The Identity, Embrace, and Chase

Kiss of Fate

         Chapter Three


     Chanyeol gulped loudly as Sehun approached him. Chanyeol once again cursed in his head at his misfortune, since he wasn't yet ready to be confronted by a familiar face. 

     "Sehun...." Chanyeol quaked out with a fake smile.

    Sehun was panting tiredly as he finally stopped infront of the older man.

     The aura was odd, Chanyeol sensed it completely. The look in Sehun's eyes was odd as well, neither angry, disgusted, warm, or welcoming, just worried. 

    "Hyung.... you're.... we're..... in trouble." Sehun finally spoke, breaking the silence.

   Hearing what Chanyeol already knew from another's mouth really stung. Hearing Sehun change from "you're" to "we're" also stung Chanyeol, because he didn't want to take all of EXO down with him, that was the last thing he ever wanted to do. Chanyeol hoped this was all just a huge nightmare that he'll laugh at in the morning. Sadly, pinches still hurt him and this was still his reality. 

   Chanyeol nodded, soaking in the words spoken from the youngest. "I know.... I know...."

   They stood there tensely and awkwardly. In this moment Chanyeol wanted to run away, fly to Zimbabwe, and start a new life. What bugged Chanyeol the most about this moment is that this is simply how it feels facing the maknae. Just one out of the 11 other members, including his partner in crime Baekhyun, and then there were his managers, coordinoonas, and other SM staff. There were still giant painful military-course-level obstacles of people he had to face and this was eating away at him. 

   "What... well, what happened last night?" Sehun spoke carefully.

  Chanyeol winced Here come the questions he thought to himself. He tried hard to remember the events on the night before but it was all so fuzzy. 

   "I don't, well, remember..." he muttered defeatedly.

  Sehun's eyes widened at Chanyeol's words. He let out a grunt of frustration and shook his head.

  "No one remembers!" Sehun spat angrily, "Baekhyun can't remember, you can't remember! In fact if no one even took that damned picture no one would even know you and Baekhyun kissed!" 

   Chanyeol didn't appreciate the maknae raising his voice at him but he knew he deserved it. In fact if Sehun were to round house kick him to the face he would just take it. Also, Sehun raising his voice was the least of his worries, that fact that no one seems to remember the kiss actually happening was unbelievable, was everyone really that wasted? What was going on? Was anyone even there while the kiss took place? What was everyone doing? Chanyeol stood there silently, lost in his confusion.

  "Anyway... where did you sleep?" Sehun asked, disrupting Chanyeol's thoughts. 

 "In an alley about two streets down... I don't think anyone noticed me though." He replied half heartedly, still thinking about other things.

 Sehun nodded and let out a sigh of relief, "Well... I'm just glad you're okay" 

Sehun found it hard to be angry anymore. He was glad he was able to find Chanyeol, and even though he was angry that his career might me tainted, he was more worried about Chanyeol and Baekhyun. This scandal was a serious one and he knew the fans were gonna be torn in half by it. He felt anxious for everyone and their well being. 

Sehun's genuine "well I'm glad you're okay" hit Chanyeol to his core. It was a simple sentence but in a serious time like this, he felt touched. Chanyeol felt himself start to get emotional, this whole situation started to sink in even deeper. Everyone is going to find out, the fans, staff, SM,.... and my family and friends. He felt the weight of the world crashing down on him as his eyes started to get filled up with tears. Chanyeol looked down as he muffled his cries.

 "Hyung... no... don't cry. You must not cry..." Sehun soothed, sympathizing with Chanyeol.

 Chanyeol wasn't sobbing or anything like that, a few tears were simply escaping from his eyes. For the most part he was still composed, but on the inside he was falling apart. 

  Without thinking, Chanyeol pulled Sehun in for a hug. He needed comfort. 

  Sehun understood how Chanyeol must've felt and didn't push away.



       "He isn't picking up" Baekhyun panicked. 

     Baekhyun tried calling him multiple more times and Chanyeol still wouldn't pick up. B with worry Baekhyun sat timidly and any little sound caused to jump. 

