Chapter 2



“You seem extremely happy just seeing me,” a cold voice coming from where she was heading.


It stop her in her tracks. The figure she thought was Changmin slowly turn around and to her surprise it was not Changmin. It was Yunho. He glare at her for a second then he move his eyes to the gift bag on her hand.


“You even got me a welcome back gift too?” he ask with sarcasm.


He knows well she was not there to see him. He knows well the gift was for Changmin he saw it on her nightstand when he went into her room earlier. She quickly turn around in her track learning from many previous encounter with him that it will not end well. But before she can even take three steps he already got in front of her path blocking her way.


“What do you want?” she asked in an irritated voice.

“That gift” he said point at the bag.

“It’s not for you.” she clenched on the bag even harder. He glare at her and give her the I-don’t-care look then snatch the bag away from her. She tried to get it back but he over power her and push her down on the ground. He reached in and took out the tie. He saw the beautiful embroider of changmin’s name and a smirk form on his face.


“Such a pity to a beautiful tie that has to carry that bastard’s name!” as soon as he said that he threw the tie on the ground step on it dig his feet on it making sure as much dirt can attach on to it and finally spit on it. as he was walking away he cold stated that “Trash like you guys don’t deserve to live and taint on my family names!”


It was her bad luck running into him like always. It was typical Yunho who always bullies her and Changmin because he believes they are stealing Master Jung’s attention away from him. After he left she went to pick up the tie and dust off the dirt. ‘He hasn’t change at all’ she thought to herself. She sat underneath the willow tree and thought about her conversation with her older sister.


‘I want to move out Unni, living here doesn’t feel like home’

‘Please don’t leave me here alone, you know I have to stay here for Changmin.’

‘I want to take you, Changmin will understand’

‘He will but he will be sad, please Jana at least do it for Changmin and Mr. Jung. When we have no on he helped us now we can’t just leave.’ 


How she wish she was much older when her parent passed away so she could help her sister out so they wont need Changmin’s dad to take them in. Things would be so much different, they would not have to live and suffer in the Jung residence. Her sister would not need to rely on Master Jung and would not need to be patient with madam Jung stepping over her. And Jana would not have to put up with Yunho’s hostility. Although Yunho shows Changmin that he doenst like him very much, Jana is his bullied victim. Yunho knows that by bulling Changmin can piss off Master Jung and he would not want to deal with that. Madam Jung has always been jealous of Changmin’s mother because she was the true lover of Master Jung. He only marry Madam Jung because her family is partner with the Jung’s corps. In exchange of his marriage he has made Grandpa Jung accept Changmin and his mother, but when Jana parents passed away he took them into the Jung residence.


“You seem like you have a lot on your mind.” Changmin said softly as he sat down next to her. She finally realize she’s been sitting there for awhile thinking too much.

“Is that for me” he ask pointing to her bag. She quickly hide it

“No.” he could hear a sadness in her voice. But he still took it from her and smile as he saw the tie even though it is dirty.

“Thank you, Jana.”

“Sorry I drop it on the ground coming here” she tries to cover up the last thing she want Changmin to know is that Yunho has been bulling her.

“Its okay you can just wash it.” he said smiling back at her. That is her Changmin, always so accepting of everything. She nodded and the two started talking about other subjects. Just like old times it was just Changmin and her. She was glad he is able to stay for the weekends but he has to go back to Daejeon on Sunday night.


It was Monday now Changmin already went back to Daejeon the night before and Master Jung has left since Saturday back to China.


Jana also work for the Jung corps. as part of the administration team. Master Jung has help put her through college and take care of her almost as his own daughter, which is also why she feels she owes him for his gratitude. He allows her to use the chauffer services at the Jung residence but knowing Grandpa Jung and Madam Jung she tries not to take advantage of any Jung services. She usually walk from the mansion to one of the bigger street and takes a cab. Occasionally Grandpa Jung and Madam Jung would visit the company office when there is a big project but not on a daily routine like her.


She was walking towards the gate of the mansion drive way when she hears a loud honk which made her jump a bit. It was Yunho’s new car that madam Jung just bought for him upon his return. She move out of the way quickly as the gate automatically open. ‘Why is he going there so early’ she thought to her self, usually the CEO and managers are not even there until 8 it’s barely 6:00am right now. The car drove up to her and the window rolls down. He gave her a grin and took off his sunglasses.


