Say Something


Steaming hot water courses down Sehun in therapeutic waves; he’s always loved to take piping hot showers. They made him feel human again, his skin would take on a rosy hue and it’d be warm to the touch. As much as he’s come to appreciate and even like being a night-dweller Sehun still finds himself missing being human. He was always a morning person, up just before the sun would make its ascent upon the horizon, strikingly opulent tones of pinks, oranges, and reds lighting up the sky; the inky darkness slowly giving way to the majesty of the sun and lightening to a soft blue. But no longer can he witness such natural beauty; for he can only venture out with the sky already a fathomless pitch of black overhead and in the polluted dim of the city even the beauty of a night sky couldn’t be appreciated.

Sehun rinses the shampoo from his hair and watches as the suds swirl away down the drain, mind switching gears and focusing on the problem at hand. Luhan - the delicate male of his amorous affections. Luhan hasn’t changed too much since Sehun had last seen him; still peachy skinned and big eyed, except his hair is a few shades lighter, and he’s little skinnier. The biggest change is his lackluster eyes, once shining with constant mirth they now glint dimly with barely there life.

Shutting the shower off Sehun quickly pulls a towel around his waist. While the shower made him feel a bit more at ease it did nothing to help him make a decision. He’s still at a standstill. There’s only so much he can do before certain matters are out of his hands, and unfortunately turning Luhan is a matter out of his hands.

Sehun takes a few more moments to gather himself before walking back out to meet with Luhan. Said boy is fidgeting about the living room as Sehun walks in, stacking magazines and shuffling books into an organized disorder. He all but stops still as he notes Sehun. The younger male clad in nothing but a thread bare beige towel, remnants of his shower slowly drying on his skin. Luhan’s feels a hot flash sear through his gut at the sight before he adverts his eyes back down to his busying task.

Sehun’s the first to speak, a tight infliction to his words as he tries to stall for time instead of breaching their last conversation. “Sorry for the lack of clothes. I felt it’d be a bit redundant to wear dirty clothes again.”

“You can borrow some of mine. Just wait right here I’ll be back.” Luhan is only too quick to flee from Sehun’s nearly form. Fumbling around in his draw his brings out a pair of boxers, basketball shorts and a shirt that’d always been too long on him. It’s an awkward muttering of thanks and touching of hands as Luhan gives the clothes over to Sehun, who emerges five minutes later in a shirt that goes just below his waist and shorts a tad high on his thighs.

Luhan can feel Sehun’s discomfort from where he’s sitting nervously on the couch. If he hadn’t been looking at Sehun’s sealed lips Luhan would’ve sworn he could also hear Sehun muttering small curses about his junk being suffocated. Shaking his head with a small smile on his lips Luhan pats the spot next to him. Sehun almost looks as if he’s going to pass but eventually he sits eyes downcast as he rubs a weary hand over his face.

“So…” Sehun drawls, looking everywhere but at Luhan. He doesn’t know how to say that he can’t turn Luhan. Not yet, at least. He also doesn’t know what he can do to make Luhan truly understand what he’ll be giving up should he choose the night life. Luhan’s solid by his side, unmoving, just waiting for Sehun to say something beneficial for him. But Sehun is still lost, still looking for time that’s long gone and answers in a barren apartment.

Say something!

Sehun jerks to look at Luhan. His frustrated cry echoing in Sehun mind. Yet Luhan’s sitting there as if he’s said nothing, just waiting for Sehun to say something, but there’s a desperate glint in his eyes that mirror the fevered yell. Groaning Sehun passing his hands over his face, “Do you understand what you’d be giving up just to be like me?”

Luhan looks as if he’s been caught off guard at such question. He only hesitates a moment before nodding minutely. For some reason this reaction only serves to irritate Sehun.

