Chapter One

Two Hours Without Jinki

Taemin snuck a quick glance at the half-closed door across their living room, which led to the room of a certain leader. He pulled at his lower lip with his teeth and tried to glare the door open with some sort of super natural power and force his hyung to get up from where ever he was, walk out to Taemin and maybe pick him up and going back inside with the promise of some alone time. 

He clutched onto the console in his hands a bit too hard it seemed, as suddenly a shrill scream filled the room, he darted his head towards the huge plasma screen just to find it splattered with red blood and a whitish, gooey substance that he’d rather not think about. His character’s head seemed to have been blasted because of his lack of concentration.


‘Take that!’

The figure next to him moved at lightning speed, the sudden movement almost throwing the maknae off the sofa and on the floor on his . The other stood up, right fist pumping in the air above his head in victory.

‘That’s the seventh time.’ The gleeful voice of Choi Minho did not really help with the scowl on the maknae’s face; if anything, it only made his face contort with discontent even more. The he had trained on the door was now directed at the tall rapper. If looks could really kill and eyes cool really shoot fire, charred remains of Choi Minho would be pooled on the ground he stood on.


Completely oblivious to the maknae’s dark disposition, Minho sat back down next to Taemin and patted his shoulder on what he thought to be good sportsmanship and in an indulging tone, much like a father’s to his young son, said,

‘Don’t be sad Minnie-ah. It was just dumb luck. You’ll win next time, ne?’ His hand trailed up to the top of the maknae’s head, hand suspended in air, about to ruffle the younger’s hair when Taemin’s hand darted up to claw onto his wrist and shoved it away from his hair. He glowered in warning and threw the gaming console on the wooden floor, the plastic making a loud thunk as it bounced off the floor then another quieter as it settled a few feet from the sofa.

‘Shut up for once hyung!’


Minho gaped at the gaming console and then at the maknae, gulping as his brain processed the death glares sent his way. He more than anyone knew what the real Taemin was like when he was angry, definitely not the angelic, forever smiling or pouting, innocent maknae portrayed by their management. He was the devil’s child. He was pure evil, just prettier and without the horns, flicking tail and a trident, but just as scary, just as deadly.

The rapper opened his mouth, closed it as soon as he opened it then opened it again, trying to say something but nothing came out. He was rendered dumb. He gulped once again and repeated his fish-fresh-out-of-water movements with his mouth again and then finally he was able to speak again.

‘I need to go to the gym.’ He mumbled out and scrambled away to his room after sending a lopsided smile, which looked more like a grimace, to Taemin.


After his hyung’s hasty departure, the maknae groaned and slumped back on the sofa and thrashed around, limbs and hair waving everywhere. He curled up in a foetal position and hid his face under his hands, rubbing in frustration. Fanning his fingers out, he looked through the gaps between the digits, he peeked at the leader’s door again. He gasped as he saw the door flying open and Jinki leaning against the frame with a taunting grin on his face, which he off course found extremely y and irresistible. The maknae was so tempted, he was about to get up and run to his lover and let himself be hugged or kissed by the older guy but just when he was about to, the main door slammed shut and Jinki evaporated and the door was once again in its half closed state. 

The Jinki on the doorway was nothing but a mirage. He had been dreaming. He had been dreaming about Jinki and someone had to go slam the door and end it. He growled.

He cursed whoever slammed the door and huffed, then slammed his hands down on his cheeks to slap himself awake. He was being too pathetic. He looked at the clock and chided himself. It had only been ten minutes or so since he had been pushed out of the leader’s room, only ten minutes. That reminds him, how the hell did he manage to lose so many games in such a short amount of time? It was a mystery to him, or maybe not. In reality, he knew all too well, why he couldn’t win. His mind was not even there, it was with his lover in the other room, more than that, it had been trying to used mind control to open the door and force the leader to come out of his room. That led to his character getting stabbed, bombed, beheaded or fatally injured in some way or the other.