“Be there 6:30 sharp if you don’t want to get fire!” with that being said he smirk at her and speed off knowing she wont make it there on time. It usually take her 15 min to walk to the big street and 30 min for the cab to reach the office. She rush but surely she got there at 6:45 exactly and she knows he will give her trouble today. He was earlier for his first day. He don’t like surprise and he is a cold man. People at the office knows that he is coming back scares them. Although they never really worked with him before they know him well, he is just like his Grandpa many of them complain to Jana. But to Jana, Yunho is worse than Grandpa Jung he is a devil in disguised.


He chose art instead of business because he did not want to compete with Yunho for the Jung’s company. However, Changmin has always been fond of Arts. Through art he is can express his feelings. Like Jana he did not enjoy growing up in the Jung residence although his place is no difference than Yunho. In Daejeon  he lives in a small condo. He works part time at a supermarket. As much as the Jung disown him he also try not to let many people know that he is related to the wealthy Jung family.


“Bye Changmin see your tomorrow!” Manager choi shouted after Changmin who was leaving work.

“Bye! Mr. Choi” he bow down and said his good bye. He started to make his way out to the back alley since it will saves more time to get home. It was dark especially in the back alley. He put on his ear phones listening to his favorite singer ------ and humming to the melody of the song when someone wearing a black hoodie bumped into him. He didn’t care much but as he took out his iphone to change the song he realize his wallet was gone.


“Hey!” he scream out to the person who bumped into him earlier but the person started running. Changmin chased after her. His long legs gave him the advantage but the thief was smart and went into hiding. He knows the thief couldn’t go anywhere far.

“Got You!” he scream as he hold onto the hoodie of the thief. The Thief trys to break free but couldn’t get away from Changmin. They struggle for a sec and the Changmin pull down the hood on the thief to expose who the person is.



“You’re late!” he waited by the door to the administrative office.

“My department don’t start till 7” she bark back looking at him in disbelief. How can this man be so cruel she was rushing all the way here.

“I’m your boss!” he shouted at her. Thank god its still early and not a lot of people are here yet to hear them. Knowing what is best for her she just stay silent hoping he would quit barking soon and let her go.

“Pack your things.” He said coldly.

“Master Yunho! You cant be serious! It’s not even time yet!” she shouted out of frustration.

“I said pack up your things!” he shouted at her once again. She look at him then she told herself to just ignore him. She walk right passed him to her desk and her computer and completely ignore him.


There is nothing yunho hates more than someone ignoring him. He has always been spoil and center his whole life. His mother, his grandpa, all the servants at the Jung’s household and all his friends has always fulfills his wishes. He is a very much loved by everyone that explains his arrogance. No one dare disobey him and the only one he would listen to is his Grandpa. But he has always been fighting for his father’s love.


She can felt his glare on her when she was putting her purse inside her desk draw. He look at her in disbelief because no one has ever disobey his order before but she has and she still continue to do it. When they were younger he would always try to get her and Changmin in trouble. He plays pranks and he force her to do a lot of things to hurt Changmin but she always refuse to. It’s like she was protecting Changmin to piss him off.



It was a girl! A young girl! She doesn’t even look like a homeless person or a thief. Her hair fell down to her shoulder as her hoodie was being pull down. They lock eyes for a moment and then she trys to escape again but he had his grip on her tight.

“Help!Help!” she calls out hoping someone will see the situation she is in and will help her. Changmin was confuse why she would call for help when she was the one who stole his wallet but seeing that she doesn’t have any weapons to hurt him she quickly cover and drag her down to the floor.

“What your name?” He calmly ask her after he took his wallet back and made her sit on the ground.

“I don’t have a name” she say. Then he search her and found a small wallet in her pocket. He was a little shy grabbing the wallet out of her pocket but he did it anyways.

“Park Miran.” He announced her name. she quickly snatched it back from him. Looking at her wallet she seem to be rich. Now he is confuse why she would try to steal his wallet.

“Explain now or I will report you.” he demanded from her.

