The Truth; The Painful Kind


Before I even stepped foot into that classroom, people were staring and murmuring. I knew it was about what happened in gym, news spreads around here like laughter, once you start, it spreads. When some rumor goes around, and it's not pertained to me, it usually dies down a few periods afterwards. But, if the said rumor was about me, then it would stay awhile longer, it would overstay it's visit, you could say. The longest rumor about me stayed until the third semester, and the short lived one stayed for about two or three months. Nonetheless, it was painful, but I guess I'm used to it by now, I mean, those rumors are "harmless" by now, but now this episode has surfaced up, and it will make itself comfortable for some time.

Junmyeon was right by my side when we walked in, it was like was stuck to me, but then soon surfaced away once we got to our seats. I saw someone sitting in my seat, a girl whom I never erally talked to or seen before. Junmyeon seemed fine with her sitting there, it was like I was replaced instantly. I had a weird feeling in my gut once I thought for a bit, looking like a complete idiot for standing beside a desk that was already taken. She didn't even acknowledge me, and to think Junmyeon doesn't say anything? Maybe she switched seats, or maybe she WANTED to get me isolated all by myself with practically no one. Who is this girl? I don't care about her name, but, why?

"Yixing, this is my girlfriend." I hear, narrowing my gaze to Junmyeon. I looked back at the girl who still didn't know I was even standing right next to her, then back at Junmyeon. I couldn't tell what kind of expression his face was telling me, possibly a "oops-I-forgot-to-tell-you-I-have-a-girlfriend", or even a "I-never-told-you-I-had-a-girlfriend-I'm-sorry"? He must had said her name, it was muffled over by all the noise in the background, leaving her nameless for my knowledge. My palms got sweaty, my heart began pounding, louder and louder by the second. What was this feeling? I've never really known what this feeling is like, I couldn't even put a definite emotion on this. Sadness; no, it's too cliché. Dissapointment; it had a same gist to it, but there was more to it.

Jealousy, bingo.

In all my years at this school, I never felt jealous towards anyone, or anything. It was just one of those "other" emotions inside me, one of those that I rarely or never even take out and express them. Jealousy is scary, from what I have heard. Sometimes, it can eat you alive, depriving you of your judgement and view of life. Other times it can quickly pass in and pass out like autumn wind, it varies from human to human, animal to animal, insect to insect. For me, like the rumors going around, it's going to stay until it does pass over. Jealousy, not the greatest thing the world. It hurt, it hurt every nerve in my body, I soon became shaken. I was forgetting I was in the real world, escaping my thoughts.

So this is how jealousy feels like, painful. So much pain from just a blatant truth. Pain.

"Yixing, you've moved seats, just up one from your old one." The teacher announced. I quickly snapped out of it, still all shaken up, and simply move up and sit down. It was ironic how a person like me, now didn't sit next to anyone, anyone at all. Just Zhang Yixing and an empty desk to his right. The usual setting for me, by myself. But why did I have to be moved? The teacher knew Junmyeon and I got along fine, but why move me by my lonesome? It didn't seem to concern Junmyeon back there, he just sat there and watched, like how anyone else would.

Today in class, we didn't do much, just review for some test that I completely had no clue that we had. Three guesses why; I just started to work on all the missed work I had owed from the past week. In that pile, I saw a few notes from a few teachers to go see them afterschool to catch up, with the added, "We missed you Yixing!". Putting them aside for now, I had picked up a paper from history class. I started from there, skimming over parts about some part in history that impacted the world, you get the point. Nobody ever started whispering things to me about what happened, I was dumbfounded that they wouldn't of.

What I was really listening in to was the conversation behind me. Yes, Junmyeon's conversation. I slowly bgan listening in more and more on their conversation, it looked, and sounded quite harmless to begin with. She addressed Junmyeon with an over-cute "Oppa" everytime he had said something about her hair, makeup, whatever. Her tone of voice was very nasally, high pitched, almost like she was trying to force herself into sounding cute. I switched over to what Junmyeon had to say, still away finishing the second page of the history work. He sounded, happier, not the happy when I'm around, even more than that. Hearing the overuse of "you're so cute", "I love you", and even "I'm yours". Now, it began to get annoying, very annoying. Like how she calls him Oppa, Junmyeon calls her "baby". It almost got agitating hearing all of this right behind my back. A few giggles from the girl, and Junmyeon lightly chuckling at her snide remarks that seemed playfully, like she was joking around with no intention.