Jinki had strictly said that he wanted at least two hours to himself so he can read through his script for that new sitcom he was starring in. Though Taemin did try to change his hyung’s mind with tempting kisses and hugs, all his advances were ignored with a cold heart and he was kicked out of the door without a second glance from the leader.

Okay, so maybe he was exaggerating, just a tiny bit. So, what is Jinki did not really kick him out and just playfully pushed him out and what if he was not ignored just as much as he had been implying and was in reality kissed before he was pushed out? It still hurt just as much and he was still as bored. True that he was supposed to ‘bond’ with his other hyungs because apparently since him and Jinki got together a few months back, he had been spending all his time with his lover, ignoring the others, bull crap. He wasn’t ignoring his hyungs and he was only trying to make up for all those years he had been pining for Jinki but never getting his nerves up to ask him out. He needed loving too you know.


Taemin rolled off the sofa and lied on the cool floor for a while, trying to count the grains on the wooden floor board, his eyes flicking to the leader’s room and to the clock every once in a while. Soon, he found himself staring fully at the clock, following the ticking second’s hand. He was staring it down so it would move faster but it didn’t work. Regardless of popular believe, he really wasn’t a fairy and had no supernatural power. So, the second hand kept on ticking at its agonizingly slow pace and he gave up after a few minutes. He glanced at the door longingly again and decided that he was going to defy his hyung’s order and was going to sneak into his room, regardless of the consequences. He wiggled his way across the room, towards his destination, sliding along the floor like a worm. When he reached the door, he shuffled through the crack, making sure that he made absolutely no noise. He carefully squiggled his way to the foot of the bed, where he knew the leader was probably sprawled on. Propping himself up on his hands, he peeked over the mattress in such a way so only the top of his head and his eyes could be seen, if anyone looked.


His eyes found the curled figure of his leader and without any notice; a silly grin replaced his scowl from minutes ago. Jinki was curled up around a pillow, his face completely hidden behind a stack of paper, which probably was his script. Taemin just sat there, staring at the completely unmoving body of his boyfriend. He decided that it was still better than doing anything else.

His greedy eyes glided across his hyung’s form, starting from the top of his head, sticking over the wad of paper. The leader’s new reddish black hair was sticking out everywhere, Taemin wanted so bad to lace his fingers through the silky, unruly locks and comb then back in their place. Though he loved all and every one of his hyung’s past looks, he loved his new hairstyle the most, especially when Jinki’s hair was a bit spiked and away from his forehead. It made his lover look extra hot but at the same time extra cute.

His eyes then trailed down to his hyung’s cute little fingers that were clutching onto the white paper. Taemin’s nose wiggled in anticipation as his imagination kicked off once again and he hyung’s fingers were all over him, shivering a little.

He had to wrench his eyes off those adorable little digits in order to trail then down Jinki’s torso and once again gulped as he noticed how the leader’s t-shirt rode up his tummy to reveal a sliver of tempting defined abs. The younger’s tongue darted out to his sudden dry lips.


Taemin’s arms were feeling tingly and almost numb from all the weight they had to support for the maknae’s voyeuristic tendencies, but he ignored it and kept on gawking at his hyung’s shapely thighs. Before he could go further down, his arms completely gave up on him and toppled down on the floor into a small heap of limbs and body. The noise was enough to announce his presence to his hyung because the next thing Taemin sees when he looks up again was his lover’s head sticking out from over the corner of the bed with widen eyes.

‘Taeminnie? Are you okay?’

Jinki crawled down the bed to sit right next to the maknae, pulling him up into a sitting position. Taemin took this chance to lean forward and hug the leader tightly. He scooted closer and circled his arms around the elder and rested his head on the other’s chest, mewling in fake pain.

‘It hurts hyung. Taeminnie hurts so bad.’

The leader just chuckled and patted the younger’s back.