“I was just hungry and have no money to buy any food”

“But you don’t even look homeless, infact you wallet is a high quality brand”

“You see I stole that wallet from someone”

“I don’t believe you. you have your school id and legal citizen identification card in here, if you really stole it you would be smart enough to sell it”

“As you can see im not very smart!” She rolled her eyes at him. He gave her the what-should-i-do look

“Just let me go” she beg. “I promise I will stop pick pocketing people.” 

“I don’t believe you” he said. Then he drag her out of the alley to a near by street vendor.

“if your stomach is still empty I think you will still go around picking pocket” he try to explain his action. She was so hungry she didn’t even care to listen but start eating the fish cakes the vendor sells. When she was done she smile widely towards him.

“Thank You!” she kept thanking him as he pay for the food she ate.

“For a small girl you eat a lot”

“I haven’t eaten anything in two days” she explain.

“Why is that?” he questioned her.

“Problems” she sighed and lower her head. Knowing she did want to tell him much he stop with the questions.

“It’s late already. Where do you live so I can send you home?” he offer her.

“No need to I live just around the corner” she lied.

“Stop lying”

“Im not”

“Look I just want to make sure you get home safe, if people say they last saw you with me and you disappear I can be a suspect for kidnapping you”

“Seriously its okay I can manage on my own from now own.” He didn’t want to pressure her because he already know she must be going through some problems. She doesn’t look like a bad person but just a trouble kid. He took out a pen and wrote on a piece of napkin his name and number for her.

“Call me if you need help” he smile at her.

“Changmin” she read the napkin and nodded. He walked her to the street she claim her home was on. Then he turn around after saying his goodbye to her. She smile thinking how lucky she is today to meet such a nice guy. As she turn around to walk away from the spot she was standing four men in black suit grab her, cover and force her into a van.



He walk over to her desk and grab her binder out of her hand and threw it on the floor. By this time a few people started to enter the office and are looking at them. The head manager of her department, Mr. Kim, walks in just on time just to see what was happening.


“Welcome CEO Jung Yunho!” he quickly said to Yunho and shot a What-is-going-on look at Jana. “Sorry for whatever Ms. Lee did.” He quickly apologize. ‘I didn’t even do anything wrong’ she thought to herself quietly. Yunho shifted his look from Jana to Mr. Kim.


“I need to use her.” He declare not even giving him any reasons. “Find someone to cover her work from now on.” With that he took out her purse from where she put it and drag her by the arm out of the Administration Department to the elevators leaving everyone gossiping about them.


“Let go!” she scream as they up got into the elevator going to the top floor where the CEO office is located. He finally let go of her arm causing her to almost fell on the floor. Her hand was hurting but she dares not to show it in front of him knowing he will only hurt her more. He threw her purse at her.


“Next time if you don’t want to get hurt, you better obey me!” he scowl at her with an angry voice. She kept shut knowing its not going to make the situation any better if she argues with him anyways. He is Yunho after all and its either his way or the highways. The elevator stop at the 26 level and he got out looking back making sure she also did too. “Follow me!” he hissed at her. Not wanting to cause a show she follow quietly behind even though people are staring at them. Many of them greeted Yunho and welcome him back like usual he just nod his head at them not saying a word just like his Grandpa does. She only been in this level a few time since she has no business up here so she’s not familiar with the floor. But he took her into a big office the size of the Administrative office. This was just one single office and she guessed it was going to be his since he is taking over the CEO position his Grandfather has appointed him for.


“Seriously Master Yunho, what do you need me for?” she quickly asked not wasting anytime. 

“Assistant” he reply.

“but I don’t do assistant work, plus you already have one. I can only do administrative work” she shot back at him and quickly turn around to go.

“You will do what I order you to do and I will cut your legs if you walk out of this office, Jana!” he said her name, he only use her name when he is serious and she knows it from previous encounters. One time when he said her name and she did not follow through with his orders he cut off her pony tail. It took her three years to grow back her hair. But she thought about her choices is to either leave and loose her legs or stay in hell, so she set off towards the door.

“Jana! Come back here right now” he’s getting angry. He chase after her and before she can open the door he grab onto her from behind and as she fight trying to break free from him, someone knocked on the door but they couldn’t hear it since they were both still fighting. Suddenly the door swings open and knock both of them down.

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