Part II

I Don’t Want to be a Broken Hearted Fool

Part II

The level of frustration that I have for myself for not being able to act normally around her was beyond me. If I didn’t do anything about it she would probably ignore me for the rest of my life. I opted to change the way I deal with her. Instead of being all shy I just opted to be friendly to her just like Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri would. TOP-hyung, well he’s a class of his own. When people are around them they seem to be both awkward with each other but when it’s just the two of them it’s hard not to see what kind of connection they have. They even joke about it on air but I know better. I know from the very beginning that they are getting along pretty well.

My plan worked Dara-sshi warmed up to me. She is truly a fascinating individual. Her baby face may trick you into thinking she’s an innocent child but she’s smart, witty and conversationally savvy. She’s definitely someone you would love to be friends with but I have always thought that a romantic venture wouldn’t hurt.   

She would look out for us because she takes the role of a noona very seriously although once again Top-hyung was the exemption. It may seem like a normal thing but if you look close enough you would know that there is definitely tension between them an almost tangible attraction that I would have done anything to have with her.

So the opportunity to work with her came and she along with her group debut through a collaboration with our group. On camera anyone would notice how they shy away from each other. How she’s comfortable with everyone except with him. Top-hyung was just the same in front of the camera he would in any possible way avoid interacting with her on screen. The reason behind all that, well, it doesn’t exactly need rocket science to figure that one out.

 Lollipop was a success and so I was struck with a brilliant idea to work with her in my album. Thankfully she agreed. Hello is the perfect song and her adorable voice will fit right in. recording with her and performing with her was a delight. She has always been a cheerful person when she’s with everyone. She feeds of energy from people around her and in return she’s such a bright ray of sunshine.

I think we’ve gotten closer. I feel more comfortable around her now. I can even joke around with her every now and then. Lately I think we’ve become more than colleagues or acquaintances. When our song came out and I asked her to join me in my promotion she gladly obliged. Then it started our couple fanbase. I think it’s cute. Our fans like us together, they said we have chemistry and every time we perform together it was something I look forward to.

Did I mention that their group debut before our collaboration? They were a huge success. A break through girl group that does not fall under the usual mold and of course noona being her pretty self, accumulated numerous fanboys declaring their admiration whenever they can. Of course I was one of them well I pioneer if I may say myself.

Hyung was acting cool about it but of course I know deep down inside he was pretty pissed off. One time noona opened up to me about Tabi-hyung not being around lately and I had an idea to make him jealous. Of course it was a rather self-serving suggestion but she thought it was brilliant and she agreed.

So Sandara Park declared on national TV that her ideal type was yours truly, Kwon Ji Yong because of my impressive display of chivalry when I carried a snowboard for her from one of our YG ski trips that hyung unfortunately could not attend.

Of course I was personally asked about it from one of my interviews with hyung could not keep himself in check and showed everyone how jealous he obviously was. The results were once again favorable to hyung because noona was actually happy with his reaction. It would have stopped there but the ideal type question came up again in one of our YG family events and well I had to say something stupid and told everyone on national TV that I don’t date inside the agency which was a complete an utter lie. Not to mention the fact that I was a complete jerk for embarrassing noona like that. It didn’t come to me as a surprise when they officially started dating.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 3: Awww
jp123090 #2
Chapter 3: I thought it's DaraGon. But good thing it's TabiSan!!!! I just think it's more interesting if it is a Top's pov.
elsidenvino #3
cool account of things :) thanks aunthornim <3
Exquisitely #4
looks interesting i'll read it now!
lightning_TabiSan #5
Chapter 2: Oh I love this because it's still TabiSan in the end ....ahhhh, I just wish this is real :)
This is so sad... Why is it so sad? The story had conveyed the right atmosphere of Ji's feelings. Good job KK! Dara's the fairy, Ji Yong's the fool, Seung Hyun's the prince. Why did the fairy ended up with the prince?
Hahaha. OMG I subscribed but then I want to unsub why Daragon? I am sorry... I kinda hurt a little. OTL