When did this even happen?


You're sitting in the passenger's seat of Youngbae's car, tears quickly falling down your face.  how could you be so stupid? 


  You wanted to surprise Jiyong for his upcoming birthday, after all  you knew the both of you wouldn't spend it together because of your hectic schedules. So why not do it now?

You just came back to Seungri's condo, aka the place where you and the bigbang members are staying at, from an exhausting and fatiguing trip at the mall. You wanted to make sure you had bought the most perfect gift to your boyfriend, plus, you had bought groceries for a surprise picnic for him, and on top of that, you had written the most affectionate and touching letter you had ever written to Jiyong. this date had to be perfect.                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"_____-ah! You're back!" Seungri shouts as you come through the front door. You flash him a warming smile as you take off your heels and set them on the side. Youngbae notices the numerous bags that you are carrying and helps you set it on the table. You notice that it was only the two of them in hostel.                                

                                                                                                     where's jiyong?                                                                                                                    

He forgot the date, yet again. For the past weeks that the both of you had been staying in Japan, he had canceled four out of the five dates he had promised to be in. Of course you know he is a very busy guy, but these dates were set on the days when he barley had any schedules during the day.    \

                                        "Where's oppa? We're supposed to have a date today"  You ask while you take out the groceries you bought and place them on the kitchen counter.  The two boys look at each other knowing that Jiyong is somewhere where he isn't supposed to be. 

                                        "Hyung is off doing some silly, he'll be back!" Seungri says cheerfully. Youngbae notices what he says and smacks the back of his head. 

                                       "Jiyong said that he'll meet you at the park, I'll drop you off there!" Youngbae smiles at you and you smile back, happy that you'll finally meet your boyfriend after all of his busy, busy, days. You start cooking the food that you were going to make for your date.


After an hour of all the cooking and preparing you've done, you wrapped Jiyong's birthday present up and prepared the food already and put it at the basket you've made. 

             "It smells so good! What did you cook _____-ah?" Seungri walks toward you and takes a quick look at the food you've made.

             "Wow! Gaeran mari, japgwapyon, and kimbap with kimchi?!  Waah _____-ah! Did you cook any more?" 

              "Don't worry, I left some on the counter!" You giggle at his childness 

               "Yes! ____-ah you are the best!!" 

                "You ready?" Youngbae asks as he grabs his jacket from the closet .

                 "No not really, I gotta put on some makeup first!" You run into your room as Youngbae calls Jiyong.

                  "Jiyong, where the hell are you? _____-ah's about to come to the park in a couple of minutes!" Youngbae whispers throught the phone. 

                  "Calm down Bae, I'm just here at the restuarant across the park with Kiko." Jiyong calmly says "I'll be with _____-ah right after this!  Youngbae sighs as he says "Alright, but ____-ah did a lot for you today." Jiyong hangs up while Seungri walks up to Youngbae. 

                                                             "Where's Hyung? Seungri asks. 

Youngbae shrugs and sighs "Off with Kiko again" He whispers, hoping you might not hear the whole conversation. But, unknowingly, you heard everything that the boys said.


You shrugg off the things between Kiko and Jiyong. They're just friends, right? The whole car ride with you and Youngbae was extrememly awkward . It was obvious that you heard the conversation between him, Jiyong and Seungri. Youngbae parked the car on the sidewalk of the car.

                                "Just wait here, he's over at the stores in the other side, I think..." You nod as Youngbae runs quickly along the street, into the store plaza, finding Jiyong.

You grip firmly around the picnic basket. "He's gonna be here _____-ah... Not with Kiko, just him..." You tell yourself. I"t's just gonna be a romantic date with you and Jiyonggie snuggling and gazing at the stars... Jiyong is only yours." You tell yourself 

                                                                  well not for long.                  

 It's been 20 minutes since Youngbae has left and to be honest, you just wanted to go find him yourself instead. You exit out the car, with both bags on either side of your hand and walk along the road. To your right, you see a shadow that looks familiar to Jiyong's built  and right next to him was Youngbae. Maybe he just found him now?  You ask yourseld. You walk closer to the shadow and realize Kiko is right next to Jiyong, their hands interlocking each other.

                                   "Please don't mention this thing to ____-ah" You hear Jiyong say.

You drop your bags and let out a gasp in shock of what you see. All three of them pay their attention towards you. 

"what was happening? what the hell was this?"  You ask yourself.  You see the two of them slowly move away from  each other. 

"_____-ah, I- .. I-" Jiyong was speechless, not knowing what to say. 

"I'm so sorry _____.." Kiko says to you with her teary eyes. 

                           A tear escaped from your eyes, then another, and then more come. 

"No.. I- I'm the one that's s-sorry for ruining your guy's d-date." Your lip was wobbling for how much you wanted to cry. You take both of your bags and run to Youngbae's car. 

                          stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!  You told yourself. How could you been so stupid in your life?  The man that you've been trusting for a year,  had been cheating on you. Oh how could you be so dumb?! 

                                                                                 That leads you to right now. 

The car halts down to a stop sign. Youngbae immediately gives you a tissue to wipe your tears and your smeared makeup. 

"thanks.., you mutter. "Youngbae oppa, I actually heard the conversation between you and Jiyong..." 

Youngbae's eyes widen in shock. "Yo-you did?"           You nod, "Were Jiyong and Kiko actually together before?" Your voice cracks at the end of your sentence. 

The stop sign turns green and Youngbae drives off. "____-ah, you don't really have to ask if you're uncomfortable with this topic.."  

"No, no I wanna know.." you say as you bite your lip. 

"Well, Jiyong and Kiko weren't exactly together.. they were, Friends with benefits.." Youngbae says .

You're taken aback by what he had said. "friends with benefits?" you ask youself. 

You nod silently waititng to hear more of their story. 

"They were actaully a couple once before, but the both of them seemed to have fights often. Then, he met you. He described about your guy's first encounter all the time, how he said whenever you smiled, it made his heart melt." 

You cry even harder when he mentions what Jiyong felt about you.

"______-ah? What are you gonna do now..??"

You sigh deeply and say, "I'm going to break up with him."



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Chapter 2: Please continue the story !!! SEQUEL PLEASE!!!!
pinkpinky #2
Chapter 2: please continue the story!!!
lovis89 #3
Chapter 2: awww man continue continue!!
dubdub #4
Chapter 2: Ahhh need more hahaha please do continue :D
myjiyoung #5
Chapter 1: Continue the story! XD keep goingg love it