     The managers were busy making phone calls and being scolded by the head honchos of SM. All trying to figure out what do next, and where Chanyeol was. To Baekhyun's dismay no one was actually doing anything and that just added to his stress. He has never been so worried for someone in his life, and he wanted to know so desperately if Chanyeol was okay. Baekhyun was feeling reluctant to actually see him, however. He knew it was going to be awful and painfully different. 

    Baekhyun kept getting texts and phone calls but if they weren't from Chanyeol he refused to pick up. 

  Thoughts kept flying all over his mind and sitting in one spot was starting to wear him down.

   At this point, everyone was calling Chanyeol but he still wasn't answering. Baekhyun was completely done with this stupid game, Chanyeol was out there and everyone was being completely useless.

  Half-conciously Baekhyun started walking towards the door and as he slipped his shoes on he called out that he was leaving. 

  "Baekhyun-ah! You aren't going anywhere!" one of the managers yelled, quickly coming towards him to hold him back.

  Says you.  Baekhyun thought bitterly.

 He quickly darted out the door and was now in the streets of Seoul, running as fast as he could to not be caught by his manager, who was right on his tail.

 "Yah! Don't follow me!" Baekhyun boomed.

 "Come back here!" the manager yelled, almost as a shriek.

 This guy is seriously not joking Baekhyun thought to himself, quickly taking a right. He knew he was causing a scene but he didn't care he needed Chanyeol. He needed to know he was okay.

 Baekhyun fought back every urge to shout for him, but he knew he couldn't. He was out in the streets of Seoul and the sun was almost completely shining upon them. Every step hurt Baekhyun's whole body, his body and head hurt from his hang over and his eyes were sore too. 

   Aish Park Chanyeol, where the hell are you?!

 Baekhyun had no idea where he was going but he hoped he was going in the right direction. 

 "Baekhyun! Yah! Please stop!" his manager called from behing him.

 This guy is still following me?! Baekhyun thought in disbelief, but despite his manager's pleading, he continued running. He quickly took a left and continued down that street. He was looking around for Chanyeol like crazy, left and right. Hoping to catch a glimpse of him. 

Oh God please! Help me find him!


 Then he saw him.

Baekhyun looked over as he ran and did a double take. His heart started to beat fast.

 Is that? Could it be.... Ch..Chanyeol!?

Baekhyun came to a sudden stop. There he stood on the opposite side on the street... with Sehun in his arms.

No words came to Baekhyun's mind. He felt choked up and a surge of horrible bitterness flow through his body.


Sehun found Chanyeol first... and was interlocked in a hug with him.

Baekhyun couldn't believe it.

Baekhyun was jealous.

"Ouh..." Baekhyun quietly muttered, still undetected by the two hugging men.


    "Yah! Byun Baekhyun!" a voice furiously heaved, causing Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Sehun to look.

Their manager was walking towards Baekhyun, clearly winded beyond belief.

Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol on the opposite side of the street, and at the same moment Chanyeol looked at him. 

Damn butterflies... 



Ooooo Baekhyun is jealous!

But at least he found Chanyeol... but he misunderstood his and 

Sehun's hug.

Baekhyun and Luhan got their revenge though!!!!

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Chapter 5: Whaaa... the sight of byunbaek walking away brokes my heart... dealing with those confuse emotion is hard for both of them... the manager didnt make it any better.
I really thought u forgot bout this story but yeah u show up.. gud luck on d next update ♡
Chapter 5: yayayayayayay an update finally!
jongup_leejoon #4
Chapter 5: You finally updated. I'm so happy right now. Please never abandon this fic. The plot is gold.
Chapter 4: Please update ~
Chapter 4: Please update :(
Chapter 4: nice story!
poor baek jealous~ but dammit, that manager was way to harsh! omo!
update soon ;)
jongup_leejoon #8
Chapter 4: love this.
Chapter 4: Whoa! I always love updates!!
Yayayayayay! Baek pls don't missunderstand please :3
But this is interesting for sure! ^^
Loveyou authornim~~