I dug through my pile of still unfinished work to ease my thoughts. By now, they were all coliding with each other, some from jealousy, and some were just dead thoughts, still lurking around. Finding a biology review packet that was about thirty to forty pages thick, I opened to a random page, trying to ease up. It was working, somewhat, until I was poked in the neck. The only person that was capable to do that was the girl behind me; Junmyeon's girlfriend. I brushed it nonchalantly at first, seeming like it was an accident, but then it happened again. Then once more, over and over again she kepting digging her pen tip into my neck. I could hear Junmyeon conversing with someone of the right of me.

Paranoia set in, but this paranoia was one-hundred percent doable. This girl didn't like my image as friend of Junmyeon's; not at all. It seems like she just wants him all to himself, none of friends can even talk or hang out with him. Imagine if another girl came into the picture, I don't think it would be a pretty ordeal if you ask me. She looks like the clingy type, not letting their boyfriend out of their peripheral view. Always finding a way to see their boyfriend without being of suspcion.

I just about had it, she would start, and stop poking me. She wasn't lightly poking me, she was stabbing me with her pen! It started to sting even more as she stuck her pen in my neck. I didn't want to begin a scene, then another scandal would be on my tail. I tried lowering my posture, nearly having my face lying on my desk. I glanced over to the back at the biology packet that I had began, but didn't make a big dent in yet, then to the front of the room. Not knowing if she had stopped poking me or not, I sat low still. A few minutes pass, I hear Junmyeon was still talking to the same person as before, seems like he was helping someone. Suddenly, I felt a jab of pain hit my neck, I quickly swiped my hand to the back of neck, I couldn't feel any blood drip out, even though I was sure enough that she would of been able to drill a hole into my neck. My hand was glued to my neck, I didn't take it off, my hair wasn't long enough to cover it all. Fixing my collar, it seemed like it covered it, but not by a lot.

Glancing back at her, she looked like nothing had happened, she was away writing down quadratic formulas, like she had nothing to do with anything. Changing my view to Junmyeon, he was back over in his seat, writing little messages on her paper. Sighing it off, the bell rang. I waited until Junmyeon got up, he slided his arm over her shoulders, pulling her close, walking on to their next class. Which, subsequently, was my next class; history.

As I walked out into the hallway, I wasn't paying attention about what people had to say, whether it was about me or about anything else. I could feel jealousy move its way more into my mind, a very unpleasant feeling to think about it. I can't be jealous about ths girl, she doesn't deserve to be envied, other than having Junmyeon as a boyfriend. Her aura seemed, a bit off.

Things don't seem bright between her and I.


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Chapter 5: Are you ok? You mentioned that you are kind of in Yixing's position, and Yixing's position isn't very good. Anyways, I hope things will be better for you.
Great chapter! Thanks for the update!
HaneulD #2
Chapter 5: are you okay author? i don't know what happened with you but if it was about the bullying and your friends accusing you with lying then i will tell you not to be worried or too sad, cuz i was there once and all my friends told me i'm a liar and my place is not with them, but i'm kind of glad that it happened cuz if it didn't i wouldn't have met my current friend, she's the biggest part of my happiness so just be strong till the good thing pop out of everything happening now ="$
HaneulD #3
Chapter 4: loved it, update soon please
Chapter 4: //shots Joonmyun`s 'gf'~ =="
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting with the addition of Joonmyun's girlfriend. I also really like the way you write.
Chapter 3: really, joonmyun's girlfriend was so irritating! i really wanna threw bricks at her. she ruined my sulay feels and especially what she did to him was very annoying.
but it really good chapter though
Chapter 3: I literally screamed when I read that he had a girlfriend and he acted like "well, for you" that probably not his intention but still ;-;

Oh my poor Sulay feels.
Chapter 2: He really should report them. So that, those bastards get kick out of school.
Good thing~ Suho is yto the rescue tho. >//<
Chapter 1: really poor yixing...
why can't the teachers do something about it? other than just say 'ignore them'
Chapter 1: Poor Lay~ :(

But Damn! Why don't the teachers for anything?? I know at my school if you bully someone, you're automatically expelled!