‘Minnie-ah, I know you are lying. You always use extra ayego when you’re lying about something.’

Taemin puffed his cheeks in annoyance. Jinki knew him a bit too well, why did he have to know him so well? He tightened his hold around Jinki and snuggled closer.

‘It does though hyung.’ He whines.

The maknae sighed happily as he felt Jinki’s strong arms wrapping around him and his chin nuzzling Taemin’s forehead.

‘Aigoo, should hyung kiss it better?’

The older of two chuckled as Taemin shook his head faster than he could even blink. The younger pulled back and pursed his lips,

‘I fell on my lips, they really hurt. Kiss them better?’

‘I should, shouldn’t I?’

Taemin closed his eyes tight in anticipation and stuck his lips out as much as he could. However, instead of Jinki’s soft lips he felt a finger poking his lower lip and then flicking his lips.

‘You think I’m stupid Minnie?’

Taemin groaned in annoyance as his boyfriend’s arms unwrapped from around him and he scooted away.

‘I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work. I said I need two hours and that means I need two hours, no kissing or hugging or talking in between to distract me, okay?’

The leader sighed as he looked at the younger’s sad, pouty face and leaned forward to peck his lips softly.

‘Baby, you know I don’t like it either, but it’s work! If I don’t do my absolutely best then I won’t get any more sitcom offers and if that happens, how will I buy you meat and banana milk every day?’

Taemin could not resist his hyung’s signature eye smile and huffed, giving in. If Jinki wanted to be alone, he will leave him alone, no matter how much it bothered him. After all to him nothing is more important than Jinki and anyway, he did get his kiss.

‘Fine..I’ll just go bother Jjong hyung then..’ He leans forward to kiss his leader for the last time then crawled out of the room just like he had entered, leaving a very amused and chuckling Jinki behind.

‘You are too adorable for your own good..and for mine.’ He whispered after the maknae had left.



>..< do comment and let me know how it is..okay? Especially you Rachana :P

okay that is all....


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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 2: Waaaahhhhh!!!!! Where's the next chapter?
yaleON #2
Chapter 2: hahhahhhahaha, this is funny really.. plz update this story...! <3 love it
Chapter 2: I love this :)
Chapter 2: XD the gifs *drools*
this update had me giggling a lot lol. Jelly Taemin is so damn funny and cute. and what he did to Jjong was so funny XD kekekeke.
moechiii #5
Chapter 2: Omg I like this and I feel so bad for Taemin ;w;
cause if I were him I would've attacked Jinki anyway <3
keep up the good work c:
and thanks for destroying my ovaries with those pictures v.v
Chapter 2: pwahahahahha Taemin thought jjong was cheating and sodam nooona is so friendly *w* LOL imagining jongtae on floor and diva key come storming adn pulling jjong away by his ear?? kekekkeek XD -eveil smirk-
oh yes Taeminnie u R the evil maknae lol XDDD U tied up jjong and bribed his sister kekkeke XDDDDD
ofcourse jinki can't resist his love lol XDD
And just when my ontae needs where about to be satisfied key had to damn it!!! i love ukey but this is not the right time baby >.< waeeeeeeeeeee??? T.T lol XDDD Taemin will be so sad -pouts-

ps. the gifs... o.O
jinkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u y lil' jshdgjasklsjdh XDDDDD


thank u for the update loved it!! <33 can't wait for the next one dubu ^^ <33333333333333
suyuyuyu #7
Chapter 2: cute cute cute cute cute........ taetae so adorable, jinkiii how can you resist him??
I like your story author-nim.. thank youu
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!!!! I'm loving this. XD Jinki deprived Taemin is adorable and cute and really like who could blame him for sneaking in kekekeke ;)
bored taemin staring at the clock and him worming his way to jinki's room oh and the evil glare he sent minho before that and him checking him out....all of it is awesome :D:D:D <3
I lub you *hugs*