Not Your Average Dolls

Beyond Belief: One-shots of Plot Twist

       The boyband DBSK has been very popular for almost 10 years. However, before they could show up for their 10th anniversary concert, they disappeared. No one knows how and no one knows why. I, alone, know the story.


       It was a clear, sunny day. I had just finished my post on DBSK’s latest concert. I run a DBSK blog and blog about my concert attending. I then opened up my diary to a fresh page and began writing. Last night’s dream terrified me. I dreamed something bad was going to happen to the boys. I knew no one was going to believe me, so I wrote it down, like I did with every bad dream I had.


       DBSK had just finished recording their latest album and went to a restaurant to celebrate. They invited me, as I was their childhood friend.


       After the celebration, we wandered around the streets of Seoul, killing some time before heading back to the dorm. While walking down a street, we passed by a psychic. Me, being as I was, wanted to go in there and check it out. I ignored the bad feeling welling up inside me and headed in without the guys. They waited outside for me, as they were not superstitious, so why waste money on a fortune being told? Little did they know, their ignorance would cause them to befall ill fortune.

As I headed inside, the strong scent of lavender assaulted my senses. The lash behind the counter beckoned me to come closer. I sat in front of her as she started to consult her crystal ball. After telling me what she foresaw, her voice became different and another fortune came out. What it said scared me senseless. I quickly left the shop in search of the boys.

~ An unknown disease will befall the five friends whom you associate with. There will be nothing you can do to stop it. It will come when people are expecting them. They will be safe, but they will never know what has happened. ~


       I told the boys what the fortune teller told me, and how I had a bad feeling she was right. They asked me what I could do to prevent anything from happening, since they had another concert in a week’s time. I told them I couldn’t do anything, and we should all hope for the best.


       A week passed, and not much happened. I was grateful, but they bad feeling was still nagging me. I advised them to postpone their concert, but there was nothing they could do. All the tickets had been sold out, and they couldn’t return them without upsetting all their fans.


       During the morning of the concert, I heard the alarms go off, but no one turned them off, Growing annoyed, I yelled from them to turn their alarms off. When no one answered me, I went to each of their rooms to turn the alarm off. As I walked through the rooms in a post-sleep haze, I noticed no of them were in their bed. It was strange; their beds were still messy, and I didn’t hear any sound of water. As I left the last room, a glimmer of light caught my eye on the bed. A bad feeling washed over me as I stepped closer to the bed. I picked up the object on the bed and nearly fell over in shock.


       It was Changmin, or a doll that looked like Changmin. I rushed over to the other rooms to see if the others had been turned into dolls like Changmin. As I picked them all up, I checked to see if it was actually them. After confirming, I put them all in my bag and headed to the fortune teller I went to. However, hard as I tried to look, I couldn’t find the shop. It had mysteriously disappeared.




A/N: Scary thing is, the story this was inspired from is actually real. Accoring to beyond belief that is. As always thanks for reading, and leave a comment to tell me what you think :)

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phinea2009 #1
Chapter 4: This story is really sweet. Changmin's thoughts atbthe end are right on the money.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this story.
Chapter 1: I love the Beyond Belief stories!You making a YJ story based on one of them is gold,plus it's one of my favorite Beyond Belief stories xD Gosh it's so sad though >.< They are newlyweds and then that had to happen >.< But it was also romantic that Yunho still wanted to make sure that Jaejoong gets the ring despite his condition >.< Well done!