The One That Got Away


Sunlight pierces through the closed lids of Luhan’s eyes and brings him into wakefulness. He’s curled around something cool and firm, unyielding yet somehow comfortable. Glancing up Luhan realizes his body pillow is none other than Sehun. Letting out an ‘oh , sorry’ Luhan releases the pink haired male from his grasp. It takes Luhan a few minutes to fully wake up after rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Glancing around he takes note of the time, a quarter past ten.

Groaning Luhan stands and stretches, working the last remnants of sleep from his body as he sluggishly walks into the kitchen where his coffee pot his waiting patiently. Jabbing the on button Luhan busies himself with pulling out a mug, milk and sugar as Sehun comes strolling in, shirt thankfully covering his well-defined torso. Luhan joins Sehun at his outdated kitchenette table, steaming mug of freshly brewed coffee in his hands.

“Want some?” He offers to Sehun who in turn wrinkles his nose in distaste.


“Oh yeah. Vampire.”

A semi-comfortable silence settles around them as Luhan finishes off his coffee. Sehun is staring intently at him as if trying to imprint Luhan’s psyche firmly in his mind; normally Luhan would blush and look away, but he’s doing the same thing to Sehun. Seeing him with a clearer mind and against the small amounts of daylight that sneak in from the small crack in his curtains Luhan can better note the changes.

His eyes are vermillion, not quite a vicious crimson but startling enough in their hue of red. His skin is pale and unblemished, appearing hard and smooth to the touch, as if he were a stunning alabaster statue. There’s a small almost imperceptible scar along his right cheek, his cheek no longer round with youth are firm, high cheek bones accenting his face nicely. His lips are just a shade away from a healthy pink.

“Are you hungry?” Luhan finally asks, fully understanding what he means when he asks the question.

Answering with firm honestly Sehun replies in a strong voice, “Yes.”

“Can you eat human food?”

“No. Blood only. Human food could kill us if eaten in as a meal.”

Nodding in understanding Luhan goes to place his cup in the sink to be washes later.

“What about animal blood, can you drink that?”

“Yeah, but most of us won’t. It’s nasty as hell, plus it barely quenches our thirst, doesn’t really give us much energy either.”

“So, human blood? Do you kill the humans you drink from?”

“Some do mostly newer vampires. The older you get the easier it is to control the thirst. Usually when you feed you take what you need, before we bite anyone we put them in a trance. It’s akin to a coma in a sense; once we’re done with them and fled they come out of the trance.”

Luhan felt the itching sensation to ask Sehun if he’d ever killed anyone, if he’d kill him should Luhan offer him the chance to taste his blood, but he refrained. Instead he ventured to another question, “What about sunlight?”

“We don’t sparkle if that’s what you’re asking.” Sehun bit out scathingly.

“No! No! I meant like do you burn if you go out in it. Like there’s sunlight seeping in through my curtains right now and you’re not like, dying or anything right?”

“No I’m not dying. It hurts though,” Sehun pauses as Luhan trips over himself to firmly shut the curtains and cut off the small amount of sunlight entering the apartment. “Direct sunlight will kill us, we dry into withered husk and crack like stone, even our ashes burn until there’s nothing left. We can withstand small amounts of indirect sunlight but even that hurts.”

“Thanks for letting me know and sorry about that.” Luhan mumbles, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

Sehun shrugs it off as Luhan hesitantly perches himself back onto his chair. Steepling his fingers Luhan tries to figure out how to branch out and ask the same question from last night. Sensing his anxiety Sehun cautiously reaches out and grabs ahold of one of Luhan’s hands, rubbing firm and soothing circles in the function of his thumb and pointer finger.

“I still don’t know Lu.”

“Yeah, same. I just….Sehun are you going to leave me? I mean, you have you pack or coven or flock or whatever they’re called. You’re a vampire and I’m a human. What are we supposed to do? I know I can’t just go on with everything now that I know you’re still ali-…..that you’re still here. I can’t to that Sehun.”

“I don’t want to ask you to do that. But I don’t know what we can do. Look Luhan, I still love you. Not even a day passed by where I didn’t think of you. The thing is, is three years is a long time. We’ve changed. I can’t forsake my life and stay here; it’d be bad for both of us in the end. And I can’t ask you to leave you family and your friends behind. You have a life here Luhan and I have a life somewhere else. The odds aren’t really shining down on us.”

Luhan can feel the sharp sting of tears as they well up in his eyes, Sehun of course notices the reaction and fervently Luhan’s hand, even going as far as to place whispering kisses across the knuckles and down the rough palm of his hand.

