Confronting; The "Awkward" Kind


(Before I start this new chapter, I am deeply sorry for not updating, I've been putting it off for a while because I was brainstroming on ideas. Thanks for understanding, happy reading.)

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After the other small episode that happened in Math, it was History. Honestly, this is the only class that I feel somewhat comfortable in. Even though people think it's just a waste learning about the past, I think it's a time to think about how and why people did what they did. It's a time to reflect, and see how some events were like mine. Being left out, hurt, teased, anything around that. I just think about the people who think the same way I do, and were treated the way I am. History class was my place, really. Like history in general, there are many neglected topics that really do relate to myself, but they're only brought up once or twice.

I see that my seat hasn't changed, seeing that his girlfriend wasn't sitting there, having her hands all over him. No Yixing, stop with the jealousy. I shake my head, then take my seat. I look over to Junmyeon, wondering if I should tell him "Hey, your girlfriend was jabbing her pen into my neck.", but maybe that wouldn't go too well afterwards. He was smiling still, offering a small "What's up" just to start conversation. Here's your chance, just tell him, tell him! The thought of telling him about the situation could go either way: Getting mad at her, or getting mad at me, no in between. Now or possibly never, tell him, or not. So many choices, not making up mind...

"So, how are you feeling so far?" Junmyeon asks me. Again looking over at him, my heart-rate begins to skyrocket. With the palms getting sweaty, getting all shaken up, it didn't feel new, oh no. This feeling was all too familiar to me, it can range from minor to major. Anxiety attacks, mental breakdowns, those happen quite rarely to be honest. The last time I had gotten a full blown mental breakdown was during gym. Oh, it was like one of my nightmares. The detail was just too livid and full of bright colors, in which I can't remember that well. Hopefully, that won't happen, I just hope.

"Uhm, I'm doing fine, you could say..." I begin to say. Trailing off like that would leave him off wondering, resulting in asking me what might of happened. Still, I was befuddled whether I should tell him or just keep quiet. For the record, Zhang Yixing can't make up his mind, as you can see. It's just one of those "perks" of being who I am. Not really a perk so to say, just a neagtive thing on my part, but something positive to everyone else.

"What heppened? Do you want to talk about?" Junmyeon asked.

Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

"Well, it was in Math and I-" I started, but then cut off by a simple tap on the shoulder. I flinch at the feeling, then seeing it was the history teacher. Her smile showed me that there was nothing to get rilled up about, just to stay calm. But then it all changes when she says the famous six-worded phrase.

"They want you in the office."

My stomach dropped immensly, I felt like I was going to throw up. The practical reason on why I would need to go down to the office would only be because of gym. That wouldn't end nicely, not at all. It would only end in the scandal rising higher and have more pain on me. Nothing would possibly ever ease it, until some sort of force would come out and do something. Like the Laws of Motion, it states that an object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Which all do respect conforms to me; all of this will keep on going on, until someone besodes the teachers step in, someone bigger.

Please don't end up in my worse case scenario.

The hallways were quiet, only I was walking making soft sounds with my foorsteps. I couldn't walk that well, I was still shaking badly. I couldn't control my legs, they wouldn't stop shaking. It seemed like I wouldn't get down to the office until the next bell rang. I just wanted to get this over with, and just go on. But that's not going to happen, it just won't. They'll just hound down on me until I finally crack, which hasn't happened quite yet. It's all because of Junmyeon really, he's told me to stay here, I have a purpose, they'll go away, stuff like that. Something about how he said it, and how the words flowed out, just clicked something in my mind. That's when my mind shifted for a round.

I found myself right infront of the office door, it surprised me how fast I made it down there. I sighed heavilly as I opened the door to the future. Well, not that literally, just what will happen after this powwow. The headmaster signaled me into her office, it was only her and I at the moment. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I thought, a sigh of relief set in for a secondf, but naturally, I was wrong. She signaled again, but at the other door to her right. My heart stopped when I saw who walked through the door; the guys who ganged up on me during gym. The varisty shotput throwers, the baseball pitchers, the whole lot of them. I sank down in my chair, wanting to just poof away back home.

The headmaster addresses the "serious situation" that had happened during first period. She lets the "jocks" begin talking about what happened. All in all, what they said, was complete bull. They made it sound like it was it was my fault, saying, "he went on a rampage throwing the dodgeball everywhere, so we had to stop him." Looing at myself, I don't think I could possibly hurt those varsity stars. But the headmaster saw through their poorly thought out excuse. Seeing it was me they were dealing with, she first went with it. But then asked for my side of the story.

My voice was soft and very quiet, I didn't go into detail with every minute thing, just explaining the whole overview of what had happened. Nothing more, nothing less. I kept my head at a low position, leaving little eye contact, because if there was the slightest eye contact with the jocks, I would tense up, my voice would get shaky, it would be a disaster. Glancing a few times, I saw the jocks tense up, they didn't look pleased I would think. They saw I was looking at them, shooting a glare back at me. The glare was like a bullet, it just made me put my head back down. And soon after the headmaster had talked to the others, she grabbed her phone, and dialed away. She talked to each of their parents, I could hear the mom of one freak out at the news. It only took a few minutes for her to do so, and then, she let me go. Obviously, the others didn't move a muscle, she kept a stern eye on them as I exited the office.

I felt the back of my neck, sweat was dripping down to the hole where I was poked, it stung for a bit. I grabbed my neck, and my hand was again glued to my neck. As I walked out of the office, I saw Junmyeon waiting outside will all of my stuff. He already knew what had happened, and didn't say a word.

It stayed silent until we reached our next class, English.


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Chapter 5: Are you ok? You mentioned that you are kind of in Yixing's position, and Yixing's position isn't very good. Anyways, I hope things will be better for you.
Great chapter! Thanks for the update!
HaneulD #2
Chapter 5: are you okay author? i don't know what happened with you but if it was about the bullying and your friends accusing you with lying then i will tell you not to be worried or too sad, cuz i was there once and all my friends told me i'm a liar and my place is not with them, but i'm kind of glad that it happened cuz if it didn't i wouldn't have met my current friend, she's the biggest part of my happiness so just be strong till the good thing pop out of everything happening now ="$
HaneulD #3
Chapter 4: loved it, update soon please
Chapter 4: //shots Joonmyun`s 'gf'~ =="
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting with the addition of Joonmyun's girlfriend. I also really like the way you write.
Chapter 3: really, joonmyun's girlfriend was so irritating! i really wanna threw bricks at her. she ruined my sulay feels and especially what she did to him was very annoying.
but it really good chapter though
Chapter 3: I literally screamed when I read that he had a girlfriend and he acted like "well, for you" that probably not his intention but still ;-;

Oh my poor Sulay feels.
Chapter 2: He really should report them. So that, those bastards get kick out of school.
Good thing~ Suho is yto the rescue tho. >//<
Chapter 1: really poor yixing...
why can't the teachers do something about it? other than just say 'ignore them'
Chapter 1: Poor Lay~ :(

But Damn! Why don't the teachers for anything?? I know at my school if you bully someone, you're automatically expelled!