’s hand away and shyly waves at the noona with a small guilty smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

‘Hi Sodam noona, how are you?’

‘Noona, you know this pabo thought I was cheating on Bummie with some girl or other! He thought you were the girl I’m cheating on my Bummie with!’


Taemin rolled his eyes at the chuckling lead singer and puffed his cheeks. Sitting down on the bed in front of the laptop, he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed.

‘It’s not my fault that your dongsaeng is such a flirt noona. He locked the room and was singing and giggling.’ He scrunched his nose and then continued, ‘Just thank God that I didn’t call for Key hyung or e would’ve flipped for no reason.’


He frowned as Jonghyun slapped the back of his head as he sat down next to him.

‘If you did you would not be alive either, even Jinki hyung couldn’t have saved you from me and next time before coming to weird conclusions, please do ask me and stuff.’

Taemin was about to lash out with something or the other, probably about how he could take on his midget hyung all by himself and didn’t need Jinki to look after him but he was stopped my Sodam noona’s hearty chuckle. Turning his head he questioningly looked at the laughing woman and arched his brow in question as he looked at Jonghyun? He never got these two siblings; each was as loco as the other. How was Jonghyun threatening his life funny in anyway?


‘Oh god..’ She wheezed for air and flailed her arms around as if to make a point. ‘I can totally see you…you two cat-fighting…oh god! You two rolling on the floor, on each other’s hair and then in comes Kibum and pulls Jjong away by his ear. GOD! This is… ‘

Taemin groaned at the image of him and Jonghyun on the floor, all over each other but even he could not help but snigger at the imagery of Kibum stomping in and seeing the two fighting like cats and dogs, taking his side and releasing his wrath on the stupid Jonghyun. Smirking, he looked up just to find the lead singers eyes shooting laser beams his way.

‘You..’ The singer points at his noona, who was still laughing with her hands clasped over his mouth and glares. ‘Stop laughing right now or I’m not giving you Eunhyuk hyung’s number.’

He then turns to the maknae and scowls at him, ‘You..why are you even here? Aren’t you and Jinki hyung supposed to be all over each other in his room or something? Why aren’t you with him and here bothering me instead?’


Taemin’s mood dropped sank right away; face drooping into a sad frown. Jinki’s rejection and how he was just discarded by the leader for his stupid script, all of it came crashing back to him. Sighing forlornly, he put his feet up on the bed and pulled his keens to his chest, pouting like a little kid whose lollipop was stolen by a bully.

‘Oh my god! You are so freaking adorable! No wonder Jinki loves you so much!’

Sodam noona’s squeal only made it worse because the voice inside him shouted out that no, Jinki didn’t love him so much because if he did he would be with his right now, cuddled up on the bed, telling his cute stories about his week and stuff. He sighed and rested his chin on the top of his knees.

‘What’s with a long face you dumb-face? Did Jinki finally see the light and break up with you?’

Both Taemin and Jonghyun’s sister gasped and shouted, ‘HYUNG’ and ‘JJONG’, respectively.

Taemin widened his eyes and if glares could burn and kill, Jonghyun would have been reduced to a pile of ash but sadly for Taemin and luckily for the lead singer, they couldn’t so nothing of the sort happened. Jonghyun just shrugged.

‘What? It’s true! Jinki hyung is so sweet and perfect, he deserves some who’s not as obnoxious as our evil maknae.’ He said in a matter-of-fact sort of way and all Taemin could do was grit his teeth and clench his fist tight to stop himself from pouncing on the short guy. Taemin was the evil maknae? It was more like; the lead singer was the spawn of devil.

He remembered what Jinki had told him to do when he was in one of his murderous moods. Deep breathe in and deep breathe out, he followed Jinki’s deep velvety voice inside his head with his nostrils flared. It worked, it always worked. He felt anger leaving him through his nostrils, well Jinki’s voice helped too; maybe the lead singer didn’t have to be slaughtered just yet, maybe.

