Chapter 1



From the outside, the Jung Residence seems like a Paradise, a place full of happiness. Indeed it is one of the biggest and largest mansions in Seoul own by none other than the Jung Corporation, the most prosperous Computer Company in the whole country. But from the inside the house is wreck with many family problems.


She grew up living with the Jung for the most part of her life. When she was 9 and her nephew was 7 her sister, Junae took them to live with the Jungs. Although her nephew Changmin is master Jung oldest son, because her sister was not the wanted daughter in law of the late Master Jung (Grandpa), her sister could only be his mistress. Mater Jung consider them family but to the rest of the Jung’s they are nothing more than house servants.


“Why are you home so late?!” Madam Jung questioned her as she enters through the doors. It was 3:45 pm only 15 minutes later than her usual time but today is a special day for Madam Jung which pretty much means it should be a special day for everyone else in the Jung residence.


“Sorry Madam, I was caught up with some work today.” Jana spoke softly with her head hang low not wanting to meet Madam Jung eyes.


“Hurry up and go help the maids in the kitchen, you already know how important today is!!” She scolded Jana.


Of course she remembers! How can she not? Today, the next in line heir of the Jung corps who is Madam Jung’s only son, Jung Yunho, is coming back from his studies in America to take over the company in Seoul. Only 21 but he finished with a master degree in Business at Stanford.


“Yes Mam.” She agree like how she always did for the past 15 years that she been living in the Jung’s residence. Madam Jung gave her a scornful glare and took off to finish her business.


Grandpa Jung only allows for Changmin’s room to be with the rest of the Jung family, after all he is still a descendant of the Jung family but for Jana and her sister they sleep in the smaller rooms in the servant’s quarter of the mansion. As she went inside her room to change into more comfortable clothing to help prepare for the welcome back dinner party for Yunho, she took out a gift bag from her closet and smile at the though of how he would react to her gift. It was a black silk tie that she embroider his name on with an elegant font. She hoped he would like it. She quickly set the bag on her nightstand and went to help out in the kitchen before she has to go through another one of Madam Jung lecture sessions. 


All guest dress up in fancies clothing suitable for their class status and all servants made sure their outfits are clean and wrinkle free. Master Jung flew in from China already and Changmin will be late for the opening but he will be here on time for dinner since he is driving from Daejeon where he is currently attending college. Although today was a rather special day for the Jung residence because Yunho is returning home, to Jana she is just happy to see Changmin whom she haven’t seen since his last break from school.


Because Master Jung is coming home Jana and her sister is required to join the family dinner table but Jana has politely refuse Mr. Jung’s offer knowing that Madam Jung really doesn’t like the idea and she just doesn’t want to cause any commotion. So Jana slip on a knee length black dress with short lace sleeves to match the color of the servants. She wore her 2 inch black heels and braided her hair to the side. 


“Hurry! Hurry! We need to go greet young master!” Manager Hungang, who is in charge of all the servants, shouted at the servants who immediately drop everything they are doing to go line up at the main entrance door to the mansion.


Jana herself also join them in line to welcome back Master Yunho. She hasn’t seen Yunho for the last four years since he went abroad but she prefers it that way for Yunho was never fond of her. Her first meeting with Yunho was when Mr. Jung took in Junae, Changmin, and Jana into the Jung’s residence. At the time Yunho was only 7, for he is only 3 months younger than Changmin, but he has the most evil look on his face. His glare when he looked at Jana for the first time was full of hatred and disgust. Ever since then Jana always tries to avoid Yunho in everyway she can.


All servants line up on both side of the entrance waiting for Yunho. The Limousine stop at the door and the chauffer quickly ran to open the door for his master. Stepping out of the car was the tall handsome young master of the Jung residence. He was wearing a white fitted suit with a black tie.


“Welcome! Master Jung Yunho!” all the servants said in unison, including Jana. Everyone bowed as Yunho walk pass them entering the mansion. Although no one else may notice but Jana, she feels Yunho glare at her from the corner of his eyes as he walked pass her. His glare is still as cold as the first time they met if not even colder through out the years.


Yunho join his parents and the special guest in the main ballroom of the mansion. Jana felt a buzz from her silent phone and she view the message then a smile form on her lips and she quickly went into the back of the house where the smaller entrance of the house is at. Jana got there but didn’t find the person she was anticipating to see.


“Changmin?” Jana call out. “Changmin?” she felt someone tapping on her shoulder and she turn around but find no one. “Changmin, I know it’s you!” she said almost laughing jokingly.


“BOO” Changmin shouted as he jump out of nowhere to scare her. But he has played this scare game on her so much that she is no longer scare of it anymore. Instead she just stares at him with half a smile on.

“You are no fun anymore!” he said laughing. “is it because of your age now auntie?” he ask her half jokingly since she is two years older than him but because they are not far apart their relationship is more like a brother and sister relationship.


“ No,” she said smiling “you just cant scare me anymore so don’t get mad haha.”

“Whatever I still remember the first time I scared you,” he said with confidence.

“Enough about scare,” she said “ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I get to hit you 22 times haha!” before she finished her sentence she already start hitting him. Indeed it is Changmin’s birthday that is why Yunho purposely chose to come back on this date hoping that he will steal all the attention from master Jung.

“Ouch!! Ouch! Aunty stop! Stop! stop!” Changmin screamed while trying to get away from Jana.

“Ahem!” Hungang was at the door eyeing both of them. Jana and Changmin both stop in their tracks and listen to what Hungang has to say.

“Master Jung has called for your presence, Master Changmin.” Hungang said in a clear and loud voice. With that being said Changmin quickly straighten out his suit and give Jana a smile then walk inside the mansion. Jana smile back at Changmin and give him the we-will-continue-this-later look.

“Miss Jana, Madam Jung also asked for you.” he said quickly then took his leave.


From not afar a figure was eyeing Jana as she walk inside the mansion.


“Thank You to all the important guest who came to celebrate tonight’s small dinner with the Jung Family welcoming My wonderful grandson Yunho returning and taking over the Jung corp. in Seoul. Tonight is only a small dinner party we will have the big celebration in a couple days formally announcing his position at the Company!” Grandpa Jung happily introduces and applauds his favorite grandson at the dinner table. Everyone soon also applauded Yunho for his accomplishment even Changmin.


It’s very clear to Changmin that his grandpa favorite Yunho, after all Yunho’s mother is the bride he chose for Master Jung. But Changmin never thought of ever stealing anything that rightful belong to Yunho in the first place that is why he chose to study in arts instead of business. At first his dad refuse but eventually give in understanding his situation.


On the other hand Yunho believe he is born to compete with Changmin. He hated Changmin! He hates how his father loves Changmin’s mother more than his mother; he hated how his father loves Changmin more than him! He hate changmin, he hates chagmin’s mother and he hates Jana! Ever since the day they move in his father treated him differently. He seen how hurt his mother was when his dad took in Changmin’s mother and he hated his father ever since!


After the party, the guests went home and the servants start to clean up. Jana help them finish cleaning up then she went to grab her gift from her room and went to the back of the mansion to Changmin and her favorite spot when they were kids. It was late already around half past ten but it was a full moon tonight so there was brightness in this dark hours. Underneath the big willow tree she saw his figure standing there with his back towards her. She look at her gift bag and smile cheesy then started to walk towards him…


“You seem extremely happy just seeing me?" 

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