“You don’t understand, Sehun.” Luhan gasps, fighting back the emotional downpour that’s waiting to happen.

Before Sehun can reply Luhan’s already thunderously continuing on, “When you left I lost everything to my grief. My friends could only stay for so long before my reclusive behavior became too much. Early last year my d-dad,” Luhan had to stop as a choked sob ripped through his throat at the oncoming memory. “H-he went to join my mom and supposedly you.”

Stunned into silence Sehun gapes at Luhan. Steadily a bubbling revulsion towards himself builds. Why didn’t he return to Luhan when he had the chance? Luhan shouldn’t have had to go through his dad passing alone; Sehun should’ve been there for him like he was when Luhan’s mom left. There to put the broken boy back together, there to fill him with love. It dawned like a bright summer sun on Sehun that Luhan was utterly alone. Only his job and empty apartment to keep him company as he lived out his days. He had pushed everyone away upon the loss of Sehun and the last person willing to stand with him died, leaving Luhan alone in world now colored in a shade of cruelty.


“Please just don’t…don’t leave me. I can’t take that. I’ll – I’ll,” Luhan didn’t finish the sentence but the threat hung heavily in the air. If Sehun forsook Luhan this time, Luhan wouldn’t make it. It’d be beyond devastating is Sehun left, in Luhan’s dismal world Sehun’s sudden and bizarre reappearance became a new beacon of hope and light, fueling the smallest desires to continue living. Should the younger leave, it’d snuff that beacon out with the crushing force of a twister.

Sehun could feel his headache mounting, a deep throbbing beginning at his temples and spreading through the rest of his head. He knew what Luhan was starting to beg for. Luhan wanted to come with him. Luhan would be willing to leave this life behind for a new one, and Sehun would love to give it to him. To allow Luhan to hold a place in his life once again as his best friend and lover, however that was not within his jurisdiction to give.

“Can I use your shower?” Sehun suddenly said, catching Luhan off guard.


“Your shower. Can I use it? I need to think some things over Lu. What you’re implying isn’t as simple as it seems, I just need some time to myself.”

Luhan worries his bottom lip for a moment before putting on a brave face and pointing out the bathroom. Sehun takes his leave and shuts himself in the bathroom. Luhan doesn’t dare breathe until he hears the sound of the shower being and the streaming pelts of water hitting the tiled walls. The tears that had once fogged his vision are gone and Luhan can’t muster up the resolve to summon them again.

He feels strangely lightweight. As if the whole ordeal is one big dream. But there’s the faint tugging of gravity, the littlest amount of weight and solidity to his being that proves how very real this all is. Luhan is terrified. Never before has he so acutely felt the precarious balance of his own mortality as he does now. He knows his will to live has been dwindling every day, and finally he’s found a salvation, a reason to wake up, yet the salvation is fleeting. Like a bee on a flower, the smallest of rustling could send it fleeing away and with it the life of the flower could end, never to reproduce – to continue thriving. Should his beacon continue beaming Luhan understands the sacrifice he’d have to make. His mortality in return for immortality, one life for another.

But Luhan feels, deep in his gut, that it’d be worth it. Eternity with Sehun, if only Sehun allows it.




A/N: Ok I apologize for the long wait! Life kinda hit me in the face and I'm still dealing with it. So sadly I didn't get as far ahead in writing as I had wanted to. However I actually fleshed the plot out a bit more and I'll try my best to keep consistent updates, most likely updates will fall sometime during the weekend. Thank you to everyone that has waited and hopefully this wasn't such a big let down. I do have the next chapter finished and I'll post it sometime next weekend. Until then please comment, subscribe, upvote, share, and ENJOY! :)

If you guys want to keep updated on my writing process or encourage me to write faster you can follow me at: or at:

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Chapter 6: oh, well this is interesting! due to everything of late, reading abt kris in any exo fic is hard now, but i understand this was a different time. ah, too bad we don't know what vamp life is like for luhan. your work was great!
Chapter 3: not done yet, but this is great so far! i love your style, and each chapter is the perfect length to hold my attention.
296 streak #3
Chapter 1: What happen with Sehun actually??
Why he's leaving?
Please update ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Will you continue this??
huhuhux #6
Chapter 6: Wow, I just discovered this and now I'm really curious as to what will happen next. Also, I love the dynamics between Sehun and Lu Han. I really like your story omg
pinkybunny1995 #7
Please update again !
Chapter 6: OMO!!!
Please update son!!!
Hunhan <3
Chapter 6: Update soon I can't wait for more