‘Why are you panting like a dog? Don’t tell me you’re imagining doing the nasty with hyung? That is so disgusting man! And oh my god is the face you make in bed, you look constipated! I feel for hyung, really I d…’

Taemin couldn’t take it anymore. He was pissed off by Jinki’s actions as it was and as if to add insult to injury, Jonghyun had to be in his bastardy mood today. He really wasn’t in God’s good list today was he? Well, if God wanted bad maknae, he will give him bad maknae.


Ignoring Sodam’s cries for him to stop, he flung himself to where Jonghyun was siting, making both of them topple off the bed and a sadistic sort of satisfaction filled him as Jonghyun’s back landed on the floor with a thud and air left his lungs as the maknae’s body squished him, pinning him on the floor. He pulled himself up a little, propping his body on his hands, planted on either side of the lead singer, glaring down at him.

‘You are so dead, so freaking dead.’

He knew that Jonghyun knew that he was serious as soon as the elder’s eyes widened as big as saucers and smirked n satisfaction. He really was dead.


After five minutes, Taemin walked out of the lead singer’s with a wide assed grin on his face and a manic glint on his eyes. A muffled shout could be heard from the lead singer’s closet and the only eye witness was bribed with the promise of a certain monkey hyung’s phone number; so Jonghyun would be bound in the dark closet for a while still. Revenge was sweet.

His grin however disappeared as he found himself in front of his lover’s door once again. He looked back at the wall clock, it’s only been an hour, and he still had another hour to go. This was taking too long. Why wouldn’t the damned hands of the clock move faster? He puffed his cheeks and contemplated going in and binding Jinki to the head board of his bed and burn the script in front of him but discarded the thought as soon as it came to him. Jinki would kill him if he did that and maybe even ban him from kissing him like last time he threw Jinki’s musical script away. He didn’t think he could go through a whole week of not being able to kiss the dubu-leader again. He concluded that just peeking through the door for the rest of the hour would be a better option and he did so.

He inched the door open a bit and stuck his head in, eyes searching for what they have been dying to see.


The leader was not on the bed anymore, he was standing in front of the floor-length mirror, making cute little expressions, scrunching his face, wiggling his nose, pursing his lips in hundreds of endearing ways. He looked so freaking adorable that Taemin wanted to go with that crazy plan of his from before. Tying the leader up on his bed and making him do all those expressions for the maknae’s eyes only. He felt the familiar green jealousy rising from the pit of his stomach; Jinki was going to be doing all those expressions for the whole world to see, for all their weird fans who are going to coo over what belonged to the maknae. He didn’t want that. He wanted Jinki and all the quirky little things he did all to himself.

Weird thoughts and ideas started flooding his mind, ideas like, kidnapping Jinki and keeping him in a dark cellar that only the maknae had access to or just moving to an isolated island with him where no one else could get to them. The problems with his plans were though was that he did not have a cellar and neither was he rich enough to buy an island and Jinki always gets sea-sick on ships anyway.



He was so busy planning up scenarios that led to keeping Jinki away from the whole world that he failed to realise that Jinki had stopped and was staring straight at him through the mirror.

‘You’re done with Jjong already?’

Taemin smirked a little when he was reminded of the lead singer and how he was stuffed in the closet with his hands and legs bound and socks in his mouth.

‘Oh yeah, I’m done with Jjong hyung alright….’

He crept into the room and went to back hug his leader, he was found out anyway so what was the point of restraining himself anymore?

‘And I missed you.’ He nuzzled into Jinki’s nape, kissing it softly, smirking a little when he felt a shiver going down Jinki.

‘Taemin, not now!’

Though the leader said that Taemin knew that he did not mean it because he wasn’t shoved away like before, instead the leader seemed to have leant backward to Taemin’s touch. He missed the maknae as well, Taemin thought triumphantly.

‘I’ll leave if you give me one kiss. One single kiss, is that too much to ask?’ He used his super adorable voice; the one Jinki could never refuse and grinned as Jinki’s eyes found his on the mirror.

‘Just one kiss.. and then you’ll let me read through the script again without complaining?’

Taemin nodded.

‘Fine, just one kiss and only because you seem to need it so much.’

