Writing; The Expressive Kind

(Hi everyone, I'm SO sorry for "neglecting this story for so long, I do hope you forgive me, but, I'm sorta in Yixing's place right now. So, I'll update as much as I can, happy reading!)
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Walking into English class was like walking into History class; it was another one of those classes that were quiet. And that, it was a calm class. The smell of pumpkin spice filled the air as the teacher sprayed one of her eclectic scents. English class was the only time I could freely express myself, without getting oushed against a locker. Writing gave me a way to speak, as you could see, I'm not the greatest at verbally speaking. If I could only write down every little deatil of my story, maybe I'd get some people to listen.
But what am I kidding.
I had forgotten that Junmyeon was with me, still not saying too much ever since we left the main office. I see another stack of papers once I had reached my desk. 
Glancing over a few sheets, something popped out at me; the new literature piece we were reading. In big bold letters, it read "The Lady and The Tiger." Skimming through the pages, the story was quite different. The youth, mainly known as the lover has been accused with loving the semi-barbaric princess. His social stature, is of course why he is tried in an arena to seek his innocence. Now, to test to see if justice would be served, the youth had to choose one door, each door had either, the lady, or the tiger. If the youth opened the door with the tiger, he would me mauled to death in front of the hundreds of people watching. If the youth picked picked the other door, the one with the lady, he would be married to her immediately, as an award for being proven innocent.
But the thing was, the princess knew what was behind both doors, and she had the power to choose the youth's destiny as easy as opening and closing a door. Either having to close the door, as in ending his life, or opening to a new beginning, marrying another lady. The lady behind the door, the princess did not like at all, suspecting that her and the youth had been having an affair. 
What would she do? The question is, which door did she lead him too; the door to his death, or a door to his new beginning? These are one of those stories in which, you, the reader gets to choose the ending. It has been said that whatever door you think the youth picks shows who you are as a person. Picking the tiger meant that you choose the last case scenario, picking out the worst in people. Or, picking the lady means that old romanticism is your style to go, or so I've been told.
In my opinion, it would be a hard decision to make, which came out? It seems like my position right now is about the same. I would be the princess- er, prince, Junmyeon would be the youth, and his girlfriend would be the lady behind the door.
That makes it even harder now.
The allegorical meaning behind this concoction written by Frank R. Stockton, can mean so much more if you let it sink in. But- you could also pick an alternative ending, something else could pop up. It could range from the princess barging in saying that she does love the youth, or, something else.
My train of thought stopped abruptly as I felt a hand on my neck; the very spot with that small gash where I had been "stabbed". I quickly swiped the hand away, not even knowing who touched me. Looking upwards, I saw a very shocked Junmyeon; looking at me with that concerned look he always had. 
Uh oh, what are you going to tell him now, Yixing?
Are you going to tell him the truth?
Maybe? There's no "maybes" in life, make up your mind.
"What happened right there?" Junmyeon asked as he sat down next to me, still eyeing me.
"Uh... Gym."
Nice going, lying again.
"I mean-"
Go on, tell him now!
"Come again?" I heard him ask again.
Here it comes, my head started to pound, my hand started shaking once again. How could I get so worked up about just answering a simple question, to my friend, my only friend. The thoughts collided; I clammed up, but, I pulled through. Letting out a fervent sigh, I ran a hand through my hair, looking back at Junmyeon, who looked pretty impatient for an answer.
"I got stabbed in math class." I coughed out.
"You what? By who? You didn't even leave your seat-"
You're so close, tell him, tell him, dammit!
"Your, g-girlfriend."
Meeting his gaze, Junmyeon looked, confused. It would be obvious for him to be confused, hearing his dainty little girlfriend almost stabbed his friend's neck off. "Oh no, she wouldn't do that, that's not like her." I could hear him saying that, right then and there. It rang through my ears so loudly, it almost sounded like he did say it.
"She wouldn't, she's not that kind of person.."
Ha, knew it. Sticking up for his girlfriend, oh well.
"But, I'll look into it, seeing that she and I were the only people near you."
I just wanted to say that "She'll probably end up making some excuse and wriggling her way out of a tiny referral." Because she would, I just know it. Not even introducing herself to me, asking, "Junmyeon has told me a lot you, how are you?" But who am I to kid, I'm Zhang Yixing, the outcast, the weirdo, yadayadayada. Who would ever want to talk to me, besides all those taunts thrown at me day to day. Other than that, there's no-one.
The class went by slowly, very slowly. It practically made my insides go insane just waiting for what would happened with Junmyeon and his girlfriend. Only two more periods to go, only two, I could make a break for it and show up again in the next two weeks.
Here we go again, I'm shaking again.
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Chapter 5: Are you ok? You mentioned that you are kind of in Yixing's position, and Yixing's position isn't very good. Anyways, I hope things will be better for you.
Great chapter! Thanks for the update!
HaneulD #2
Chapter 5: are you okay author? i don't know what happened with you but if it was about the bullying and your friends accusing you with lying then i will tell you not to be worried or too sad, cuz i was there once and all my friends told me i'm a liar and my place is not with them, but i'm kind of glad that it happened cuz if it didn't i wouldn't have met my current friend, she's the biggest part of my happiness so just be strong till the good thing pop out of everything happening now ="$
HaneulD #3
Chapter 4: loved it, update soon please
Chapter 4: //shots Joonmyun`s 'gf'~ =="
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting with the addition of Joonmyun's girlfriend. I also really like the way you write.
Chapter 3: really, joonmyun's girlfriend was so irritating! i really wanna threw bricks at her. she ruined my sulay feels and especially what she did to him was very annoying.
but it really good chapter though
Chapter 3: I literally screamed when I read that he had a girlfriend and he acted like "well, for you" that probably not his intention but still ;-;

Oh my poor Sulay feels.
Chapter 2: He really should report them. So that, those bastards get kick out of school.
Good thing~ Suho is yto the rescue tho. >//<
Chapter 1: really poor yixing...
why can't the teachers do something about it? other than just say 'ignore them'
Chapter 1: Poor Lay~ :(

But Damn! Why don't the teachers for anything?? I know at my school if you bully someone, you're automatically expelled!