“No you don’t,” Sehun growls, vermillion irises slowly darkening to a frightening crimson. “You aren’t just giving up friends. You’re giving up daylight, your job, the ability to associate with your friends and family, your house. Luhan you’re giving up normalcy. You won’t always be guaranteed a bed to sleep in; you’ll never be able to see the sun as it sets or rises. The friends you have no will be no more, same goes for any of your family that you speak with – to them you’ll have joined your parents. To humans you’ll be dead. Do you understand that? You’ll be like a child again once you’ve turned; you’ll be dependent on others to help you assimilate to the night world. Everything will be wholly foreign to you. Luhan I do more than just drink blood and sleep, I have a role in the night world society, a role you’ll also have to adapt to should you turn. Are you willing to give up life as you know it?”

This time Luhan doesn’t answer right away, the hesitation leads into a silence as his eyebrows furrow and his bottom lip is clenched between his teeth. A flood of images and feelings assault his mind. Streets lit by florescent lamps, gleaming red eyes, a deep thirst unknown to him, glistening chrome cities always blanketed in nights, a mad rush of adrenaline and fear flowing in his veins like blood, the staunch stench of corpses. Luhan gasps as the rampage of sensation lightens. The dark images swirling into blurred laughing faces, a comforting sense of companionship, a house warm and rich illuminated by glowing orbs of light, a strong squeeze on the shoulder, a gust of wind.

Luhan flinches back slightly at the sensation of the foreign images and feelings; images and feelings that weren’t his. It wouldn’t be the first time Luhan was privy to thoughts that didn’t belong to him. Ever since his dad passed away two years ago Luhan was able to feel what others felt, see what they had seen, gained access to what they saw. Sometimes he’d even notice people shooting him odd looks, as if they’d heard him. It doesn’t happen very often but when it does Luhan always feels the sharp prick of panic; the ‘ability’ isn’t normal. It terrifies him, makes him feel as if he’s insane, as if all of the misery has changed him into a nutcase.

“Luhan?” Sehun’s call rouses Luhan back to reality.

“The life I have as I know it isn’t much of a life at all,” Luhan sighs wearily. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but I’m willing to give all of it up for you. For a moment of happiness with you. Maybe the change will become a new normal for me.”

“You’re set on this aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Luhan says with a tone full of conviction.

Sehun’s tongue flicks out to wet his lips as he nods to himself, “Then I guess we’ll be leaving. I didn’t want to tell you this because I wanted to make sure that you’re absolutely set on this, but I can’t turn you without permission from Kris.”

Luhan blanches slightly, brows furrowing in confusion, “Wait what? Why?”

“It’s not within my jurisdiction; I’m not the leader of our coven. Kris is and we can’t turn anyone without asking him first.”

“And if he says no?”

The pointed look Sehun gives him is answer enough. One way or another Luhan would be leaving his current life.




A/N: /cries

Sorry that this chapter is short and (in my opinion) gets progressively worse. I kept trying to get it to work how I wanted but words were failing me. :( Anyways I figured I'd get this out before I had to go back to work. Please comment, subscribe, share, upvote, etc. I'll do my best to get the next chapter out sometime next weekend! :)

If you guys want to keep updated on my writing process or encourage me to write faster you can follow me at: or at:



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Chapter 6: oh, well this is interesting! due to everything of late, reading abt kris in any exo fic is hard now, but i understand this was a different time. ah, too bad we don't know what vamp life is like for luhan. your work was great!
Chapter 3: not done yet, but this is great so far! i love your style, and each chapter is the perfect length to hold my attention.
296 streak #3
Chapter 1: What happen with Sehun actually??
Why he's leaving?
Please update ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Will you continue this??
huhuhux #6
Chapter 6: Wow, I just discovered this and now I'm really curious as to what will happen next. Also, I love the dynamics between Sehun and Lu Han. I really like your story omg
pinkybunny1995 #7
Please update again !
Chapter 6: OMO!!!
Please update son!!!
Hunhan <3
Chapter 6: Update soon I can't wait for more