The leader turned around to face him properly and Taemin waited in anticipation as those plush lips inched closer and closer to his own. He pursed his lips and shut his eyes tight, anticipating the soft touch of his leader’s lips.


‘Hyung! Taemin! Have you seen Jjongie? I searched him everywhere but he’s not here. Do you know where he went?’

The shrill voice of the dorm diva made his eye-lids fly open and made Jinki flinch away. Taemin growled a little under his breath and Jinki pulled himself away from him and stare at Key over his shoulder.

‘Jjong? He was with Taemin.’ The he looked back at Taemin with questioning eyes. ‘Did he go somewhere?’

Taemin had to come up with something, fast.

‘Ah, he went to the gym….with Minho hyung.’ It was a good thing that he was such a good actor, they seemed to buy it.

‘What? That dino was supposed to help me make cookies for the orphanage I help out! And he goes off to gym instead? He’s so gonna get it when he comes back!’ the diva huffed and was about to leave, making Taemin sigh in relief but then was stopped by Jinki.

‘You’re making cookies? Why don’t you take Taemin with you? He can help you out instead of Jjong. I need to read my script anyway and he has nothing to do.’

Taemin wanted to just shut Jinki up by pressing his lips to the leader’s but he restrained himself by gritting his teeth.

‘Really? Oh my God, that would be such a help Tae. I don’t think I can make like 50 cookies by myself. Thank you, hyung.’

Without even waiting for Taemin’s replay, he linked arms with the maknae and dragged him away from Jinki. Someone was getting baked in the oven and it wasn’t going to be just the cookies.


>..< I am a tad bit late with this. I did finish writing it two days ago but then I forgot to post it... sorry lol..

By the way.. this is for ontokki92 >//< I'm sorry that it's late. I was going to post it before...I swear..


and ignore the spelling and gramaical mistakes...just tell me when you find them and I'll edit it and stuff :) Thank you :)


I just could not post this without onew's recent .. x.x



He will be the end of .... my overies. I swear.





jongyuniverse:  oncloud-onew:  y Onew taking off his jacket!  #sacrificing s to see that


and then he's like..

and I'm like.



yeah..I'll end it here LOL..



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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 2: Waaaahhhhh!!!!! Where's the next chapter?
yaleON #2
Chapter 2: hahhahhhahaha, this is funny really.. plz update this story...! <3 love it
Chapter 2: I love this :)
Chapter 2: XD the gifs *drools*
this update had me giggling a lot lol. Jelly Taemin is so damn funny and cute. and what he did to Jjong was so funny XD kekekeke.
moechiii #5
Chapter 2: Omg I like this and I feel so bad for Taemin ;w;
cause if I were him I would've attacked Jinki anyway <3
keep up the good work c:
and thanks for destroying my ovaries with those pictures v.v
Chapter 2: pwahahahahha Taemin thought jjong was cheating and sodam nooona is so friendly *w* LOL imagining jongtae on floor and diva key come storming adn pulling jjong away by his ear?? kekekkeek XD -eveil smirk-
oh yes Taeminnie u R the evil maknae lol XDDD U tied up jjong and bribed his sister kekkeke XDDDDD
ofcourse jinki can't resist his love lol XDD
And just when my ontae needs where about to be satisfied key had to damn it!!! i love ukey but this is not the right time baby >.< waeeeeeeeeeee??? T.T lol XDDD Taemin will be so sad -pouts-

ps. the gifs... o.O
jinkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u y lil' jshdgjasklsjdh XDDDDD


thank u for the update loved it!! <33 can't wait for the next one dubu ^^ <33333333333333
suyuyuyu #7
Chapter 2: cute cute cute cute cute........ taetae so adorable, jinkiii how can you resist him??
I like your story author-nim.. thank youu
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!!!! I'm loving this. XD Jinki deprived Taemin is adorable and cute and really like who could blame him for sneaking in kekekeke ;)
bored taemin staring at the clock and him worming his way to jinki's room oh and the evil glare he sent minho before that and him checking him out....all of it is awesome :D:D:D <3
I lub you *hugs*