Someone Familiar

Double Pain

“I’m going to miss you, make sure to keep in contact; you have a phone for what?” Hyerim joked around. Sadly the weekend had finished and Hyerim was leaving, A Pink had heavy schedules the whole day, but Suhyun understood, that’s the price of being an Idol.

“Yes, now go, before your manager gets mad at me and never lets you sleep here, ever again.” She smiled, before saying goodbye one more time. Closing the door, Suhyun made her way to the bathroom. She looked into the mirror and sighed. *I need to lose weight…* She thought, looking one last time before stripping her clothes off.

Stepping into the bath tub, she felt once at peace laying on the hot water. Closing her eyes she sighed, relieved that she didn’t had to worry about anything today.



After the long bath, Suhyun went to her laptop. She was listening to some underground artist, Suhyun felt strangely connect to such music, it wasn’t normal for girls of her age liking this kind of music, but she fells at home when she listen to this songs. Her older brother used to hear this all the time, she sure missed him. A tear fell down on her cheek, she still wasn’t used to not having her brother near her.

Suhyun didn’t feel good today, she just wanted to lie on the couch and do nothing. She sighed, looking at her computer screen, feeling hopeless about tomorrow.

Tomorrow Suhyun had a job interview, although her family was fine financially, she wanted to earn her own money, asking money from her parents were her last choice. Sighing, she got up from the chair and went to dress some skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. She needed to do some groceries and she was definitely not in the mood. “Here we go…” Suhyun whispered, getting out of the door.



At the local store she bought some Soju and some food that was in need at home. As she was going around the store she found someone familiar. She stepped closer to the boy and gasped.

“Jihoon?” Suhyun looked at him closer and closer, they were only inches apart. “Jihoon-ah! It’s you! Long time no see!” She stepped back, giving the boy a strong pat on the back.

“Suhyunie?” Tall boy looked at her, in shock. The two greeted each other, a feeling of nostalgia kicking in, bringing back memories.

“What are you doing here? I didn’t know you lived in this area!” Suhyun smiled, feeling relieved she found an old friend.

“You didn’t know about it? I’ve debut the month before in a Hip Hop group! I’m the sub-rapper.” He excitedly told her how great he was doing, Suhyun was both surprised and realived that he's doing what he really loves.



After paying for the groceries, Jihoon offered Suhyun to go to his dorm, but she sadly refused, saying she needed to sleep well tonight since she had an interview tomorrow morning. The younger boy understood, but insisted at changing numbers, he didn’t want to lose contact with his long lost childhood friend.

And that's it! I hope you're liking this so far, tho it T-T Tell me what you think in the coments bellow, and I'll answear to everyone ^^


(who's excited for Growl? I sure am ^^)

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Chapter 17: it's alright , author-nim :3
I understand you x)
I ship this so much <3
they're so kawaii , I just want to hug them and asdfghjkl *-*
update soon , author-nim ~
Chapter 15: They're just so fluffy , can I hug them ? *-*
author-nim , stahp killing your dongsaeng with that precious and perfect Kyungsoo gif asdfghjk <3 xD
update soon , author-nim ~
*if you can , of course ^.^ *
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 14: Awesome update ^^
Chapter 12: They're so cute and sweet and asdfghjkl *just lemme die author-nim* *O*
poor Suhyun , her brother died , right ?? :s *hugs Suhyun*
yeah , I'm excited to know what Kris and Suhyun are going to do that he likes so much xDD
update soon ~
Chapter 11: My feels . ARE . EVERYWHERE ~
bye , brb just dying .
Update soon , author-nim ^.^ ~
Chapter 10: OMG that's so sweet and fluffy *-* asdfghjk xDD
Update soon ~
Chapter 9: That gif *-* xDD
I'm liking this story so far :)
keep up with the good job , author-nim ^.^
Chapter 7: I like this story author-nim ^.^
Update soon ~